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AbstractAnimation - Class in com.openfin.desktop.animation
Super class of all animation classes.
AbstractAnimation() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.animation.AbstractAnimation
AbstractProtocolHandler - Class in
AbstractProtocolHandler(Channel) - Constructor for class
AbstractServiceClient - Class in
AbstractServiceClient(String, DesktopConnection) - Constructor for class
AcceleratorOptions - Class in com.openfin.desktop
Window creation options that enable keyboard shortcuts for devtools, zoom, reload, and reload ignoring cache.
AcceleratorOptions() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.AcceleratorOptions
AcceleratorOptions(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.AcceleratorOptions
acceptAnswer(JSONObject, CompletableFuture<Boolean>) - Method in class
acceptAnswer(JSONObject, CompletableFuture<Boolean>) - Method in class
Accept answer from a channel provider
acceptOffer(JSONObject) - Method in class
acceptOffer(JSONObject) - Method in class
Ack - Class in com.openfin.desktop
A message that is delivered to an AckListener when an action has been processed by AppDesktop
Ack(JSONObject, Object) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.Ack
Ack constructor
AckListener - Interface in com.openfin.desktop
Interface which listens for acknowledgement of messages sent to AppDesktop.
ActionEvent - Class in com.openfin.desktop
An Event object is passed to EventListener when the registered event occurs.
ActionEvent(String, JSONObject, Object) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.ActionEvent
addAppAsset(JSONObject) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Add configuration of an app asset
addChannelListener(ChannelListener) - Method in class
addChannelListener(ChannelListener) - Method in class
addChannelListener(DataChannelListener) - Method in class
addConfigurationItem(String, Object) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Add a configuration setting for launching Runtime.
addContextListener(ContextListener, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.FDC3Client
Adds a listener for incoming context broadcast from the Desktop Agent.
addContextListener(ContextListener) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClient
Adds a context listener for incoming context.
addContextListener(ContextListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClientImpl
addContextListener(String, ContextListener) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClient
Adds a context listener for incoming context of specified context type.
addContextListener(String, ContextListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClientImpl
addEventCallback(JSONObject, EventListener, AckListener, Object) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
Registers an event listener on the specified event
addEventCallbackAsync(JSONObject, EventListener, Object) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
addEventListener(Window, String, EventListener) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopUtils
Add event listener to a window.
addEventListener(String, EventListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.Platform
Add a platform event listener.
addEventListener(String, EventListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
addEventListener(String, EventListener, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Registers an event listener on the specified event.
addEventListener(String, EventListener, AckListener) - Method in class
Registers an event listener on the specified event
addEventListener(String, EventListener, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Registers an event listener on the specified event
addEventListener(String, EventListener, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Registers an event listener on the specified event.
addEventListener(String, NotificationEventListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.Notifications
Add a listener to handle specified notification events.
addEventListener(JSONObject, EventListener, AckListener) - Method in class
Registers an event listener on the specified event
addEventListener(JSONObject, EventListener, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Registers an event listener on the specified event
addExternalMessageHandler(ExternalMessageListener, Object) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
Registers a listener to handle messages for this connection's UUID originating via HTTPS/HTTP
addIntentListener(String, IntentListener, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.FDC3Client
Adds a listener for incoming Intents from the Agent.
addProviderListener(ChannelProviderListener) - Method in class
Add a listener for channel provider events
addService(String, String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
addSubscribeListener(SubscriptionListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.InterApplicationBus
Registers a listener which is called whenever a subscription occurs.
afterAction - Variable in class
afterExecute(Runnable, Throwable) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinThreadPool
animate(AnimationTransitions, AnimationOptions, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Performs the specified window transitions
AnimationOptions - Class in com.openfin.desktop.animation
A class representing the options for a Window animation.
AnimationOptions(Boolean) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.animation.AnimationOptions
Constructs an instance with the passed value for property Interrupt
AnimationTransitions - Class in com.openfin.desktop.animation
A class representing a collection of transitions for a Window animation.
AnimationTransitions() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.animation.AnimationTransitions
ApiOptions - Class in com.openfin.desktop.platform
ApiOptions() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.platform.ApiOptions
ApiOptions(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.platform.ApiOptions
AppIntent - Class in com.openfin.desktop.fdc3
AppIntent(IntentMetadata, List<AppMetadata>) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.AppIntent
Application - Class in com.openfin.desktop
An object representing the Application.
Application(ApplicationOptions, DesktopConnection, AckListener) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Application Constructor
ApplicationOptions - Class in com.openfin.desktop
Helper object that provides getters/setters for the various options needed for creating an Application.
ApplicationOptions(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.ApplicationOptions
ApplicationOptions(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.ApplicationOptions
Constructs an instance with the passed options.
applyPreset(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Layout
Replaces a Platform window's layout with a preset layout arrangement using the existing Views attached to the window.
applySnapshot(PlatformSnapshot, PlatformSnapshotOptions) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.Platform
Adds a snapshot to a running Platform.
applySnapshot(String, PlatformSnapshotOptions) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.Platform
Adds a snapshot to a running Platform.
applySnapshot(JSONObject) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.snapshot.SnapshotSourceProvider
The method to be invoked when applying the snapshot.
applySnapshotAsync(JSONObject) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.snapshot.SnapshotSourceClient
Applies specified snapshot object to the snapshot provider.
AppMetadata - Class in com.openfin.desktop.fdc3
App metadata is Desktop Agent specific - but should always support a name property.
AppMetadata(String) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.AppMetadata
AsyncCallback<T> - Interface in com.openfin.desktop
The interface a caller must implement to receive a response from a call to Runtime.
authenticate(String, String, boolean, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
authenticate a user.
AutoResizeOptions - Class in com.openfin.desktop.platform
AutoResizeOptions() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.platform.AutoResizeOptions
AutoResizeOptions(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.platform.AutoResizeOptions


beforeAction - Variable in class
beforeExecute(Thread, Runnable) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinThreadPool
blur() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Removes focus to the window
blur(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Removes focus to the window
bottom - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWRECT
bringToFront() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Brings the window to the front of the window stack
bringToFront(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Brings the window to the front of the window stack
broadcast(Context, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.FDC3Client
Publishes context to other apps on the desktop.
BusListener - Interface in com.openfin.desktop
Listener for subscribed messages.
ButtonOptions - Class in com.openfin.desktop.notifications
Configuration options for constructing a button within a notification.
ButtonOptions(String) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.ButtonOptions
ButtonOptions(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.ButtonOptions
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.win32.DesktopPortHandler.COPYDATASTRUCT.ByReference


callback(WinDef.HWND, int, WinDef.WPARAM, WinDef.LPARAM) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.DesktopPortHandler
callback(WinDef.HWND, int, WinDef.WPARAM, Pointer) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.win32.WindowProcCallback
CallWindowProc(Pointer, WinDef.HWND, int, WinDef.WPARAM, Pointer) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper.CustomUser32
cancel(boolean) - Method in class
cancel(boolean) - Method in class
cbData - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.DesktopPortHandler.COPYDATASTRUCT
The size, in bytes, of the data pointed to by the lpData member.
ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx(WinDef.HWND, int, WinDef.DWORD, Pointer) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper.CustomUser32
channel - Variable in class
Channel - Class in
The Channel object allows an OpenFin application to create a channel as a ChannelProvider, or connect to a channel as a ChannelClient.
Channel - Class in com.openfin.desktop.fdc3
Channel(String, DesktopConnection) - Constructor for class
ChannelAction - Interface in
The ChannelAction interface should be implemented when registering actions by ChannelProvider or ChannelClient
channelActionMap - Variable in class
ChannelBase - Class in
ChannelBase(EndpointIdentity) - Constructor for class
channelClient - Variable in class
ChannelClient - Class in
ChannelClientConnectEvent - Class in
ChannelClientConnectEvent(String, String, String, String, String, Object) - Constructor for class
ChannelListener - Interface in
channelName - Variable in class
ChannelProvider - Class in
ChannelProviderListener - Interface in
CLASSIC_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class
ClassicProtocolHandler - Class in
ClassicProtocolHandler(Channel) - Constructor for class
cleanup() - Method in class
cleanup() - Method in class
cleanup() - Method in class
cleanup() - Method in class
cleanup() - Method in class
clear(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.Notifications
Clears a specific notification from the Notification Center.
clearAll() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.Notifications
Clears all Notifications which were created by the calling application, including child windows.
clearCache(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Clears cached data containing window state/positions, application resource files (images, HTML, JavaScript files) cookies, and items stored in the Local Storage.
clearCache(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Clears cached data containing window state/positions, application resource files (images, HTML, JavaScript files) cookies, and items stored in the Local Storage.
clientEndpointIdentity - Variable in class
ClientIdentity - Class in
ClientIdentity - Class in com.openfin.desktop
ClientIdentity() - Constructor for class
ClientIdentity() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.ClientIdentity
ClientIdentity(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.ClientIdentity
ClientIdentity(JSONObject) - Constructor for class
ClientIdentity(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.ClientIdentity
close() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Closes the application and any child windows created by the application
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Closes the window
close(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Closes the window
close(Boolean, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Closes the application with a listener that gets called if the method succeeds
close(Boolean, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Closes the window
close(String) - Method in class
closeAsync(Boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
closeView(PlatformView) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.Platform
Closes a specified view in a target window.
com.openfin.desktop - package com.openfin.desktop
com.openfin.desktop.animation - package com.openfin.desktop.animation - package - package
com.openfin.desktop.fdc3 - package com.openfin.desktop.fdc3
com.openfin.desktop.interop - package com.openfin.desktop.interop - package
com.openfin.desktop.nix - package com.openfin.desktop.nix
com.openfin.desktop.notifications - package com.openfin.desktop.notifications - package
com.openfin.desktop.platform - package com.openfin.desktop.platform
com.openfin.desktop.snapshot - package com.openfin.desktop.snapshot
com.openfin.desktop.test - package com.openfin.desktop.test
com.openfin.desktop.win32 - package com.openfin.desktop.win32
configPayload - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
connect() - Method in class
connect(AckListener) - Method in class
connect(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.FDC3Client
connect(AsyncCallback<ChannelClient>) - Method in class
connect(ProtocolOptions, AsyncCallback<ChannelClient>) - Method in class
connect(DesktopStateListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
Connects to an Runtime process.
connect(RuntimeConfiguration, DesktopStateListener, int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
Connect to Runtime with the specified configuration.
connect(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.Interop
Creates a new Interop Client and connects to the Interop Broker.
connectAsync() - Method in class
Connect to a channel provider
connectAsync(Boolean, Object, ProtocolOptions) - Method in class
Connect to a channel provider
connectAsync(Object) - Method in class
Connect to a channel provider
connectAsync(Object, ProtocolOptions) - Method in class
Connect to a channel provider
connection - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
connection - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
ConnectionEvent - Class in
ConnectionEvent(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
ConnectionEvent(JSONObject) - Constructor for class
ContentNavigationOptions - Class in com.openfin.desktop.platform
ContentNavigationOptions() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.platform.ContentNavigationOptions
ContentNavigationOptions(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.platform.ContentNavigationOptions
Context - Class in com.openfin.desktop.fdc3
Context can be summarised as: Having a unique type identifier, used for routing.
Context - Class in com.openfin.desktop.interop
Context() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.interop.Context
Context(String) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.Context
Context(String, String) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.Context
Context(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.interop.Context
ContextGroupInfo - Class in com.openfin.desktop.interop
ContextGroupInfo() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.interop.ContextGroupInfo
ContextGroupInfo(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.interop.ContextGroupInfo
ContextListener - Interface in com.openfin.desktop.fdc3
ContextListener - Interface in com.openfin.desktop.interop
ContextMenuSettings - Class in com.openfin.desktop.platform
ContextMenuSettings() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.platform.ContextMenuSettings
ContextMenuSettings(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.platform.ContextMenuSettings
COPYDATASTRUCT() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.win32.DesktopPortHandler.COPYDATASTRUCT
Instantiates a new COPYDATASTRUCT.
COPYDATASTRUCT(long) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.win32.DesktopPortHandler.COPYDATASTRUCT
Instantiates a new COPYDATASTRUCT with existing data given the address of that data.
COPYDATASTRUCT(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.win32.DesktopPortHandler.COPYDATASTRUCT
Instantiates a new COPYDATASTRUCT with existing data given a pointer to that data.
create(AsyncCallback<ChannelProvider>) - Method in class
create(AsyncCallback<ChannelProvider>, ProtocolOptions) - Method in class
create(NotificationOptions) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.Notifications
Creates a new notification.
createAnswer() - Method in class
createApplication(ApplicationOptions, DesktopConnection) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
createAsync() - Method in class
createAsync(List<ProtocolOptions>) - Method in class
createChannelClient() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.test.Test
Create a channel client that invokes "getValue", "increment" and "incrementBy n" actions
createChannelProvider() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.test.Test
Create a provider that supports "getValue", "increment" and "incrementBy n" actions
createChildWindow(WindowOptions, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Create a child window of this application
CreateDescObserver - Class in
CreateDescObserver() - Constructor for class
createFromManifest(String, AsyncCallback<Application>, AckListener, DesktopConnection) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Retrieves application's manifest and returns a wrapped application.
createFromManifestAsync(String, DesktopConnection) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
createProtocolHandler(ProtocolOptions, Channel) - Static method in class
createSnapshotSourceClientAsync(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.snapshot.SnapshotSource
Asynchronously returns a SnapshotSourceClient object that connects to the specified snapshot source provider.
createView(PlatformViewOptions, Identity) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.Platform
Creates a new view and attaches it to a specified target window.
createWindow(WindowOptions) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.Platform
Creates a new Window.
CustomData - Class in com.openfin.desktop.notifications
Application-defined context data that can be attached to notifications.
CustomData() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.CustomData
CustomData(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.CustomData
customUser32 - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
cx - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWPOS
cx - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWPOS2
cy - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWPOS
cy - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWPOS2


DataChannel - Class in
DataChannel(RTCDataChannel) - Constructor for class
DataChannel(RTCPeerConnection, String) - Constructor for class
DataChannelListener - Interface in
DataChannelListener.State - Enum in
defaultAction - Variable in class
DefWindowProc(WinDef.HWND, int, WinDef.WPARAM, Pointer) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper.CustomUser32
deleteCacheOnRestart() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Clears all cached data when Runtime is restarted
deleteCacheOnRestart(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Clears all cached data when App Desktop is restarted
desktopConnection - Variable in class
DesktopConnection - Class in com.openfin.desktop
A object for launching, connecting to, and controlling Runtime.
DesktopConnection(String) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
Creates a new connection to Runtime.
DesktopConnection(String, String, Integer) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
DesktopException - Exception in com.openfin.desktop
Exception thrown by the API.
DesktopException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.openfin.desktop.DesktopException
DesktopException(String) - Constructor for exception com.openfin.desktop.DesktopException
DesktopIOException - Exception in com.openfin.desktop
Network or File IO Exception from Adapter
DesktopIOException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.openfin.desktop.DesktopIOException
DesktopIOException(String) - Constructor for exception com.openfin.desktop.DesktopIOException
DesktopPortHandler - Class in com.openfin.desktop.win32
Create native Windows and listens to WM_COPYDATA from Runtime for Runtime port discovery.
DesktopPortHandler.COPYDATASTRUCT - Class in com.openfin.desktop.win32
DesktopPortHandler.COPYDATASTRUCT.ByReference - Class in com.openfin.desktop.win32
The by-reference version of this structure.
DesktopPortHandler.TimeoutThread - Class in com.openfin.desktop.win32
DesktopPortHandler.WinMessageThread - Class in com.openfin.desktop.win32
DesktopStateListener - Interface in com.openfin.desktop
listener interface for receiving status updates from AppDesktop.
DesktopUtils - Class in com.openfin.desktop
Helper methods
DesktopUtils() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopUtils
destroy(AckListener) - Method in class
Destroy the channel
disableFrame(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
use disableUserMovement() instead.
disableUserMovement(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Prevents a user from changing a window's size/position when using the window's frame
disconnect() - Method in class
Disconnect from the channel.
disconnect() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
Disconnects from Runtime
disconnect(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
dispatch(AbstractProtocolHandler, JSONObject, String, JSONObject, AckListener) - Method in class
Dispatch an action to a specified client.
dispatch(String, JSONObject, AckListener) - Method in class
Dispatch the given action to the channel provider.
dispatch(JSONObject, String, JSONObject, AckListener) - Method in class
Dispatch an action to a specified client.
dispatchAsync(AbstractProtocolHandler, JSONObject, String, Object) - Method in class
dispatchAsync(String, Object) - Method in class
Dispatch an action to a specified client.
dispatchAsync(JSONObject, String, JSONObject) - Method in class
Dispatch an action to a specified client.
DisplayMetadata - Class in com.openfin.desktop.interop
DisplayMetadata() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.interop.DisplayMetadata
DisplayMetadata(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.interop.DisplayMetadata
dispose() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver
Ensures this window is deregistered on disposal
dwData - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.DesktopPortHandler.COPYDATASTRUCT
The data to be passed to the receiving application.


embed(long, WindowBounds, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.EmbeddedWindow
embedComponentSizeChange(int, int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Update width and height of parent window for embedded window
embedComponentSizeChange(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.EmbeddedWindow
embedComponentSizeChange(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Update width and height of parent window for embedded window
EmbeddedWindow - Class in com.openfin.desktop.win32
EmbeddedWindow(Window) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.win32.EmbeddedWindow
embedInto(long, int, int, int, int, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Embeds a window in a target window
embedInto(long, int, int, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Embeds a window in a target window
enableFrame(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Allows a user from changing a window's size/position when using the window's frame
endpointIdentity - Variable in class
endpointIdentity - Variable in class
EndpointIdentity - Class in
EndpointIdentity(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
EndpointIdentity(JSONObject) - Constructor for class
enterSizeMove() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver
equals(Object) - Method in class
errorAck(AckListener, Ack) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopUtils
errorAckOnException(AckListener, Object, Exception) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopUtils
Call onError of an AckListen for an exception
EVENT_TYPE_ACTION - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.Notifications
EVENT_TYPE_CLOSED - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.Notifications
EVENT_TYPE_CREATED - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.Notifications
EventListener - Interface in com.openfin.desktop
Interface which listens for messages from AppDesktop.
eventListenerPayload - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
eventReceived(ActionEvent) - Method in class
eventReceived(ActionEvent) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.EventListener
Invoked when registered event occurs
execute(Runnable) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinThreadPool
executeJavaScript(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
executeJavaScript(String, AsyncCallback<Object>, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Executes Javascript on the window, restricted to windows you own or windows owned by applications you have created.
exit() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
Notify Runtime to exit
exit() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Exit Runtime
exitSizeMove() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver
ExternalMessageListener - Interface in com.openfin.desktop
Interface for processing external messages targeted at an application originating from HTTP/HTTPS.
ExternalMessageResultHandler - Interface in com.openfin.desktop
Interface to communicate results from calls to an ExternalMessageHandler back to the AppDesktop.
ExternalWindowObserver - Class in com.openfin.desktop.win32
Integrates a window outside of the desktop for interaction and control with the API.
ExternalWindowObserver(int, String, String, Window, AckListener) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver
Establishes a connection and registers the window identified by hWnd with the Runtime.
ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWPOS - Class in com.openfin.desktop.win32
ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWPOS2 - Class in com.openfin.desktop.win32
Structure of WindowPos
ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWRECT - Class in com.openfin.desktop.win32


FDC3Client - Class in com.openfin.desktop.fdc3
FeedApplication - Class in com.openfin.desktop.notifications
Details of the application that will handle any actions coming from a particular push notification.
FeedApplication(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.FeedApplication
findInPage(String, FindInPageOptions) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
FindInPageOptions - Class in com.openfin.desktop
FindInPageOptions() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.FindInPageOptions
findIntent(String, Context, AsyncCallback<AppIntent>) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.FDC3Client
Find out more information about a particular intent by passing its name, and optionally its context.
findIntentsByContext(Context, AsyncCallback<List<AppIntent>>) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.FDC3Client
Find all the avalable intents for a particular context.
fireChannelConnectEvent(ConnectionEvent) - Method in class
fireChannelDisconnectEvent(ConnectionEvent) - Method in class
fireClientConnectEvent(ChannelClientConnectEvent) - Method in class
fireClientDisconnectEvent(ChannelClientConnectEvent) - Method in class
fireEvent(WinDef.HWND, ActionEvent) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.DesktopPortHandler
fireIntent(Intent) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClient
Sends an intent to the Interop Broker to resolve.
fireIntent(Intent) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClientImpl
flags - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWPOS
flags - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWPOS2
flash(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Draws attention to the window by flashing the taskbar and window caption.
focus() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Gives focus to the window
focus(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Gives focus to the window
focusAsync() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
fromJson(JSONObject) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.Context


generateRuntimeConfig() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Generates JSON string that can be passed as --config to RVM and Insaller
generateWorkspace(AsyncCallback<JSONObject>, AckListener) - Method in class
get() - Method in class
get() - Method in class
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class
get(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
getAccelerator() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
Get keyboard shortcut options.
getAdapterBuildTime() - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Get build time of java adapter
getAdapterBuildTime() - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.System
Get build time of java adapter
getAdapterVersion() - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Get version info of java adapter
getAdapterVersion() - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.System
Get version info of java adapter
getAdditionalRvmArguments() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Get additional arguments for RVM and Installer
getAll() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.Notifications
Retrieves all Notifications which were created by the calling application, including child windows.
getAllApplications(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Retrieves an array of data (uuid, running/active state) for all application windows
getAllClientsInContextGroup(String) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClient
Gets all clients for a context group.
getAllClientsInContextGroup(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClientImpl
getAllWindows(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
The object passed to callback takes the form:
getApplication() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationSourceFeed
getApplicationIcon() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.ApplicationOptions
Gets URL of application icon
getApps() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.AppIntent
getAppUuid() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver
Get UUID of parent application
getArray(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
getAutoResizeOptions() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformViewOptions
getAutoShow() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The AutoShow property represents a flag to automatically show the Window when it is created.
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformViewOptions
getBlacklist() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.ContentNavigationOptions
getBody() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
getBoolean(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
getBooleanValue(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
Helper method to extract data field from underlying JSONObject
getBooleanValue(String, boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
Helper method to extract data field from underlying JSONObject
getBooleanValue(JSONObject, String, Boolean) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonUtils
Retrieve an Boolean value from a JSONObject
getBounds() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformViewOptions
getBounds(AsyncCallback<WindowBounds>, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Gets the current bounds (top, left, width, height) of the window
getButtons() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
getCategory() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
getChannel() - Method in class
getChannel(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
Gets specified channel.
getChannelById(String, AsyncCallback<Channel>) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.FDC3Client
getChannelClient() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.Platform
getChannelConnectPayload(Object) - Method in class
create payload for connecting to provider.
getChannelCreatePayload() - Method in class
getChannelId() - Method in class
getChannelId() - Method in class
getChannelId() - Method in class
getChannelName() - Method in class
getChannelName() - Method in class
getChannelName() - Method in class
getChildWindows() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
getChildWindows(AsyncCallback<List<Window>>, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Retrieves an list of wrapped fin.desktop.Windows for each of the application’s child windows
getColor() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.DisplayMetadata
getCommandLineArguments(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Retrieves the command line argument string that started App Desktop
getComponentName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutContentOptionsImpl
getConfig() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Layout
Returns the configuration of the window's layout.
getConfig(String, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Retrieves the Runtime's configuration
getConnection() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Returns the applications connection object
getConnection() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
Get DesktopConnection of this window
getContent() - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.LayoutContentOptions
getContent() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutContentOptionsImpl
getContent() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutOptions
getContext() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.Intent
getContextGroups() - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClient
Gets the Interop-Broker-defined context groups available for an entity to join.
getContextGroups() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClientImpl
getContextMenu() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The ContextMenu property represents a flag to show the context menu when right-clicking on a window.
getContextMenuSettings() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformViewOptions
getCornerRoundingHeight() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The CornerRoundingHeight property represents the rounded corners to apply.
getCornerRoundingWidth() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The CornerRoundingHeight property represents the rounded corners to apply.
getCrossOriginInjection() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.IFrameOptions
getCta() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.ButtonOptions
getCurrentContext(AsyncCallback<Context>) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.Channel
getCurrentWindow() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformView
GetCursorPos(WinDef.POINT) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper.CustomUser32
getCustomContext() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformViewOptions
getCustomData() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
getCustomData() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformViewOptions
getData() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Ack
Returns the value of "data" from message as JObject
getData() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.IntentResolution
getDate() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
getDefaultCentered() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The DefaultCentered property specifies that the window will be positioned in the center of the primary monitor when loaded for the first time on a machine.
getDefaultChannel(AsyncCallback<Channel>) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.FDC3Client
getDefaultHeight() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The DefaultWidth property represents the window's default height in pixels.
getDefaultLeft() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The DefaultLeft property represents the window's default left position.
getDefaultTop() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The DefaultTop property represents the window's default top position.
getDefaultWidth() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The DefaultWidth property represents the window's default width in pixels.
getDesktopConnection() - Method in class
getDesktopConnection() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver
getDeviceId() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.MonitorDetails
getDeviceScaleFactor() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.MonitorDetails
getDeviceScaleFactor() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.MonitorInfo
getDisplayMetadata() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.ContextGroupInfo
getDisplayname() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.PrinterInfo
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.IntentMetadata
getDoubleValue(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
Helper method to extract data field from underlying JSONObject
getDoubleValue(String, double) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
getDoubleValue(JSONObject, String, Double) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonUtils
Retrieve an Double value from a JSONObject
getDpi() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.MonitorInfo
getDuration() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.OpacityTransition
Gets value of duration
getDuration() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.PositionTransition
Gets value of duration
getDuration() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.SizeTransition
Gets value of duration
getEffectivePipeName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.nix.NamedPipePortHandler
getEffectivePipeName() - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.PortDiscoveryHandler
getEffectivePipeName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.DesktopPortHandler
getEffectivePipeName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.NamedPipePortHandler
getEndpointId() - Method in class
getEndpointId() - Method in class
getEndpointId() - Method in class
getEndpointId() - Method in class
getEndpointId() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.ClientIdentity
getEndpointIdentity() - Method in class
getEntityInfo(String, String, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Returns a frame info object relating to the entity specified by the uuid and name passed in.
getEnvironmentVariable(String, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Retrieve name of a environment variable
getEnvironmentVariables(String[], AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Retrieve name of environment variables
getErrorStack() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Ack
When the ack was not successful, it might cause Openfin Desktop Runtime error.
getEventHandler() - Method in class
getEventListener() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.DesktopPortHandler.WinMessageThread
getEventObject() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.ActionEvent
Gets event data object
getEventTopicName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformView
getEventTopicName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
getEventTopicName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
getExistingRVM() - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeLauncher
getExpires() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.nix.NamedPipePortHandler.SockAddr
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.DesktopPortHandler.COPYDATASTRUCT
Returns the serialized order of this structure's fields.
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWPOS
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWPOS2
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWRECT
getFrame() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The Frame property represents a flag to show the frame.
getGlyph() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.DisplayMetadata
getGroup(AsyncCallback<List<Window>>, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Passes a list of wrapped windows in the same group An empty list is returned if the window is not in a group.
getGroups(AsyncCallback<List<List<Window>>>, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Retrieves an array of active window groups for all of the application's windows.
getHeight() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.SizeTransition
Gets value of height
getHeight() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowBounds
getHideOnClose() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The HideOnClose property represents a flag to allow a window to be hidden when the close button is clicked.
getHostSpecs(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Get system information
gethWnd() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.DesktopPortHandler.WinMessageThread
getIcon() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
getIconUrl() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.ButtonOptions
getIconUrl(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.ButtonOptions
getId() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.Channel
getId() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.Context
getId() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.ContextGroupInfo
getId() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
getId() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationSourceFeed
getIdentity() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationSourceDesktop
getIdentity() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
getIFrameOptions() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.ApiOptions
getIndicator() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
getInfo(AsyncCallback<JSONObject>, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Retrieves information about the application.
getInfo(String, AsyncCallback<JSONObject>, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Gets the window information
getInfoForContextGroup(String) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClient
Gets display info for a context group.
getInfoForContextGroup(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClientImpl
getInstallInfo() - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Retrieve info about RVM and Runtime already installed on desktop.
getInstallInfo() - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.InstallChecker
getInstance() - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.DesktopPortHandler
getInstance(DesktopConnection) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.FDC3Client
getInteger(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
getIntegerValue(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
Helper method to extract data field from underlying JSONObject
getIntegerValue(JSONObject, String, Integer) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonUtils
Retrieve an Integer value from a JSONObject
getIntentMetadata() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.AppIntent
getInterApplicationBus() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
Gets the Inter-Application message dispatcher associated with this DesktopConnection
getInterop() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
Gets Interop API object.
getInterrupt() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.AnimationOptions
Gets value of interrupt The Interrupt property represents a flag which determines if a call to Window.animate will interrupt all pending transitions, or add itself to the queue.
getJson() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.ApplicationOptions
getJson() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
Gets the underlying JSONObject
getJson() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutContentItemOptions
getJson() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutContentOptionsImpl
getJson() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutOptions
getJson() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformSnapshot
getJson() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformViewOptions
getJson() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
getJsonArray(JSONObject, String, JSONArray) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonUtils
Retrieve an JSONArray value from a JSONObject
getJsonBean(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
getJsonBean(JSONObject, Class<T>) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
getJsonBeanList(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
getJsonCopy() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
Gets a copy of underlying JSONObject
getJsonObject() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Ack
Returns the message as a JObject
getJsonValue(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
Helper method to extract data field from underlying JSONObject
getJsonValue(JSONObject, String, JSONObject) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonUtils
Retrieve an JSONObject value from a JSONObject
getLastError() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.DesktopPortHandler
getLaunchRVMPath() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
return value of launchRVMPath
getLayoutContentItemStateOptions() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutContentItemOptions
getLayoutOptions() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
getLeft() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.PositionTransition
Gets value of left
getLeft() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowBounds
getLicenseKey() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Get license key for Runtime
getList(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
getLocalManifestFileName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Get name of local manifest file name
getLog(String, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Retrieves the contents of the log with the specified filename
getLogList(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Retrieves an array of data objects for all available logs Each object in the returned array takes the form: { name: (string) the filename of the log, size: (integer) the size of the log in bytes, date: (integer) the unix time at which the log was created }
getMachineId(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Gets Machine ID
getMainWindowOptions() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.ApplicationOptions
Get options of main window
getManifest(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Retrieves the JSON manifest that was used to create the application.
getManifestLocation() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Get location of app manifest.
getManifestUrl() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.FeedApplication
getMaxHeight() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The MaxHeight property represents the maximum height of a window.
getMaximizable() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The Maximizable property represents a flag that lets the window be maximized.
getMaxMessageSize() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Get max size of each message between Java adapter and Runtime
getMaxWidth() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The MaxWidth property represents the maximum width of a window.
getMemberOf() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowGroupChangeEvent
Which group array the window that the event listener was registered on is included in.
getMinHeight() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The MinHeight property represents the minimum height of a window.
getMinimizable() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
getMinWidth() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The MinWidth property represents the minimum width of a window.
getMonitorInfo() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformSnapshotDetails
getMonitorInfo(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Retrieves an object that contains data about the about the
getMonitorInfoAsync() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
getMousePosition(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Returns the mouse in virtual screen coordinates (left, top)
getNack(Object, Exception) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopUtils
getNack(Object, String) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopUtils
getName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.ApplicationOptions
Gets name of the application
getName() - Method in class
Get the name of the channel
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.AppMetadata
getName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.Channel
getName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.Context
getName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.IntentMetadata
getName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Identity
getName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.Context
getName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.DisplayMetadata
getName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.Intent
getName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.MonitorDetails
getName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformViewOptions
getName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.PrinterInfo
getName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
Gets name
getName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver
Get name of this window
getName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowGroupChangeEvent
Name of the window
getName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowIdentity
getName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
Get name of the window
getNativeId(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Gets HWND of the current window
getNonPrimaryMonitors() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.MonitorInfo
getNotificationOptions() - Method in class
getOfferProtocolByType(JSONObject, ProtocolOptions) - Static method in class
getOnClick() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.ButtonOptions
getOnClose() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
getOnExpire() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
getOnSelect() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
getOpacity() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.AnimationTransitions
Sets Opacity transition
getOpacity() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.OpacityTransition
Gets value of Opacity
getOpacity() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The Opacity property represents a flag that specifies how transparent the window will be.
getOptions() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.AnimationOptions
Gets options in JSON format
getOptions() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Get the ApplicationOptions object for the application
getOptions() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformView
getOptions(AsyncCallback<WindowOptions>, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Returns the current options as stored in the desktop
getParentApplication() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Returns the wrapped application that this window belongs to
getParentUuid(AsyncCallback<String>, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Retrieves UUID of the application that launches this application.
getParentWindow() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Get parent window
getPayload() - Method in class
getPort() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
Gets port number that Runtime is running on
getPosition() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.AnimationTransitions
Gets position transition
getPreload() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
Get the URL of the preload script that will be retrieved (and cached, if needed) and eval'ed before any other script.
getPrimaryMonitor() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.MonitorInfo
getPrinters() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
getProcessAffinity() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformViewOptions
getProcessList(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Retrieves an array of all App Desktop processes that are currently running Each element in the array is an object containing the uuid and the name of the application to which the process belongs.
getProcessUuid() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.LaunchExternalProcessResult
Gets process UUID
getProcessUuid() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.TerminateExternalProcessResult
getProtocolOptions() - Method in class
getProtocolOptions() - Method in class
getProtocolOptions() - Method in class
getProviderStatus() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.Notifications
Get notification service provider status.
getProxySettings(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Retrieves the proxy settings object
getReason() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Ack
Return reason if Ack has error
getReason() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowGroupChangeEvent
The reason this event was triggered.
getRectangle(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
getResizable() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The Resizable property represents a flag which allows the user to resize the window.
getResizeRegionBottomRightCorner() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The ResizeRegionBottomRightCorner property defines an additional square region located at the bottom right corner of a frameless window.
getResizeRegionSize() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The ResizeRegionSize property defines a region in pixels that will respond to user mouse interaction for resizing a frameless window
getResult() - Method in class
Get application-defined metadata that this event is passing back to the application.
getResult() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.TerminateExternalProcessResult
getRuntimeFallbackVersion() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Get fallback version number of Runtime to launch
getRuntimeInfo() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformSnapshotDetails
getRuntimeInfo(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Returns the version of the runtime
getRuntimeInstallDirectory() - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.RegistryHelper
getRuntimePort() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Get port number of Runtime websocket server
getRuntimeVersion() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Get version number of Runtime
getRvmInfo(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Returns information about the running RVM
getRVMInstallDirectory() - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.RegistryHelper
getSameOriginInjection() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.IFrameOptions
getSaveWindowState() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The SaveWindowState property defines whether or not a window should maintain a persistent cache of its position/size.
getSecurityRealm() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Get security realm
getShowTaskbarIcon() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The ShowTaskbarIcon property represents a flag to show the Window's icon in the taskbar.
getSize() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.AnimationTransitions
Gets size transition
getSnapshot() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.Platform
Returns a snapshot of the platform in its current state.
getSnapshot() - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.snapshot.SnapshotSourceProvider
The method to be invoked when requesting the current snapshot
getSnapshot(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Gets a base64 encoded PN snapshot of the window
getSnapshotAsync() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.snapshot.SnapshotSourceClient
Gets current snapshot from the snapshot provider.
getSnapshotDetails() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformSnapshot
getSnapshotSource() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
Gets SnapshotSource API object
getSource() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.IntentResolution
getSource() - Method in class
Notifications can be created by both desktop applications and as push notifications from a notification feed.
getSourceGroup() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowGroupChangeEvent
All the windows in the group the sourceWindow originated from
getSourceWindowAppUuid() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowGroupChangeEvent
The UUID of the application the sourceWindow belongs to.
getSourceWindowName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowGroupChangeEvent
The name of the sourcewindow.
getState() - Method in class
getState() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The State property represents a string that sets the window to be "minimized", "maximized", or "normal" on creation.
getState(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Gets the current state ("minimized", "maximized", or "restored") of the window
getSticky() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
getString(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
Helper method to extract data field from underlying JSONObject
getStringValue(JSONObject, String, String) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonUtils
Retrieve a string value from a JSONObject
getStylesheetUrl() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformWindowOptions
getSupportedAnswerProtocol() - Method in class
getSupportedAnswerProtocol() - Method in class
getSupportedAnswerProtocol() - Method in class
getSupportedOfferProtocol() - Method in class
getSupportedOfferProtocol() - Method in class
getSupportedOfferProtocol() - Method in class
getTarget() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformViewOptions
getTargetGroup() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowGroupChangeEvent
All the windows in the group the targetWindow orginated from
getTargetWindowAppUuid() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowGroupChangeEvent
The UUID of the application the targetWindow belongs to.
getTargetWindowName() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowGroupChangeEvent
The name of the targetWindow.
getTaskbarIcon() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The TaskbarIcon property represents the URL of an icon to be shown on the desktop.
getText() - Method in class
getText() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationIndicator
getTimeStamp() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformSnapshotDetails
getTitle() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutContentItemOptions
getTitle() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.ButtonOptions
getTitle() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
getTop() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.PositionTransition
Gets value of top
getTop() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowBounds
getTrayIconInfo(AsyncCallback<JSONObject>, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Retrieves information about the custom icon the application previously set in the system tray via setTrayIcon().
getTrigger() - Method in class
Indicates what triggered this action.
getType() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.ActionEvent
Gets event type
getType() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.Context
getType() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.Context
getType() - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.LayoutContentOptions
getType() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutContentOptionsImpl
getType() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.ButtonOptions
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationIndicator
getType() - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationSource
Get notification source type.
getType() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationSourceDesktop
getType() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationSourceFeed
getUrl() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformViewOptions
getUrl() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
Get URL of the window
getURL() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.ApplicationOptions
Gets URL of the application
getUuid() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Get UUID of this Application
getUuid() - Method in class
getUuid() - Method in class
getUuid() - Method in class
getUuid() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
Gets the UUID of this connection.
getUuid() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Identity
getUuid() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.FeedApplication
getUuid() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.Platform
Get UUID of this platform object.
getUuid() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
getUuid() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowGroupChangeEvent
The UUID of the application the window belongs to
getUuid() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowIdentity
getUUID() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.ApplicationOptions
Gets UUID of the application
getVersion() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.ApplicationOptions
Gets version of the application
getVersion() - Method in class
getVersion() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.IntentResolution
getVersion() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.ProviderStatus
Get the version number of the Provider.
getVersion(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Gets AppDesktop version number
getWhitelist() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.ContentNavigationOptions
getWidth() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.SizeTransition
Gets value of width
getWidth() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowBounds
getWindow() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Returns an instance to the main Window of the application.
getWindows() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformSnapshot
getZoomLevel() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
getZoomLevel(AsyncCallback<Double>, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Gets the current zoom level of the window
GWL_HWNDPARENT - Static variable in interface com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper.CustomUser32


hasClient() - Method in class
Check if the channel has client connected
hashCode() - Method in class
hasProvider() - Method in class
Check if the channel has provider created
hasRegisteredAction(String) - Method in class
hide() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Hides the window if it is shown
hide(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Hides the window if it is shown
hookWndProc(WinDef.HWND, WindowProcCallback) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
Makes a connection between messages on a specified window handle and the callback to be called when messages are received.
hwnd - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWPOS
hwnd - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWPOS2
hwndInsertAfter - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWPOS
hwndInsertAfter - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWPOS2


identity - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
Identity - Class in com.openfin.desktop
Identity() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.Identity
Identity(String, String) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.Identity
Identity(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.Identity
IFrameOptions - Class in com.openfin.desktop.platform
IFrameOptions() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.platform.IFrameOptions
IFrameOptions(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.platform.IFrameOptions
initializeClient() - Method in class
initializeClient() - Method in class
initializeProvider(EndpointIdentity, EndpointIdentity) - Method in class
initSnapshotSourceProviderAsync(String, SnapshotSourceProvider) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.snapshot.SnapshotSource
Initializes the SnapshotSourceProvider with the getSnapshot and applySnapshot methods defined.
InstallChecker - Class in com.openfin.desktop.win32
InstallChecker() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.win32.InstallChecker
Intent - Class in com.openfin.desktop.interop
Intent() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.interop.Intent
Intent(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.interop.Intent
IntentListener - Interface in com.openfin.desktop.fdc3
IntentListener - Interface in com.openfin.desktop.interop
IntentMetadata - Class in com.openfin.desktop.fdc3
The class used to describe an Intent within the platform.
IntentMetadata(String, String) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.IntentMetadata
IntentResolution - Class in com.openfin.desktop.fdc3
IntentResolution provides a standard format for data returned upon resolving an intent.
IntentResolution(String, Object, String) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.IntentResolution
InterApplicationBus - Class in com.openfin.desktop
A messaging bus that allows for pub / sub messaging between different applications.
InterApplicationBus(DesktopConnection) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.InterApplicationBus
Interop - Class in com.openfin.desktop.interop
OpenFin Interoperability.
Interop(DesktopConnection) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.interop.Interop
InteropClient - Interface in com.openfin.desktop.interop
Interop Client
InteropClientImpl - Class in com.openfin.desktop.interop
InteropClientImpl(DesktopConnection, String) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClientImpl
interrupt() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.DesktopPortHandler.TimeoutThread
invoke(String, Object, JSONObject) - Method in interface
Channel action to be invoked.
invoke(String, Object, JSONObject) - Method in interface
invokeAction(EndpointIdentity, String, Object, JSONObject) - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCloseExistingWindows() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformSnapshotOptions
isConnected() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
isConnected() - Method in class
isConnected() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.ProviderStatus
The current connection status from the Client to the Provider.
isDefault() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.PrinterInfo
isDevtools() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.AcceleratorOptions
Get devtools keyboard shortcut setting.
isDevtools() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.ContextMenuSettings
isDisableIabSecureLogging() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The disableIabSecureLogging property represents a flag to disable secure logging in IAB Default: false
isDisplayDeviceActive() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.MonitorDetails
isDone() - Method in class
isDone() - Method in class
isDoNotLaunch() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Get value of RVM option doNotLaunch setting
isEnable() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.ContextMenuSettings
isHeight() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.AutoResizeOptions
isHorizontal() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.AutoResizeOptions
isMac() - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopUtils
isNonPersistent() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Get value of nonPersistent
isProvider - Variable in class
isReload() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.AcceleratorOptions
Get reload keyboard shortcut setting
isReload() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.ContextMenuSettings
isReloadIgnoringCache() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.AcceleratorOptions
Get reload-from-source keyboard shortcut setting
isRunning(AsyncCallback<Boolean>, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Determines if the application is currently running.
isShowing(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Determines if the window is currently showing
isSuccessful() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Ack
Returns Returns true if message contains "success":"true"
isUnix() - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopUtils
isUseNamedPipePortDiscovery() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
isVertical() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.AutoResizeOptions
isWidth() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.AutoResizeOptions
isWindows() - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopUtils
isZoom() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.AcceleratorOptions
Get zoom keyboard shortcut setting


join(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.Channel
joinContextGroup(String) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClient
Joins this InteropClient to the context group.
joinContextGroup(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClientImpl
joinContextGroup(String, Identity) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClient
Joins specified InteropClient to the context group.
joinContextGroup(String, Identity) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClientImpl
joinGroup(Window) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Joins the same window group as the specified window When windows are joined, if the user moves one of the windows, all other windows in the same group move too.
joinGroup(Window, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Joins the same window group as the specified window
json - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
JsonBean - Class in com.openfin.desktop
JsonBean() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
JsonBean(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
jsonObject - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.AbstractAnimation
JsonUtils - Class in com.openfin.desktop
Helper methods for retrieving data from JSONObject
JsonUtils() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.JsonUtils


launchConfig(String) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeLauncher
Launch Desktop from the specified remote config
launchExternalProcess(String, String, AsyncCallback<LaunchExternalProcessResult>, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Runs an executable or batch file.
launchExternalProcess(JSONObject, AsyncCallback<LaunchExternalProcessResult>, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Runs an executable or batch file.
LaunchExternalProcessResult - Class in com.openfin.desktop
Encapsulates the result from a call to DesktopSystem.launchExternalProcess().
LaunchExternalProcessResult(String) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.LaunchExternalProcessResult
launchManifest(String, JSONObject, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Request Runtime to launch app from a manifest Shape of rvmLaunchOptions { noUi: boolean; userAppConfigArgs: JSONObject; }
Layout - Class in com.openfin.desktop
Layouts give app providers the ability to embed multiple views in a single window.
LayoutClient - Class in
LayoutClient(DesktopConnection, AckListener) - Constructor for class
LayoutContentItemOptions - Class in com.openfin.desktop
LayoutContentItemOptions() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutContentItemOptions
LayoutContentItemOptions(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutContentItemOptions
LayoutContentItemStateOptions - Class in com.openfin.desktop
LayoutContentItemStateOptions() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutContentItemStateOptions
LayoutContentItemStateOptions(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutContentItemStateOptions
LayoutContentOptions - Interface in com.openfin.desktop
LayoutContentOptionsImpl - Class in com.openfin.desktop
LayoutContentOptionsImpl() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutContentOptionsImpl
LayoutContentOptionsImpl(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutContentOptionsImpl
LayoutOptions - Class in com.openfin.desktop
LayoutOptions() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutOptions
LayoutOptions(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutOptions
leaveGroup() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Leaves the current window group so that the window can be move independently of those in the group.
leaveGroup(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Leaves the current window group so that the window can be move independently of those in the group.
left - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWRECT
loadManifest(String) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Utltity method to load a amnifest from an URL
log(String, String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Writes a message to the log
log(String, String, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Writes a message to the log
logger - Variable in class
logger - Variable in class
logger - Variable in class
logger - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.Channel
lpData - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.DesktopPortHandler.COPYDATASTRUCT
The data to be passed to the receiving application.


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.nix.NamedPipePortHandler
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeLauncher
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.test.Test
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.WebStartInstaller
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.InstallChecker
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.RegistryHelper
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
maximize() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Maximizes the window
maximize(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Maximizes the window
mergeGroups(Window) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Merges the instance's window group with the same window group as the specified window.
mergeGroups(Window, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Merges the instance's window group with the same window group as the specified window.
Middleware - Interface in
minimize() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Minimizes the window
minimize(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Minimizes the window
MonitorDetails - Class in com.openfin.desktop
MonitorDetails() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.MonitorDetails
MonitorDetails(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.MonitorDetails
MonitorInfo - Class in com.openfin.desktop
MonitorInfo(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.MonitorInfo
moveBy(int, int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Moves the window by a specified amount
moveBy(int, int, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Moves the window by a specified amount
moveTo(int, int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Moves the window to a specified location
moveTo(int, int, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Moves the window to a specified location


NamedPipePortHandler - Class in com.openfin.desktop.nix
NamedPipePortHandler - Class in com.openfin.desktop.win32
Create named pipe for Runtime port discovery on Windows.
NamedPipePortHandler(String) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.nix.NamedPipePortHandler
NamedPipePortHandler(String) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.win32.NamedPipePortHandler
NamedPipePortHandler.PipeMessageThread - Class in com.openfin.desktop.nix
NamedPipePortHandler.PipeMessageThread - Class in com.openfin.desktop.win32
NamedPipePortHandler.SockAddr - Class in com.openfin.desktop.nix
NamedPipePortHandler.TimeoutThread - Class in com.openfin.desktop.nix
NamedPipePortHandler.TimeoutThread - Class in com.openfin.desktop.win32
navigate(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
navigate(String, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Navigates the Widnow to the specified address
navigateBack() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
navigateBack(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Navigates the window back one page.
navigateForward() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
navigateForward(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Navigates the window forward one page.
NotificationActionEvent - Class in
Event fired when an action is raised for a notification due to a specified trigger.
NotificationActionEvent(JSONObject) - Constructor for class
NotificationActionResult - Class in com.openfin.desktop.notifications
Data type used to represent the action result returned back to applications when an action is raised.
NotificationActionResult() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationActionResult
NotificationActionResult(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationActionResult
NotificationClosedEvent - Class in
Event fired whenever the notification has been closed.
NotificationClosedEvent(JSONObject) - Constructor for class
NotificationCreatedEvent - Class in
Event fired whenever a new notification has been created.
NotificationCreatedEvent(JSONObject) - Constructor for class
NotificationEvent - Class in
NotificationEvent(JSONObject) - Constructor for class
NotificationEventListener - Interface in com.openfin.desktop.notifications
Listener that handles notification events.
NotificationIndicator - Class in com.openfin.desktop.notifications
NotificationIndicator(String) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationIndicator
Indicates the semantic intent behind the indicator - this determines the visual styling of the indicator when seen by the user.
NotificationIndicator(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationIndicator
NotificationOptions - Class in com.openfin.desktop.notifications
Configuration options for constructing a Notifications object.
NotificationOptions(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
NotificationOptions(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
Notifications - Class in com.openfin.desktop.notifications
This class initializes and manages notifications.
Notifications(DesktopConnection) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.Notifications
NotificationSource - Interface in com.openfin.desktop.notifications
NotificationSourceDesktop - Class in com.openfin.desktop.notifications
For notifications that have originated from an application running on the same machine as the provider.
NotificationSourceDesktop(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationSourceDesktop
NotificationSourceFeed - Class in com.openfin.desktop.notifications
For notifications that have come from a cloud-hosted notification feed.
NotificationSourceFeed(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationSourceFeed


onAddStream(MediaStream) - Method in class
onAddTrack(RTCRtpReceiver, MediaStream[]) - Method in class
onBufferedAmountChange(long) - Method in class
onChannelConnect(ConnectionEvent) - Method in interface
onChannelConnected() - Method in class
onChannelConnected() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.FDC3Client
onChannelDisconnect(ConnectionEvent) - Method in interface
onClientConnect(ChannelClientConnectEvent) - Method in interface
Callback when a channel provider receives a connect request from a channel client
onClientDisconnect(ChannelClientConnectEvent) - Method in interface
Callback when a channel provider receives when a channel client disconnects
onClose(int, String) - Method in class
onClose(int, String) - Method in interface
onClose(String) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.DesktopStateListener
Callback when connection is closed
onClose(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.test.Test
onClose(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver
onConnect(Session) - Method in class
onConnectionChange(RTCPeerConnectionState) - Method in class
onContext(Context) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.ContextListener
onContext(Context) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.interop.ContextListener
onDataChannel(RTCDataChannel) - Method in class
onError - Variable in class
onError(Ack) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.AckListener
Invoked when the request to AppDesktop has errors
onError(String) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.DesktopStateListener
Callback when client cannot start or connect to the Desktop.
onError(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.test.Test
onError(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver
onError(Throwable) - Method in class
onError(Throwable) - Method in interface
onEvent(NotificationEvent) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationEventListener
onFailure(String) - Method in class
onFailure(String) - Method in class
onIceCandidate(RTCIceCandidate) - Method in class
onIceCandidateError(RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent) - Method in class
onIceCandidatesRemoved(RTCIceCandidate[]) - Method in class
onIceConnectionChange(RTCIceConnectionState) - Method in class
onIceConnectionReceivingChange(boolean) - Method in class
onIceGatheringChange(RTCIceGatheringState) - Method in class
onIntent(Context) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.IntentListener
onIntent(Intent) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.interop.IntentListener
onMessage(DataChannel, String) - Method in interface
onMessage(DataChannel, String) - Method in class
onMessage(WebSocketMessage) - Method in interface
onMessage(RTCDataChannelBuffer) - Method in class
onMessage(String) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.DesktopStateListener
Callback when a message is sent to this client
onMessage(String) - Method in class
onMessage(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.test.Test
onMessage(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver
onMessageReceived(String, String, Object) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.BusListener
Invoked when a subscrbied message is received
onMoving(WindowBounds, Point) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver
Simulate WM_MOVING event
onOpen() - Method in interface
onOutgoingMessage(String) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.DesktopStateListener
Callback when a message is sent from this client
onOutgoingMessage(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.test.Test
onOutgoingMessage(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver
onReady() - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.DesktopStateListener
Callback when Desktop is successfully connected and ready to accept commands.
onReady() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.test.Test
onReady() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver
onRemoveStream(MediaStream) - Method in class
onRemoveTrack(RTCRtpReceiver) - Method in class
onRenegotiationNeeded() - Method in class
onSignalingChange(RTCSignalingState) - Method in class
onStandardizedIceConnectionChange(RTCIceConnectionState) - Method in class
onStateChange() - Method in class
onStateChange(DataChannel, DataChannelListener.State) - Method in interface
onStateChange(DataChannel, DataChannelListener.State) - Method in class
onSuccess() - Method in class
onSuccess(Ack) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.AckListener
Invoked when the request to AppDesktop is successful
onSuccess(RTCSessionDescription) - Method in class
onSuccess(T) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.AsyncCallback
Called when asynchronous call completes successfully
onTrack(RTCRtpTransceiver) - Method in class
OpacityTransition - Class in com.openfin.desktop.animation
A class representing a transition of a Window's opacity.
OpacityTransition() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.animation.OpacityTransition
OpacityTransition(Double, Integer) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.animation.OpacityTransition
open(String, Context, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.FDC3Client
Launches/links to an application by name.
OpenFinRuntime - Class in com.openfin.desktop
An object representing the core of the OpenFin Runtime.
OpenFinRuntime(DesktopConnection) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
OpenFinThreadPool - Class in com.openfin.desktop
Fixed size thread pool that logs warning messages if a task is unable to acquire a thread to execute it after the given time.
OpenFinThreadPool(String, int) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinThreadPool
Creates a fixed size thread pool.
openUrlWithBrowser() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Opens the passed URL
openUrlWithBrowser(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Opens the passed URL


peerConnection - Variable in class
Platform - Class in com.openfin.desktop.platform
Platform manages the life cycle of windows and views in the application.
PlatformOptions - Class in com.openfin.desktop.platform
PlatformOptions(String) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformOptions
PlatformOptions(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformOptions
PlatformSnapshot - Class in com.openfin.desktop.platform
PlatformSnapshot() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformSnapshot
PlatformSnapshot(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformSnapshot
PlatformSnapshotDetails - Class in com.openfin.desktop.platform
PlatformSnapshotDetails(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformSnapshotDetails
PlatformSnapshotOptions - Class in com.openfin.desktop.platform
PlatformSnapshotOptions() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformSnapshotOptions
PlatformSnapshotOptions(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformSnapshotOptions
PlatformView - Class in com.openfin.desktop.platform
PlatformView(Identity, DesktopConnection) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformView
PlatformViewOptions - Class in com.openfin.desktop.platform
PlatformViewOptions() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformViewOptions
PlatformViewOptions(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformViewOptions
PlatformWindowOptions - Class in com.openfin.desktop.platform
PlatformWindowOptions() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformWindowOptions
PlatformWindowOptions(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformWindowOptions
PortDiscoveryHandler - Interface in com.openfin.desktop
PositionTransition - Class in com.openfin.desktop.animation
class representing a transition of a Window's position.
PositionTransition() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.animation.PositionTransition
Empty constructor
PositionTransition(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.animation.PositionTransition
printAsync(PrintOptions) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
PrinterInfo - Class in com.openfin.desktop
PrinterInfo(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.PrinterInfo
PrintOptions - Class in com.openfin.desktop
PrintOptions() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.PrintOptions
process(ExternalMessageResultHandler, JSONObject) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.ExternalMessageListener
Passes a message to the handler
processConnectAnswer(JSONObject) - Method in class
Process connection answer response from a channel provider with connect-to-channel message
processConnection(JSONObject, JSONObject) - Method in class
processConnection(JSONObject, JSONObject) - Method in class
processConnectOffer(JSONObject) - Method in class
Process connection offer from a channel client for a provider
ProtocolOptions - Class in
ProtocolOptions(String, int) - Constructor for class
ProviderStatus - Class in com.openfin.desktop.notifications
Status object returned by the Provider.
ProviderStatus(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.ProviderStatus
publish(String, Object) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.InterApplicationBus
Publishes a message to a topic
publish(String, Object, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.InterApplicationBus
Publishes a message to a topic
publish(String, JSONObject, AckListener) - Method in class
Use publishAsync
publishAsync(String, JSONObject) - Method in class
Publish an action and payload to every connected client.
put(String, Object) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
Set value for a property


quit() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.Platform
Closes current platform, all its windows, and their views.


raiseEvent(String, JSONObject) - Method in class
Raise a channel event to Runtime
raiseIntent(String, Context, String, AsyncCallback<IntentResolution>) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.FDC3Client
Raises an intent to the desktop agent to resolve.
register(String, ChannelAction) - Method in class
register(String, ChannelAction) - Method in class
Register an action to be called by ChannelProvider
register(String, ChannelAction) - Method in class
Register an action to be called by ChannelClient
registerEventListener(EventListener, int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.nix.NamedPipePortHandler
registerEventListener(EventListener, int) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.PortDiscoveryHandler
registerEventListener(EventListener, int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.DesktopPortHandler
registerEventListener(EventListener, int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.NamedPipePortHandler
registerIntentListener(String, IntentListener) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClient
Register an intent listener for incoming intent.
registerIntentListener(String, IntentListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClientImpl
registerUser(String, String, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Manually registers a user with the licensing service.
RegistryHelper - Class in com.openfin.desktop.win32
RegistryHelper() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.win32.RegistryHelper
releaseExternalProcess(String, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Removes the process entry for the passed UUID obtained from a previous call to DesktopSystem.launchExternalProcess().
reload(boolean, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Reloads the window current page
reloadAsync(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
remove(String) - Method in class
remove the registered action
removeChannelListener(ChannelListener) - Method in class
removeChannelListener(ChannelListener) - Method in class
removeChannelListener(DataChannelListener) - Method in class
removeContextListener(ContextListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.FDC3Client
removeContextListener(ContextListener) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClient
Removes the context listener.
removeContextListener(ContextListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClientImpl
removeContextListener(String, ContextListener) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClient
Remove the context listener of specified context type.
removeContextListener(String, ContextListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClientImpl
removeEventCallback(JSONObject, EventListener, AckListener, Object) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
Removes a previously registered event listener from the specified event
removeEventCallbackAsync(JSONObject, EventListener, Object) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
removeEventListener(EventListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.nix.NamedPipePortHandler
removeEventListener(EventListener) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.PortDiscoveryHandler
removeEventListener(EventListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.DesktopPortHandler
removeEventListener(EventListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.NamedPipePortHandler
removeEventListener(String, EventListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.Platform
Remove the platform event listener
removeEventListener(String, EventListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
removeEventListener(String, EventListener, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Removes a previously registered event listener from the specified event
removeEventListener(String, EventListener, AckListener) - Method in class
Removes a previously registered event listener from the specified event
removeEventListener(String, EventListener, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Removes a previously registered event listener from the specified event
removeEventListener(String, EventListener, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Removes a previously registered event listener from the specified event
removeEventListener(String, NotificationEventListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.Notifications
Removes a listener previously added with addEventListener.
removeFromContextGroup() - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClient
Removes this InteropClient from the context group it currently joined.
removeFromContextGroup() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClientImpl
removeFromContextGroup(Identity) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClient
Removes specified InteropClient from the context group it currently joined.
removeFromContextGroup(Identity) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClientImpl
removeProviderListener(ChannelProviderListener) - Method in class
Add a ChannelProviderListener
removeSubscribeListener(SubscriptionListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.InterApplicationBus
Removes the passed listener.
removeTab(WindowIdentity, AckListener) - Method in class
removeTrayIcon(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Removes the application’s icon from the tray.
reparentView(Identity, Identity) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.Platform
Reparents a specified view in a new target window.
replace(LayoutOptions) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Layout
Replaces a Platform window's layout with a new layout.
resizeBy(int, int, String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Resizes the window by the specified amount
resizeBy(int, int, String, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Resizes the window by the specified amount
resizeTo(int, int, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Resizes the window to the specified dimensions
resizeTo(int, int, String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Resizes the window to the specified dimensions
resizeTo(int, int, String, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Resizes the window to the specified dimensions
resolveProxy(String, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Resolve proxy information for a given url
respondToPing(long) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
restart() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Restarts the application
restart(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Restarts the application with a listener that gets called if the method succeeds
restore() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Restores the window
restore(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Restores the window
retoreWorkspace(JSONObject, AckListener) - Method in class
right - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWRECT
RTC_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class
run() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Runs the application
run() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.nix.NamedPipePortHandler.PipeMessageThread
run() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.nix.NamedPipePortHandler.TimeoutThread
run() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.DesktopPortHandler.TimeoutThread
run() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.DesktopPortHandler.WinMessageThread
run() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.NamedPipePortHandler.PipeMessageThread
run() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.NamedPipePortHandler.TimeoutThread
run(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Runs the application with a listener that gets called if the method succeeds
runAsync() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
RuntimeConfiguration - Class in com.openfin.desktop
Configuration for launching OpenFin Runtime Created by wche on 3/26/2016.
RuntimeConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
RuntimeLauncher - Class in com.openfin.desktop
Launch Runtime from embedded RVM
RuntimeLauncher() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeLauncher


SC_CLOSE - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
SC_MAXIMIZE - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
SC_MINIMIZE - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
SC_RESTORE - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
send(boolean, String) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.ExternalMessageResultHandler
send(String) - Method in class
send(String) - Method in class
send(String, String, Object) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.InterApplicationBus
Sends a message to an application
send(String, String, Object, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.InterApplicationBus
Sends a message to an application
sendAction(String, JSONObject) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
Sends a message to Runtime
sendAction(String, JSONObject, AckListener, Object) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
Sends a message to Runtime
sendActionAsync(String, JSONObject, Object) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
sendChannelMessage(String, JSONObject, JSONObject, JSONObject, AckListener) - Method in class
sendChannelMessage(String, JSONObject, JSONObject, JSONObject, AckListener) - Method in class
sendChannelMessage(String, JSONObject, JSONObject, JSONObject, AckListener) - Method in class
sendChannelMessageAsync(String, JSONObject, JSONObject, Object) - Method in class
sendChannelMessageAsync(String, JSONObject, JSONObject, Object) - Method in class
sendChannelMessageAsync(String, JSONObject, JSONObject, Object) - Method in class
setAccelerator(AcceleratorOptions) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
Set keyboard shortcut options.
setAdditionalRuntimeArguments(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
setAdditionalRuntimeArguments(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Set additional arguments for Runtime
setAdditionalRvmArguments(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
setAdditionalRvmArguments(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Set additional arguments for RVM and Installer
setAfterAction(Middleware) - Method in class
Register an action that fires after the action.
setApplicationIcon(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.ApplicationOptions
Sets URL of application icon
setArray(String, Collection<T>) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
setAsForeground(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Set's the window as the foreground window The window is activated(focused) and brought to front
setAutoResizeOptions(AutoResizeOptions) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformViewOptions
setAutoShow(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The AutoShow property represents a flag to automatically show the Window when it is created.
setBackgroundColor(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformViewOptions
setBeforeAction(Middleware) - Method in class
Register an action that fires before the action.
setBlacklist() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.ContentNavigationOptions
setBoolean(String, Boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformView
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformViewOptions
setBounds(int, int, int, int, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Sets the current bounds (top, left, width, height) of the window
setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformViewOptions
setButtons(ButtonOptions...) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
setChannelName(String) - Method in class
setClientEndpointIdentity(EndpointIdentity) - Method in class
setClipboard(String, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Copies text to the clipboard
setCloseExistingWindows(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformSnapshotOptions
setColor(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.DisplayMetadata
setComponentName(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutContentOptionsImpl
setContent(LayoutContentOptions...) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutContentOptionsImpl
setContent(LayoutContentOptions...) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutOptions
setContent(List<LayoutContentOptions>) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutContentOptionsImpl
setContent(List<LayoutContentOptions>) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutOptions
setContext(Context) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.Intent
setContext(Context) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClient
Sets a context for the context group of the current entity.
setContext(Context) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.InteropClientImpl
setContextMenu(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The ContextMenu property represents a flag to show the context menu when right-clicking on a window.
setContextMenuSettings(ContextMenuSettings) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformViewOptions
setCookie(String, String, String, long, boolean, boolean, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Stores a cookie in the runtime
setCookie(String, String, String, String, String, long, boolean, boolean, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Stores a cookie in the runtime
setCornerRounding(int, int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The CornerRoundingHeight property represents the rounded corners to apply.
setCrossOriginInjection(Boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.IFrameOptions
setCta(Boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.ButtonOptions
setCustomContext(Object) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformViewOptions
setCustomData(CustomData) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
setCustomData(Object) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformViewOptions
setDate(Date) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
setDefaultAction(Middleware) - Method in class
Sets a default action.
setDefaultCentered(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The DefaultCentered property specifies that the window will be positioned in the center of the primary monitor when loaded for the first time on a machine.
setDefaultHeight(int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The DefaultWidth property represents the window's default height in pixels.
setDefaultLeft(int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The DefaultLeft property represents the window's default left position.
setDefaultTop(int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The DefaultTop property represents the window's default top position.
setDefaultViewOptions(PlatformViewOptions) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformOptions
setDefaultWidth(int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
setDefaultWindowOptions(PlatformWindowOptions) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformOptions
SetDescObserver - Class in
SetDescObserver() - Constructor for class
setDevtools(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.AcceleratorOptions
Enables/Disables devtools keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + I (Toggles Devtools)
setDevtools(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.ContextMenuSettings
setDevToolsPort(int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
setDevToolsPort(int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Set port for accessing devtools on localhost
setDialogSettings(JSONObject) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
set configuration to customize the appearance of the RVM progress dialog
setDisableIabSecureLogging(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The disableIabSecureLogging property represents a flag to disable secure logging in IAB Default: false
setDisplayMetadata(DisplayMetadata) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.ContextGroupInfo
setDoNotLaunch(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
RVM option, to perform all of the startup sequence steps but do not launch the app
setDuration(Integer) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.OpacityTransition
Sets value of duration
setDuration(Integer) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.PositionTransition
Sets value of duration
setDuration(Integer) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.SizeTransition
Sets value of duration
setEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.ContextMenuSettings
setEndpointId(String) - Method in class
setEndpointId(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.ClientIdentity
setEventHandler(WebSocketEventHandler) - Method in class
setExpires(Date) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
setFrame(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The Frame property represents a flag to show the frame.
setGlyph(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.DisplayMetadata
setHasFrame(WinDef.HWND, boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver
Enable or disable window frame
setHeight(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.AutoResizeOptions
setHeight(Integer) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.SizeTransition
Sets value of height
setHeight(Integer) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowBounds
setHideOnClose(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The HideOnClose property represents a flag to allow a window to be hidden when the close button is clicked.
setHorizontal(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.AutoResizeOptions
setIcon(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
setId(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.ContextGroupInfo
setId(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
setId(JSONObject) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.Context
setId(JSONObject) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.Context
setIFrameOptions(IFrameOptions) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.ApiOptions
setIndicator(NotificationIndicator) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
setInteger(String, Integer) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
setJsonArray(String, List<T>) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
setJsonBean(String, T) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
setLaunchRVMPath(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
By default, Java adapter launches Runtime with OpenFin installer.
setLayoutContentItemStateOptions(LayoutContentItemStateOptions) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutContentItemOptions
setLayoutOptions(LayoutOptions) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
setLeft(Integer) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.PositionTransition
Sets value of left
setLeft(Integer) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowBounds
setLicenseKey(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Set license key for Runtime
setLocalManifestFileName(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Set name of automatically generated local manifest file.
setLogLevel(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
setLong(String, Long) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
setMainWindowOptions(WindowOptions) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.ApplicationOptions
Sets options of main window of the application
setManifestLocation(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Set location of app manifest
setMaxHeight(int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The MaxHeight property represents the maximum height of a window.
setMaximizable(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The Maximizable property represents a flag that lets the window be maximized.
setMaxMessageSize(int) - Method in class
setMaxMessageSize(int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Set max size of each message between Java adapter and Runtime
setMaxWidth(int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The MaxWidth property represents the maximum width of a window.
setMinHeight(int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The MinHeight property represents the minimum height of a window.
setMinimizable(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The Minimizable property represents a flag that lets the window be minimized.
setMinWidth(int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The MinWidth property represents the minimum width of a window.
setName(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.Channel
setName(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Identity
setName(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.Context
setName(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.DisplayMetadata
setName(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.Intent
setName(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformViewOptions
setName(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowIdentity
setName(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
Set name of the window
setNonPersistent(Boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Automatically disconnect the adapter from the runtime when the last application or persistent connection closes Defaults to false
setOnClick(NotificationActionResult) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.ButtonOptions
setOnClose(NotificationActionResult) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
setOnError(Middleware) - Method in class
Register an error handler.
setOnExpire(NotificationActionResult) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
setOnSelect(NotificationActionResult) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
setOpacity(double) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The Opacity property represents a flag that specifies how transparent the window will be.
setOpacity(OpacityTransition) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.AnimationTransitions
Sets opacity transition
setOpacity(Double) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.OpacityTransition
Sets value of opacity
setPosition(PositionTransition) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.AnimationTransitions
Sets position transition
setPreload(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
Set A URL of the preload script that will be retrieved (and cached, if needed) and eval'ed before any other script.
setProcessAffinity(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutContentItemOptions
setProcessAffinity(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformViewOptions
setRdmUrl(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
setRectangle(String, Rectangle) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
setReload(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.AcceleratorOptions
Enables/Disables reload keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl + R (Windows) F5 (Windows) Command + R (Mac)
setReload(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.ContextMenuSettings
setReloadIgnoringCache(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.AcceleratorOptions
Enables/Disables reload-from-source keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + R (Windows) Shift + F5 (Windows) Command + Shift + R (Mac)
setResizable(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The Resizable property represents a flag which allows the user to resize the window.
setResizeRegionBottomRightCorner(int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The ResizeRegionBottomRightCorner property defines an additional square region located at the bottom right corner of a frameless window.
setResizeRegionSize(int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The ResizeRegionSize property defines a region in pixels that will respond to user mouse interaction for resizing a frameless window Default value: 2
setRuntimeFallbackVersion(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Set fallback version number of Runtime to launch
setRuntimePort(int) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Set port number of Runtime websocket server
setRuntimeSecurityRealm(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopConnection
setRuntimeVersion(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Set version number of Runtime to launch
setRvmVersion(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
set Defines the minimum RVM version the app requires.
setSameOriginInjection(Boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.IFrameOptions
setSaveWindowState(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The SaveWindowState property defines whether or not a window should maintain a persistent cache of its position/size.
setSecurityRealm(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Set security realm of Runtime
setShortCut(JSONObject) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
set configuration for shortcut
setShowTaskbarIcon(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The ShowTaskbarIcon property represents a flag to show the Window's icon in the taskbar.
setSize(SizeTransition) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.AnimationTransitions
Sets size transition
setSplashScreenImage(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Specify an image to display while the runtime is loading.
setStartupApp(JSONObject) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Set configuration of startup application.
setState(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The State property represents a string that sets the window to be "minimized", "maximized", or "normal" on creation.
setSticky(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
setString(String, String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
setStylesheetUrl(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformWindowOptions
setSunPath(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.nix.NamedPipePortHandler.SockAddr
setSupportInformation(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
Specify customized error messages during launch
setTaskbarIcon(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
The TaskbarIcon property represents the URL of an icon to be shown on the desktop for a child window.
setText(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationIndicator
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutContentItemOptions
setTop(Integer) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.PositionTransition
Sets value of top
setTop(Integer) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowBounds
setTrayIcon(String, EventListener, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Adds a customizable icon in the system tray and notifies the application when clicked
setType(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.interop.Context
setType(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.LayoutContentOptionsImpl
setType(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.ButtonOptions
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformViewOptions
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
Set name of the window
setUseNamedPipePortDiscovery(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.RuntimeConfiguration
setUuid(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Identity
setUuid(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowIdentity
setVersion(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.ApplicationOptions
Sets version of the application
setVertical(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.AutoResizeOptions
setWhitelist() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.ContentNavigationOptions
setWidth(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.AutoResizeOptions
setWidth(Integer) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.SizeTransition
Sets value of width
setWidth(Integer) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowBounds
SetWindowLong(WinDef.HWND, int, WinMessageHelper.CustomWindowProc) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper.CustomUser32
SetWindowLong(WinDef.HWND, int, Pointer) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper.CustomUser32
SetWindowLongPtr(WinDef.HWND, int, WinMessageHelper.CustomWindowProc) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper.CustomUser32
setWindowOptions(WindowOptions) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver
Set options for the window
setWindows(WindowOptions...) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformSnapshot
setWindows(List<WindowOptions>) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformSnapshot
setZoom(boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.AcceleratorOptions
Enables/Disables zoom keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + + (Zoom In) Ctrl + Shift + + (Zoom In) Ctrl + - (Zoom Out) Ctrl + Shift + - (Zoom Out) Ctrl + Scroll (Zoom In & Out) Ctrl + 0 (Restore to 100%)
setZoomLevel(double) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
setZoomLevel(double, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Sets the zoom level of the window
show() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Shows the window if it is hidden
show(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Shows the window if it is hidden
showAt(int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Shows the window if it is hidden at the specified location
showAt(int, int, boolean, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Shows the window if it is hidden at the specified location
showDeveloperTools() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
showDeveloperTools(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Shows window's developer tools
showDeveloperTools(String, String, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Shows Developer tool
SIZE_MAXHIDE - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver
SIZE_MAXIMIZED - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver
SIZE_MAXSHOW - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver
SIZE_MINIMIZED - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver
SIZE_RESTORED - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver
SizeTransition - Class in com.openfin.desktop.animation
A class representing a transition of a Window's dimensions.
SizeTransition() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.animation.SizeTransition
SizeTransition(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.animation.SizeTransition
SnapshotSource - Class in com.openfin.desktop.snapshot
SnapshotSource provides methods to init and register the SnapshotSourceProvider or to create a SnapshotSourceClient that connects to a snapshot source provider.
SnapshotSource(DesktopConnection) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.snapshot.SnapshotSource
Constructor of SnapshotSource
SnapshotSourceClient - Class in com.openfin.desktop.snapshot
SnapshotSourceClient connects to an SnapshotSourceProvider, which allows getting and applying snapshots.
SnapshotSourceClient(DesktopConnection, String) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.snapshot.SnapshotSourceClient
Constructor of SnapshotSourceClient
SnapshotSourceProvider - Interface in com.openfin.desktop.snapshot
Interface to be implemented to provide snapshot operations.
SockAddr() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.nix.NamedPipePortHandler.SockAddr
start() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver
start(DesktopConnection, PlatformOptions) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.Platform
Creates and starts a Platform and returns a wrapped and running Platform instance.
startFromManifest(DesktopConnection, String) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.Platform
Retrieves platforms's manifest and returns a wrapped and running Platform.
STICKY_STICKY - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
STICKY_TRANSIENT - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationOptions
stopFindInPage(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
stopFlashing(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Stops flashing of taskbar and window caption
stopNavigation() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
stopWindowNavigation(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Stops window navigation.
subscribe(String, String, BusListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.InterApplicationBus
Subscribes to messages on the specified topic
subscribe(String, String, BusListener, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.InterApplicationBus
Subscribes to messages on the specified topic
subscribed(String, String) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.SubscriptionListener
SubscriptionListener - Interface in com.openfin.desktop
A Description.
successAck(AckListener, Ack) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.DesktopUtils
Call onSuccess of an AckListen
sun_family - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.nix.NamedPipePortHandler.SockAddr
sun_path - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.nix.NamedPipePortHandler.SockAddr
SWP_HIDEWINDOW - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
SWP_NOMOVE - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
SWP_NOSIZE - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
SWP_SHOWWINDOW - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
System - Class in com.openfin.desktop
replaced by OpenFinRuntime
System(DesktopConnection) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.System


tabWindows(WindowIdentity, WindowIdentity, AckListener) - Method in class
Add a window, with identity, as a tab to the context the target window belongs to
terminate() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Closes the application by terminating its process.
terminate(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Closes the application by terminating its process.
terminateExternalProcess(String, int, boolean, AsyncCallback<TerminateExternalProcessResult>, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Attempts to cleanly close an external process and terminates it if the close has not occured after the elapsed timeout in milliseconds.
TerminateExternalProcessResult - Class in com.openfin.desktop
Encapsulates the result from a call to DesktopSystem.terminateExternalProcess().
TerminateExternalProcessResult(String, String) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.TerminateExternalProcessResult
Test - Class in com.openfin.desktop.test
Test() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.test.Test
TimeoutThread(EventListener, int) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.win32.DesktopPortHandler.TimeoutThread
toggleNotificationCenter() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.Notifications
Toggles the visibility of the Notification Center.
toJSON() - Method in class
toJsonObject() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.AbstractAnimation
Returns all the underliying transitions as one JObject
toJsonObject() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.animation.AnimationTransitions
toJsonObject() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.WindowIdentity
top - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWRECT
toRectangle() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWRECT
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.fdc3.AppIntent
toString() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonBean
toString() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWRECT
TYPE_FAILURE - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationIndicator
TYPE_SUCCESS - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationIndicator
TYPE_WARNING - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.notifications.NotificationIndicator


undockWindow(String, String, AckListener) - Method in class
unhookWndProc(WinDef.HWND) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
Removes the WindowProc and restores previous one
unsubscribe(String, String, BusListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.InterApplicationBus
Unsubscribes to messages on the specified topic
unsubscribe(String, String, BusListener, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.InterApplicationBus
Unsubscribes to messages on the specified topic
unsubscribed(String, String) - Method in interface com.openfin.desktop.SubscriptionListener
updateOptions(WindowOptions, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Changes a window's options that were defined upon creation
updateOptions(JSONObject) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Changes a window's options that were defined upon creation
updateProxySettings(String, String, int, AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.OpenFinRuntime
Updates the proxy settings The passed type can be either "system" or "named".
updateValue(JSONObject, String, Boolean) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonUtils
Update a Boolean value in an JSONOject
updateValue(JSONObject, String, Double) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonUtils
Update a Double value in an JSONOject
updateValue(JSONObject, String, Integer) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonUtils
Update a Integer value in an JSONOject
updateValue(JSONObject, String, String) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonUtils
Update a String value in an JSONOject
updateValue(JSONObject, String, JSONArray) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonUtils
Update a JSONArray value in an JSONOject
updateValue(JSONObject, String, JSONObject) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.JsonUtils
Update a JSONObject value in an JSONOject


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


waitFor() - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Waits for a hanging application.
waitFor(AckListener) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Waits for a hanging application.
WebContent - Class in com.openfin.desktop
WebContent(Identity, DesktopConnection) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.WebContent
WebRtcProtocolHandler - Class in
WebRtcProtocolHandler(Channel) - Constructor for class
WebSocketConnection - Class in
A WebSocket connection to OpenFin Runtime Created by wche on 9/21/2016.
WebSocketConnection(URI) - Constructor for class
WebSocketEventHandler - Interface in
Created by wche on 9/21/2016.
WebSocketException - Exception in
Created by wche on 9/21/2016.
WebSocketException(String) - Constructor for exception
WebSocketException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
WebSocketMessage - Class in
Created by wche on 9/21/2016.
WebSocketMessage(String) - Constructor for class
WebStartInstaller - Class in com.openfin.desktop
A Description.
WebStartInstaller() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.WebStartInstaller
Window - Class in com.openfin.desktop
An object representing a window that can be controlled by the AppDesktop API.
Window(Application) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Window constructor
WindowBounds - Class in com.openfin.desktop
Window bounds.
WindowBounds() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.WindowBounds
WindowBounds(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.WindowBounds
WindowGroupChangeEvent - Class in com.openfin.desktop
Helper class for Populating values from the ACK of a window 'group-changed' payload
WindowGroupChangeEvent(Ack, DesktopConnection) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.WindowGroupChangeEvent
WindowIdentity - Class in com.openfin.desktop
Class used to identify an OpenFin window instance
WindowIdentity() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.WindowIdentity
WindowOptions - Class in com.openfin.desktop
A class representing the options for a Window.
WindowOptions() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
Default constructor
WindowOptions(String, String) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
Contructor with name and url
WindowOptions(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.WindowOptions
Constructs an instance with a new underlying JSONObject
WINDOWPOS(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWPOS
WINDOWPOS2(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWPOS2
WindowProcCallback - Interface in com.openfin.desktop.win32
Callback interface for Window Messages Created by richard on 3/11/15.
WINDOWRECT(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWRECT
WinMessageHelper - Class in com.openfin.desktop.win32
Helper class for hooking into Windows messages Created by wche on 3/11/15.
WinMessageHelper() - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
WinMessageHelper.CustomUser32 - Interface in com.openfin.desktop.win32
Support different signature of User32
WinMessageThread(EventListener, int) - Constructor for class com.openfin.desktop.win32.DesktopPortHandler.WinMessageThread
WM_CAPTURECHANGED - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
WM_DESTROY - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
WM_ERASEBKGND - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
WM_EXITSIZEMOVE - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
WM_KEYDOWN - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
WM_KEYUP - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
WM_KILLFOCUS - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
WM_LBUTTONDOWN - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
WM_LBUTTONUP - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
WM_MOUSEMOVE - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
WM_MOVE - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
WM_MOVING - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
WM_NCLBUTTONUP - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
WM_NOTIFY - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
WM_PAINT - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
WM_SETFOCUS - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
WM_SIZE - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
WM_SIZING - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
WM_SYSCOMMAND - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING - Static variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.WinMessageHelper
wrap(Identity, DesktopConnection) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.Layout
Returns a Layout object that represents a Window's layout.
wrap(Identity, DesktopConnection) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.PlatformView
wrap(String, DesktopConnection) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Attaches an Application object to an application that already exists
wrap(String, DesktopConnection) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.platform.Platform
Synchronously returns a Platform object that represents an existing platform.
wrap(String, String, DesktopConnection) - Static method in class com.openfin.desktop.Window
Attaches a Window object to an application Window that already exists
wrapWindow(String) - Method in class com.openfin.desktop.Application
Wraps an existing window using the specified name


x - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWPOS
x - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWPOS2


y - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWPOS
y - Variable in class com.openfin.desktop.win32.ExternalWindowObserver.WINDOWPOS2
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