
An iframe represents an embedded HTML page within a parent HTML page. Because this embedded page has its own DOM and global JS context (which may or may not be linked to that of the parent depending on if it is considered out of the root domain or not), it represents a unique endpoint as an OpenFin connection. Iframes may be generated dynamically, or be present on initial page load and each non-CORS iframe has the OpenFin API injected by default. It is possible to opt into cross-origin iframes having the API by setting api.iframe.crossOriginInjection to true in a window's options. To block all iframes from getting the API injected you can set api.frame.sameOriginInjection to false (see Window~options).

To be able to directly address this context for eventing and messaging purposes, it needs a unique uuid name pairing. For OpenFin applications and windows this is provided via a configuration object in the form of a manifest URL or options object, but there is no configuration object for iframes. Just as a call to outside of our Window API returns a new window with a random GUID assigned for the name, each iframe that has the API injected will be assigned a GUID as its name, the UUID will be the same as the parent window's.

The fin.Frame namespace represents a way to interact with iframes and facilitates the discovery of current context (iframe or main window) as well as the ability to listen for frame-specific events.





  • EmitterBase<FrameEvents>
    • Frame



addListener: (<EventType>(eventType: EventType, listener: EventHandler<OpenFin.FrameEvents.FrameEvent, EventType>, options?: SubscriptionOptions) => Promise<Frame>) = ...

Type declaration

identity: Identity
wire: Transport<EntityType>



  • Type Parameters

    • EventType extends string


    • eventType: EventType
    • payload: Extract<EmitterEvent, {
          type: EventType;
    • Rest ...args: any[]

    Returns boolean

  • Returns (string | symbol)[]

  • Returns a frame info object for the represented frame




    Returns Promise<FrameInfo>

  • Returns a frame info object representing the window that the referenced iframe is currently embedded in




    Returns Promise<FrameInfo>

  • Parameters

    • type: string | symbol

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    • type: string | symbol

    Returns Function[]

  • Parameters

    • Optional eventType: "connected" | "disconnected"

    Returns Promise<Frame>

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