Class ChannelBase

Direct Known Subclasses:
ChannelClient, ChannelProvider

public class ChannelBase
extends java.lang.Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • register

      protected boolean register​(java.lang.String action, ChannelAction listener)
    • remove

      public boolean remove​(java.lang.String action)
      remove the registered action
      action - Name of the action to be removed.
      if the action was removed successfully
    • setDefaultAction

      public void setDefaultAction​(Middleware middleware)
      Sets a default action. This is used any time an action that has not been registered is invoked.
      middleware - Action to be executed when a client invokes an action name that has not been registered.
    • setOnError

      public void setOnError​(Middleware middleware)
      Register an error handler. This is called before responding on any error.
      middleware - Action to be executed in case of an error.
    • setBeforeAction

      public void setBeforeAction​(Middleware middleware)
      Register an action that fires before the action.
      middleware - Action to be executed before invoking the action.
    • setAfterAction

      public void setAfterAction​(Middleware middleware)
      Register an action that fires after the action.
      middleware - Action to be executed after invoking the action.
    • getEndpointIdentity

      public EndpointIdentity getEndpointIdentity()
    • getChannelName

      public java.lang.String getChannelName()
    • getUuid

      public java.lang.String getUuid()
    • getChannelId

      public java.lang.String getChannelId()
    • getName

      public java.lang.String getName()
    • getEndpointId

      public java.lang.String getEndpointId()
    • hasRegisteredAction

      public boolean hasRegisteredAction​(java.lang.String action)
    • dispatch

      protected void dispatch​(AbstractProtocolHandler protocolHandler, org.json.JSONObject destinationIdentity, java.lang.String action, org.json.JSONObject actionPayload, AckListener ackListener)
      Dispatch an action to a specified client.
      protocolHandler - protocol handler
      destinationIdentity - Identity of the target client.
      action - Name of the action to be invoked by the client.
      actionPayload - Payload to be sent along with the action.
      ackListener - AckListener for the request
    • dispatchAsync

      protected java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<Ack> dispatchAsync​(AbstractProtocolHandler protocolHandler, org.json.JSONObject destinationIdentity, java.lang.String action, java.lang.Object actionPayload)
    • cleanup

      protected void cleanup()