Type alias Accelerator

Accelerator: {
    devtools: boolean;
    reload: boolean;
    reloadIgnoringCache: boolean;
    zoom: boolean;

Enable keyboard shortcuts for devtools, zoom, reload, and reload ignoring cache.

Type declaration

  • devtools: boolean

    If true, enables the devtools keyboard shortcut:
    Ctrl + Shift + I (Toggles Devtools)

  • reload: boolean

    If true, enables the reload keyboard shortcuts:
    Ctrl + R (Windows)
    F5 (Windows)
    Command + R (Mac)

  • reloadIgnoringCache: boolean

    If true, enables the reload-from-source keyboard shortcuts:
    Ctrl + Shift + R (Windows)
    Shift + F5 (Windows)
    Command + Shift + R (Mac)

  • zoom: boolean

    NOTE: It is not recommended to set this value to true for Windows in Platforms as that may lead to unexpected visual shifts in layout. If true, enables the zoom keyboard shortcuts:
    Ctrl + + (Zoom In)
    Ctrl + Shift + + (Zoom In)
    Ctrl + NumPad+ (Zoom In)
    Ctrl + - (Zoom Out)
    Ctrl + Shift + - (Zoom Out)
    Ctrl + NumPad- (Zoom Out)
    Ctrl + Scroll (Zoom In & Out)
    Ctrl + 0 (Restore to 100%)

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