Type alias FindInPageOptions

FindInPageOptions: {
    findNext?: boolean;
    forward?: boolean;
    matchCase?: boolean;
    medialCapitalAsWordStart?: boolean;
    wordStart?: boolean;

Configuration for find-in-page requests.

Type declaration

  • Optional findNext?: boolean

    Default Value


    Begins a new text-finding session; should be true for first request only, and false on subsequent requests.

  • Optional forward?: boolean

    Default Value


    Searches in the forward direction (backward otherwise)

  • Optional matchCase?: boolean

    Default Value


    Enables case-sensitive searching.

  • Optional medialCapitalAsWordStart?: boolean

    Default Value


    When combined with wordStart, accepts a match in the middle of a word if the match begins with an uppercase letter followed by a
    lowercase or non-letter. Accepts several other intra-word matches.

  • Optional wordStart?: boolean

    Default Value


    Only searches from the start of words.

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