Class NotificationActionEvent


public class NotificationActionEvent
extends NotificationEvent
Event fired when an action is raised for a notification due to a specified trigger.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getTrigger

      public java.lang.String getTrigger()
      Indicates what triggered this action. Trigger can be one of the following:

      "close": The notification was closed, either by user interaction, programmatically by an application, or by the notification expiring.

      "control": The user interacted with one of the controls within the notification. This currently means a button click, but other control types will be added in future releases.

      "expire": The notification expired.

      "programmatic": The action was triggered programmatically by an application. Not currently supported - will be implemented in a future release.

      "select": The user clicked the body of the notification itself. Any clicks of the notification that don't hit a control or the close button will fire an event with the 'select' action trigger.

      The trigger of this action.
    • getSource

      public NotificationSource getSource()
      Notifications can be created by both desktop applications and as push notifications from a notification feed. This method allows the application handling the action to identify where this notification originated.
      The source of the notification.
    • getResult

      public NotificationActionResult getResult()
      Get application-defined metadata that this event is passing back to the application.
      Application-defined metadata.