Type alias ConstViewOptions

ConstViewOptions: {
    accelerator?: Partial<Accelerator>;
    autoplayPolicy: AutoplayPolicyOptions;
    bounds: Bounds;
    contentCreation: ContentCreationOptions;
    customRequestHeaders: CustomRequestHeaders[];
    enableBeforeUnload: boolean;
    experimental: any;
    fdc3InteropApi?: string;
    hotkeys: Hotkey[];
    manifestUrl: string;
    name: string;
    permissions: Partial<Permissions>;
    preloadScripts: PreloadScript[];
    processAffinity: string;
    target: Identity;
    url: string;
    zoomLevel: number;

View options that cannot be updated after creation.

Type declaration

  • Optional accelerator?: Partial<Accelerator>

    Enable keyboard shortcuts for devtools, zoom, reload, and reload ignoring cache.

  • autoplayPolicy: AutoplayPolicyOptions

    Autoplay policy to apply to content in the window, can be no-user-gesture-required, user-gesture-required, document-user-activation-required. Defaults to no-user-gesture-required.

  • bounds: Bounds

    Initial bounds given relative to the window.

  • contentCreation: ContentCreationOptions

    Configures how new content (e,g, from window.open or a link) is opened.

  • customRequestHeaders: CustomRequestHeaders[]

    Custom headers for requests sent by the view.

  • enableBeforeUnload: boolean
  • experimental: any
  • Optional fdc3InteropApi?: string
  • hotkeys: Hotkey[]

    Defines the hotkeys that will be emitted as a hotkey event on the view. For usage example see [example]{@tutorial hotkeys}. Within Platform, OpenFin also implements a set of pre-defined actions called [keyboard commands]https://developers.openfin.co/docs/platform-api#section-5-3-using-keyboard-commands that can be assigned to a specific hotkey in the platform manifest.

  • manifestUrl: string

    Platforms Only. Url to a manifest that contains View Options. Properties other than manifestUrl can still be used but the properties in the manifest will take precedence if there is any collision.

  • name: string

    The name of the view.

  • permissions: Partial<Permissions>
  • preloadScripts: PreloadScript[]

    Scripts that run before page load. When omitted, inherits from the parent application.

  • processAffinity: string

    String tag that attempts to group like-tagged renderers together. Will only be used if pages are on the same origin.

  • target: Identity

    The identity of the window this view should be attached to.

  • url: string

    Default Value


    The URL of the window

  • zoomLevel: number

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