Class RuntimeConfiguration


public class RuntimeConfiguration
extends org.json.JSONObject
Configuration for launching OpenFin Runtime Created by wche on 3/26/2016.
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class org.json.JSONObject

  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void addAppAsset​(org.json.JSONObject assetConfig)
    Add configuration of an app asset
    void addConfigurationItem​(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)
    Add a configuration setting for launching Runtime.
    void addService​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String manifestUrl)  
    java.lang.String generateRuntimeConfig()
    Generates JSON string that can be passed as --config to RVM and Insaller
    java.lang.String getAdditionalRvmArguments()
    Get additional arguments for RVM and Installer
    java.lang.String getLaunchRVMPath()
    return value of launchRVMPath
    java.lang.String getLicenseKey()
    Get license key for Runtime
    java.lang.String getLocalManifestFileName()
    Get name of local manifest file name
    java.lang.String getManifestLocation()
    Get location of app manifest.
    int getMaxMessageSize()
    Get max size of each message between Java adapter and Runtime
    java.lang.String getRuntimeFallbackVersion()
    Get fallback version number of Runtime to launch
    int getRuntimePort()
    Get port number of Runtime websocket server
    java.lang.String getRuntimeVersion()
    Get version number of Runtime
    java.lang.String getSecurityRealm()
    Get security realm
    boolean isDoNotLaunch()
    Get value of RVM option doNotLaunch setting
    boolean isNonPersistent()
    Get value of nonPersistent
    boolean isUseNamedPipePortDiscovery()  
    static org.json.JSONObject loadManifest​(java.lang.String manifestUrl)
    Utltity method to load a amnifest from an URL
    void setAdditionalRuntimeArguments​(java.lang.String additionalRuntimeArguments)
    Set additional arguments for Runtime
    void setAdditionalRvmArguments​(java.lang.String additionalRvmArguments)
    Set additional arguments for RVM and Installer
    void setDevToolsPort​(int port)
    Set port for accessing devtools on localhost
    void setDialogSettings​(org.json.JSONObject dialogSettings)
    set configuration to customize the appearance of the RVM progress dialog
    void setDoNotLaunch​(boolean doNotLaunch)
    RVM option, to perform all of the startup sequence steps but do not launch the app
    void setLaunchRVMPath​(java.lang.String path)
    By default, Java adapter launches Runtime with OpenFin installer.
    void setLicenseKey​(java.lang.String licenseKey)
    Set license key for Runtime
    void setLocalManifestFileName​(java.lang.String localManifestFileName)
    Set name of automatically generated local manifest file.
    void setManifestLocation​(java.lang.String manifestLocation)
    Set location of app manifest
    void setMaxMessageSize​(int maxMessageSize)
    Set max size of each message between Java adapter and Runtime
    void setNonPersistent​(java.lang.Boolean nonPersistent)
    Automatically disconnect the adapter from the runtime when the last application or persistent connection closes Defaults to false
    void setRuntimeFallbackVersion​(java.lang.String runtimeFallbackVersion)
    Set fallback version number of Runtime to launch
    void setRuntimePort​(int runtimePort)
    Set port number of Runtime websocket server
    void setRuntimeVersion​(java.lang.String version)
    Set version number of Runtime to launch
    void setRvmVersion​(java.lang.String rvmVersion)
    set Defines the minimum RVM version the app requires.
    void setSecurityRealm​(java.lang.String securityRealm)
    Set security realm of Runtime
    void setShortCut​(org.json.JSONObject shortCut)
    set configuration for shortcut
    void setSplashScreenImage​(java.lang.String splashScreenImage)
    Specify an image to display while the runtime is loading.
    void setStartupApp​(org.json.JSONObject startupApp)
    Set configuration of startup application.
    void setSupportInformation​(java.lang.String supportInformation)
    Specify customized error messages during launch
    void setUseNamedPipePortDiscovery​(boolean useNamedPipePortDiscovery)  

    Methods inherited from class org.json.JSONObject

    accumulate, append, clear, doubleToString, entrySet, get, getBigDecimal, getBigInteger, getBoolean, getDouble, getEnum, getFloat, getInt, getJSONArray, getJSONObject, getLong, getNames, getNames, getNumber, getString, has, increment, isDecimalNotation, isEmpty, isNull, keys, keySet, length, names, numberToString, opt, optBigDecimal, optBigInteger, optBoolean, optBoolean, optDouble, optDouble, optEnum, optEnum, optFloat, optFloat, optInt, optInt, optJSONArray, optJSONObject, optLong, optLong, optNumber, optNumber, optQuery, optQuery, optString, optString, put, put, put, put, put, put, put, put, putOnce, putOpt, query, query, quote, quote, remove, similar, stringToNumber, stringToValue, testValidity, toJSONArray, toMap, toString, toString, valueToString, wrap, write, write

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setDevToolsPort

      public void setDevToolsPort​(int port)
      Set port for accessing devtools on localhost
      port - port number
    • setRuntimeVersion

      public void setRuntimeVersion​(java.lang.String version)
      Set version number of Runtime to launch
      version - version number
    • getRuntimeVersion

      public java.lang.String getRuntimeVersion()
      Get version number of Runtime
      version of Runtime
    • getRuntimeFallbackVersion

      public java.lang.String getRuntimeFallbackVersion()
      Get fallback version number of Runtime to launch
      fallback version
    • setRuntimeFallbackVersion

      public void setRuntimeFallbackVersion​(java.lang.String runtimeFallbackVersion)
      Set fallback version number of Runtime to launch
      runtimeFallbackVersion - fallback version of Runtime
    • setSecurityRealm

      public void setSecurityRealm​(java.lang.String securityRealm)
      Set security realm of Runtime
      securityRealm - name of security realm
    • getSecurityRealm

      public java.lang.String getSecurityRealm()
      Get security realm
      security realm
    • setAdditionalRuntimeArguments

      public void setAdditionalRuntimeArguments​(java.lang.String additionalRuntimeArguments)
      Set additional arguments for Runtime
      additionalRuntimeArguments - additional arguments
    • addAppAsset

      public void addAppAsset​(org.json.JSONObject assetConfig)
      Add configuration of an app asset
      assetConfig - configuration in JSON format
    • getAdditionalRvmArguments

      public java.lang.String getAdditionalRvmArguments()
      Get additional arguments for RVM and Installer
      additional arguments
    • setRvmVersion

      public void setRvmVersion​(java.lang.String rvmVersion)
      set Defines the minimum RVM version the app requires. This option is available in RVM 2.3 or greater
      rvmVersion - version of RVM required
    • setShortCut

      public void setShortCut​(org.json.JSONObject shortCut)
      set configuration for shortcut
      shortCut - config for shortcut
    • setDialogSettings

      public void setDialogSettings​(org.json.JSONObject dialogSettings)
      set configuration to customize the appearance of the RVM progress dialog
      dialogSettings - config for dialog
    • setSplashScreenImage

      public void setSplashScreenImage​(java.lang.String splashScreenImage)
      Specify an image to display while the runtime is loading. It takes any image file (including semi-transparent PNGs)
      splashScreenImage - URL of the image
    • setSupportInformation

      public void setSupportInformation​(java.lang.String supportInformation)
      Specify customized error messages during launch
      supportInformation - config for support info
    • setAdditionalRvmArguments

      public void setAdditionalRvmArguments​(java.lang.String additionalRvmArguments)
      Set additional arguments for RVM and Installer
      additionalRvmArguments - set additional arguments
    • setStartupApp

      public void setStartupApp​(org.json.JSONObject startupApp)
      Set configuration of startup application.
      startupApp - configuration in JSON format
    • getLicenseKey

      public java.lang.String getLicenseKey()
      Get license key for Runtime
      license key
    • setLicenseKey

      public void setLicenseKey​(java.lang.String licenseKey)
      Set license key for Runtime
      licenseKey - license key
    • isNonPersistent

      public boolean isNonPersistent()
      Get value of nonPersistent
      value of nonPersistent
    • setNonPersistent

      public void setNonPersistent​(java.lang.Boolean nonPersistent)
      Automatically disconnect the adapter from the runtime when the last application or persistent connection closes Defaults to false
      nonPersistent - true for non persistent connection
    • setDoNotLaunch

      public void setDoNotLaunch​(boolean doNotLaunch)
      RVM option, to perform all of the startup sequence steps but do not launch the app
      doNotLaunch - true to add --do-not-launch options for RVM
    • isDoNotLaunch

      public boolean isDoNotLaunch()
      Get value of RVM option doNotLaunch setting
      value of doNotLaunch
    • isUseNamedPipePortDiscovery

      public boolean isUseNamedPipePortDiscovery()
    • setUseNamedPipePortDiscovery

      public void setUseNamedPipePortDiscovery​(boolean useNamedPipePortDiscovery)
    • addConfigurationItem

      public void addConfigurationItem​(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)
      Add a configuration setting for launching Runtime. value can be type of Integer, Long, Double, String or JSONObject
      key - key value of the setting
      value - value of the setting
    • setLaunchRVMPath

      public void setLaunchRVMPath​(java.lang.String path)
      By default, Java adapter launches Runtime with OpenFin installer. If RVM path is set, installer is skipped and RVM is started instead.
      path - path for RVM
    • getLaunchRVMPath

      public java.lang.String getLaunchRVMPath()
      return value of launchRVMPath
    • getManifestLocation

      public java.lang.String getManifestLocation()
      Get location of app manifest. If manifest is set, some fields, such as runtimeVersion, will be copied from the manifest
      location of app manifest
    • getLocalManifestFileName

      public java.lang.String getLocalManifestFileName()
      Get name of local manifest file name
      file name
    • setLocalManifestFileName

      public void setLocalManifestFileName​(java.lang.String localManifestFileName)
      Set name of automatically generated local manifest file. Only name of the file, not path, should be specified. An extension of ".json" is appended.
      localManifestFileName - file name
    • setManifestLocation

      public void setManifestLocation​(java.lang.String manifestLocation)
      Set location of app manifest
      manifestLocation - location of app manifest
    • getMaxMessageSize

      public int getMaxMessageSize()
      Get max size of each message between Java adapter and Runtime
      max size
    • setMaxMessageSize

      public void setMaxMessageSize​(int maxMessageSize)
      Set max size of each message between Java adapter and Runtime
      maxMessageSize - max size
    • getRuntimePort

      public int getRuntimePort()
      Get port number of Runtime websocket server
      port number
    • setRuntimePort

      public void setRuntimePort​(int runtimePort)
      Set port number of Runtime websocket server
      runtimePort - port number
    • addService

      public void addService​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String manifestUrl)
    • generateRuntimeConfig

      public java.lang.String generateRuntimeConfig()
      Generates JSON string that can be passed as --config to RVM and Insaller
      JSON string
    • loadManifest

      public static org.json.JSONObject loadManifest​(java.lang.String manifestUrl) throws java.lang.Exception
      Utltity method to load a amnifest from an URL
      manifestUrl - url of the manifest
      manifest as a JSONObject
      java.lang.Exception - if the rewquest fails