Class OpenFinRuntime

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class OpenFinRuntime
extends java.lang.Object
An object representing the core of the OpenFin Runtime. Allows the developer to perform system-level actions, such as accessing logs, viewing processes, clearing the cache and exiting the Runtime. Created by wche on 1/26/16.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    protected org.json.JSONObject configPayload  
    protected DesktopConnection connection  
    protected org.json.JSONObject eventListenerPayload  
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    OpenFinRuntime​(DesktopConnection connection)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void addEventListener​(java.lang.String type, EventListener listener, AckListener callback)
    Registers an event listener on the specified event
    protected void addEventListener​(org.json.JSONObject subscriptionObject, EventListener listener, AckListener callback)
    Registers an event listener on the specified event
    void clearCache​(boolean cache, boolean cookies, boolean localStorage, boolean appcache, boolean userData)
    Clears cached data containing window state/positions, application resource files (images, HTML, JavaScript files) cookies, and items stored in the Local Storage.
    void clearCache​(boolean cache, boolean cookies, boolean localStorage, boolean appcache, boolean userData, AckListener listener)
    Clears cached data containing window state/positions, application resource files (images, HTML, JavaScript files) cookies, and items stored in the Local Storage.
    void deleteCacheOnRestart()
    Clears all cached data when Runtime is restarted
    void deleteCacheOnRestart​(AckListener listener)
    Clears all cached data when App Desktop is restarted
    void exit()
    Exit Runtime
    static java.lang.String getAdapterBuildTime()
    Get build time of java adapter
    static java.lang.String getAdapterVersion()
    Get version info of java adapter
    void getAllApplications​(AckListener listener)
    Retrieves an array of data (uuid, running/active state) for all application windows
    void getAllWindows​(AckListener listener)
    The object passed to callback takes the form:
    void getCommandLineArguments​(AckListener listener)
    Retrieves the command line argument string that started App Desktop
    void getConfig​(java.lang.String section, AckListener callback)
    Retrieves the Runtime's configuration
    void getEntityInfo​(java.lang.String uuid, java.lang.String name, AckListener listener)
    Returns a frame info object relating to the entity specified by the uuid and name passed in.
    void getEnvironmentVariable​(java.lang.String name, AckListener callback)
    Retrieve name of a environment variable
    void getEnvironmentVariables​(java.lang.String[] names, AckListener callback)
    Retrieve name of environment variables
    void getHostSpecs​(AckListener listener)
    Get system information
    static org.json.JSONObject getInstallInfo()
    Retrieve info about RVM and Runtime already installed on desktop.
    void getLog​(java.lang.String logName, AckListener listener)
    Retrieves the contents of the log with the specified filename
    void getLogList​(AckListener listener)
    Retrieves an array of data objects for all available logs Each object in the returned array takes the form: { name: (string) the filename of the log, size: (integer) the size of the log in bytes, date: (integer) the unix time at which the log was created }
    void getMachineId​(AckListener listener)
    Gets Machine ID
    void getMonitorInfo​(AckListener listener)
    Retrieves an object that contains data about the about the
    java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<MonitorInfo> getMonitorInfoAsync()  
    void getMousePosition​(AckListener listener)
    Returns the mouse in virtual screen coordinates (left, top)
    void getProcessList​(AckListener listener)
    Retrieves an array of all App Desktop processes that are currently running Each element in the array is an object containing the uuid and the name of the application to which the process belongs.
    void getProxySettings​(AckListener listener)
    Retrieves the proxy settings object
    void getRuntimeInfo​(AckListener callback)
    Returns the version of the runtime
    void getRvmInfo​(AckListener callback)
    Returns information about the running RVM
    void getVersion​(AckListener listener)
    Gets AppDesktop version number
    void launchExternalProcess​(java.lang.String path, java.lang.String commandLine, AsyncCallback<LaunchExternalProcessResult> callback, AckListener listener)
    Runs an executable or batch file.
    void launchExternalProcess​(org.json.JSONObject launchConfig, AsyncCallback<LaunchExternalProcessResult> callback, AckListener listener)
    Runs an executable or batch file.
    void launchManifest​(java.lang.String manifestUrl, org.json.JSONObject rvmLaunchOptions, AckListener listener)
    Request Runtime to launch app from a manifest Shape of rvmLaunchOptions { noUi: boolean; userAppConfigArgs: JSONObject; }
    void log​(java.lang.String level, java.lang.String message)
    Writes a message to the log
    void log​(java.lang.String level, java.lang.String message, AckListener listener)
    Writes a message to the log
    void openUrlWithBrowser()
    Opens the passed URL
    void openUrlWithBrowser​(AckListener listener)
    Opens the passed URL
    void releaseExternalProcess​(java.lang.String processUuid, AckListener callback)
    Removes the process entry for the passed UUID obtained from a previous call to DesktopSystem.launchExternalProcess().
    void removeEventListener​(java.lang.String type, EventListener listener, AckListener callback)
    Removes a previously registered event listener from the specified event
    void resolveProxy​(java.lang.String url, AckListener listener)
    Resolve proxy information for a given url
    void setClipboard​(java.lang.String text, AckListener callback)
    Copies text to the clipboard
    void setCookie​(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, long ttl, boolean secure, boolean httpOnly, AckListener callback)
    Stores a cookie in the runtime
    void setCookie​(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, java.lang.String domain, java.lang.String path, long ttl, boolean secure, boolean httpOnly, AckListener callback)
    Stores a cookie in the runtime
    void showDeveloperTools​(java.lang.String applicationUUID, java.lang.String windowName, AckListener callback)
    Shows Developer tool
    void terminateExternalProcess​(java.lang.String processUuid, int timeout, boolean killTree, AsyncCallback<TerminateExternalProcessResult> callback, AckListener listener)
    Attempts to cleanly close an external process and terminates it if the close has not occured after the elapsed timeout in milliseconds.
    void updateProxySettings​(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String proxyAddress, int proxyPort, AckListener listener)
    Updates the proxy settings The passed type can be either "system" or "named".

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getMachineId

      public void getMachineId​(AckListener listener)
      Gets Machine ID
      listener - AckListener for machine ID
      See Also:
    • getEntityInfo

      public void getEntityInfo​(java.lang.String uuid, java.lang.String name, AckListener listener)
      Returns a frame info object relating to the entity specified by the uuid and name passed in. The possible types are 'window', 'iframe', 'external connection' or 'unknown'.
      uuid - entity uuid
      name - entity name
      listener - AckListener for entity info
      See Also:
    • getVersion

      public void getVersion​(AckListener listener)
      Gets AppDesktop version number
      listener - AckListener for version number
      See Also:
    • getCommandLineArguments

      public void getCommandLineArguments​(AckListener listener)
      Retrieves the command line argument string that started App Desktop
      listener - AckListener for command line argument
      See Also:
    • getProcessList

      public void getProcessList​(AckListener listener)
      Retrieves an array of all App Desktop processes that are currently running Each element in the array is an object containing the uuid and the name of the application to which the process belongs.
      listener - AckListener for process list
      See Also:
    • getLog

      public void getLog​(java.lang.String logName, AckListener listener)
      Retrieves the contents of the log with the specified filename
      logName - The filename of the log
      listener - AckListener for log contents
      See Also:
    • getLogList

      public void getLogList​(AckListener listener)
      Retrieves an array of data objects for all available logs Each object in the returned array takes the form: { name: (string) the filename of the log, size: (integer) the size of the log in bytes, date: (integer) the unix time at which the log was created }
      listener - AckListener for log list
      See Also:
    • log

      public void log​(java.lang.String level, java.lang.String message) throws DesktopException
      Writes a message to the log
      level - The log level for the entry. Can be either "info", "warning" or "error"
      message - The log message text
      DesktopException - if this method fails to send the request to Runtime
      See Also:
    • log

      public void log​(java.lang.String level, java.lang.String message, AckListener listener) throws DesktopException
      Writes a message to the log
      level - The log level for the entry. Can be either "info", "warning" or "error"
      message - The log message text
      listener - AckListener for the result
      DesktopException - if this method fails to send the request to Runtime
      See Also:
      DesktopException, AckListener
    • getProxySettings

      public void getProxySettings​(AckListener listener)
      Retrieves the proxy settings object
       The proxy object the callback receives takes the following form:
           type: (string) "system" or "named",
           proxyAddress: (string) the address of the proxy server,
           proxyPort: (integer) the port of proxy server
      listener - AckListener for the request
      See Also:
    • resolveProxy

      public void resolveProxy​(java.lang.String url, AckListener listener)
      Resolve proxy information for a given url
       Proxy setting for the url the callback receives takes the following form:
           PROXY host:port
       which can be retrieved with listener.getData()
      url - url to resolve
      listener - AckListener for the request
      See Also:
    • updateProxySettings

      public void updateProxySettings​(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String proxyAddress, int proxyPort, AckListener listener) throws DesktopException
      Updates the proxy settings The passed type can be either "system" or "named". Use "system" to use the default system proxy settings. Otherwise use "named" to specify the address and port of the proxy server.
      type - Type of the proxy
      proxyAddress - Address of the proxy
      proxyPort - Port of the proxy
      listener - AckListener for the request
      DesktopException - if this method fails to send the request to Runtime
      See Also:
      DesktopException, AckListener
    • clearCache

      public void clearCache​(boolean cache, boolean cookies, boolean localStorage, boolean appcache, boolean userData) throws DesktopException
      Clears cached data containing window state/positions, application resource files (images, HTML, JavaScript files) cookies, and items stored in the Local Storage.
      cache - If true, clears chrome caches
      cookies - If true, deletes all cookies
      localStorage - If true, clear application caches
      appcache - If true, clears local storage
      userData - If true, clears user data
      DesktopException - if this method fails to send the request to Runtime
      See Also:
    • clearCache

      public void clearCache​(boolean cache, boolean cookies, boolean localStorage, boolean appcache, boolean userData, AckListener listener) throws DesktopException
      Clears cached data containing window state/positions, application resource files (images, HTML, JavaScript files) cookies, and items stored in the Local Storage.
      cache - If true, clears chrome caches
      cookies - If true, deletes all cookies
      localStorage - If true, clear application caches
      appcache - If true, clears local storage
      userData - If true, clears user data
      listener - AckListener for the request
      DesktopException - if this method fails to send the request to Runtime
      See Also:
      DesktopException, AckListener
    • deleteCacheOnRestart

      public void deleteCacheOnRestart() throws DesktopException
      Clears all cached data when Runtime is restarted
      DesktopException - if this method fails to send the request to Runtime
      See Also:
    • deleteCacheOnRestart

      public void deleteCacheOnRestart​(AckListener listener)
      Clears all cached data when App Desktop is restarted
      listener - AckListener for the request
      See Also:
    • openUrlWithBrowser

      public void openUrlWithBrowser​(AckListener listener)
      Opens the passed URL
      listener - AckListener for the request
      See Also:
    • getMonitorInfo

      public void getMonitorInfo​(AckListener listener)
      Retrieves an object that contains data about the about the
       monitor setup of the computer that App Desktop is running on.
           The returned object takes the form:
               nonPrimaryMonitors: [{
                   availableRect: {
                       bottom: (integer) bottom-most available monitor coordinate,
                       left: (integer) left-most available monitor coordinate,
                       right: (integer) right-most available monitor coordinate,
                       top: (integer) top-most available monitor coordinate
                   deviceId: (string) device id of the display,
                   displayDeviceActive: (boolean) true if the display is active,
                   monitorRect: {
                       bottom: (integer) bottom-most monitor coordinate,
                       left: (integer) left-most monitor coordinate,
                       right: (integer) right-most monitor coordinate,
                       top: (integer) top-most monitor coordinate
                   name: (string) name of the display
               primaryMonitor: {
                   availableRect: {
                       bottom: (integer) bottom-most available monitor coordinate,
                       left: (integer) left-most available monitor coordinate,
                       right: (integer) right-most available monitor coordinate,
                       top: (integer) top-most available monitor coordinate
                   deviceId: (string) device id of the display,
                   displayDeviceActive: (boolean) true if the display is active,
                   monitorRect: {
                       bottom: (integer) bottom-most monitor coordinate,
                       left: (integer) left-most monitor coordinate,
                       right: (integer) right-most monitor coordinate,
                       top: (integer) top-most monitor coordinate
                   name: (string) name of the display
               reason: (string) always "api-query",
               taskbar: {
                   edge: {string} which edge of a monitor the taskbar is on,
                   rect: {
                       bottom: ({integer} bottom-most coordinate of the taskbar),
                       left: ({integer} left-most coordinate of the taskbar),
                       right: ({integer} right-most coordinate of the taskbar),
                       top: ({integer} top-most coordinate of the taskbar)
               virtualScreen: {
                   bottom: (integer) bottom-most coordinate of the virtual screen,
                   left: (integer) left-most coordinate of the virtual screen,
                   right: (integer) right-most coordinate of the virtual screen,
                   top: (integer) top-most coordinate of the virtual screen
      listener - AckListener for the request
      See Also:
    • getMonitorInfoAsync

      public java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<MonitorInfo> getMonitorInfoAsync()
    • getAllWindows

      public void getAllWindows​(AckListener listener)
      The object passed to callback takes the form:
                   uuid: (string) uuid of the application,
                   mainWindow: {
                       name: (string) name of the main window,
                       top: (integer) top-most coordinate of the main window,
                       right: (integer) right-most coordinate of the main window,
                       bottom: (integer) bottom-most coordinate of the main window,
                       left: (integer) left-most coordinate of the main window
                   childWindows: [{
                           name: (string) name of the child window,
                           top: (integer) top-most coordinate of the child window,
                           right: (integer) right-most coordinate of the child window,
                           bottom: (integer) bottom-most coordinate of the child window,
                           left: (integer) left-most coordinate of the child window
      listener - AckListener for the request
      See Also:
    • getAllApplications

      public void getAllApplications​(AckListener listener)
      Retrieves an array of data (uuid, running/active state) for all application windows
           The object passed to callback takes the form:
                   uuid: (string) uuid of the application,
                   isRunning: (bool) true when the application is running/active
      listener - AckListener for the request
    • exit

      public void exit() throws DesktopException
      Exit Runtime
      DesktopException - if this method fails to send the request to Runtime
      See Also:
    • getMousePosition

      public void getMousePosition​(AckListener listener)
      Returns the mouse in virtual screen coordinates (left, top)
           The returned object takes the form:
               top: (integer) the top position of the mouse in virtual screen
               left: (integer) the left position of the mouse in virtual screen
      listener - AckListener for the request
      See Also:
    • openUrlWithBrowser

      public void openUrlWithBrowser() throws DesktopException
      Opens the passed URL
      DesktopException - if this method fails to send the request to Runtime
      See Also:
    • getConfig

      public void getConfig​(java.lang.String section, AckListener callback) throws DesktopException
      Retrieves the Runtime's configuration
      section - Which section to return from the configuration. Pass null to get all sections
      callback - AckListener for the request
      DesktopException - if this method fails to get Runtime configuration
      See Also:
      DesktopException, AckListener
    • showDeveloperTools

      public void showDeveloperTools​(java.lang.String applicationUUID, java.lang.String windowName, AckListener callback) throws DesktopException
      Shows Developer tool
      applicationUUID - The application ID
      windowName - The name of dev tool window
      callback - AckListener for the request
      DesktopException - if this method fails to show devtools
      See Also:
      DesktopException, AckListener
    • addEventListener

      protected void addEventListener​(org.json.JSONObject subscriptionObject, EventListener listener, AckListener callback) throws DesktopException
      Registers an event listener on the specified event
           Supported system event types are:
      subscriptionObject - A JSON object containing subscription information such as the topic and type
      listener - EventListener for the event
      callback - AckListener for the request
      DesktopException - if this method fails to add event listener specified
      See Also:
      EventListener, AckListener
    • addEventListener

      public void addEventListener​(java.lang.String type, EventListener listener, AckListener callback) throws DesktopException
      Registers an event listener on the specified event
           Supported system event types are:
      type - Type of the event
      listener - EventListener for the event
      callback - AckListener for the request
      DesktopException - if this method fails to add event listener specified
      See Also:
      EventListener, AckListener
    • removeEventListener

      public void removeEventListener​(java.lang.String type, EventListener listener, AckListener callback) throws DesktopException
      Removes a previously registered event listener from the specified event
      type - Type of the event
      listener - EventListener for the event
      callback - AckListener for the request
      DesktopException - if this method fails to remove event listener specified
      See Also:
      DesktopException, EventListener, AckListener
    • launchExternalProcess

      public void launchExternalProcess​(java.lang.String path, java.lang.String commandLine, AsyncCallback<LaunchExternalProcessResult> callback, AckListener listener) throws DesktopException
      Runs an executable or batch file.
      path - The path of the file to launch via the command line
      commandLine - The command line arguments to pass
      callback - A function that is called if the method succeeds
      listener - A function that is called if the method fails
      DesktopException - if this method fails to send the request to Runtime
      See Also:
      DesktopException, AsyncCallback, LaunchExternalProcessResult, AckListener
    • launchExternalProcess

      public void launchExternalProcess​(org.json.JSONObject launchConfig, AsyncCallback<LaunchExternalProcessResult> callback, AckListener listener) throws DesktopException
      Runs an executable or batch file.
      launchConfig - configuration for launching external process
      callback - A function that is called if the method succeeds
      listener - A function that is called if the method fails
      DesktopException - if this method fails to send the request to Runtime
      See Also:
      DesktopException, AsyncCallback, LaunchExternalProcessResult, AckListener
    • terminateExternalProcess

      public void terminateExternalProcess​(java.lang.String processUuid, int timeout, boolean killTree, AsyncCallback<TerminateExternalProcessResult> callback, AckListener listener) throws DesktopException
      Attempts to cleanly close an external process and terminates it if the close has not occured after the elapsed timeout in milliseconds.
      processUuid - The UUID for a process launched by DesktopSystem.launchExternalProcess()
      timeout - The time in milliseconds to wait for a close to occur before terminating
      killTree - true if child processes are included
      callback - A function that is called if the method succeed with result code being passed
      listener - A function that is called if the method fails
      DesktopException - if this method fails to send the request to Runtime
      See Also:
      DesktopException, terminateExternalProcess, TerminateExternalProcessResult, AckListener
    • releaseExternalProcess

      public void releaseExternalProcess​(java.lang.String processUuid, AckListener callback) throws DesktopException
      Removes the process entry for the passed UUID obtained from a previous call to DesktopSystem.launchExternalProcess().
      processUuid - The UUID for a process launched by DesktopSystem.launchExternalProcess()
      callback - AckListener for the request
      DesktopException - if this method fails to send the request to Runtime
      See Also:
      DesktopException, AckListener
    • setClipboard

      public void setClipboard​(java.lang.String text, AckListener callback) throws DesktopException
      Copies text to the clipboard
      text - The text to copy
      callback - AckListener for the request
      DesktopException - if this method fails to send the request to Runtime
      See Also:
      DesktopException, AckListener
    • setCookie

      public void setCookie​(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, long ttl, boolean secure, boolean httpOnly, AckListener callback) throws DesktopException
      Stores a cookie in the runtime
      url - The URL that the cookie is for
      name - The key used to lookup the value
      value - The value paired with the key (name)
      ttl - The time to till the cookie expires in milliseconds. Never expires when set to 0. Defaults to 0.
      secure - Accessible only on a secured connection (SSL)
      httpOnly - Accessible only on HTTP/HTTPS.
      callback - AckListener for the request
      DesktopException - if this method fails to send the request to Runtime
      See Also:
      DesktopException, AckListener
    • setCookie

      public void setCookie​(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, java.lang.String domain, java.lang.String path, long ttl, boolean secure, boolean httpOnly, AckListener callback) throws DesktopException
      Stores a cookie in the runtime
      url - The URL that the cookie is for
      name - The key used to lookup the value
      value - The value paired with the key (name)
      domain - domain of the cookie
      path - path of the cookie
      ttl - The time to till the cookie expires in milliseconds. Never expires when set to 0. Defaults to 0.
      secure - Accessible only on a secured connection (SSL)
      httpOnly - Accessible only on HTTP/HTTPS.
      callback - AckListener for the request
      DesktopException - if this method fails to send the request to Runtime
      See Also:
      DesktopException, AckListener
    • getRvmInfo

      public void getRvmInfo​(AckListener callback) throws DesktopException
      Returns information about the running RVM
      callback - AckListener for the request
      DesktopException - if this method fails to send the request to Runtime
      See Also:
      DesktopException, AckListener
    • getRuntimeInfo

      public void getRuntimeInfo​(AckListener callback) throws DesktopException
      Returns the version of the runtime
      callback - AckListener for the request
      DesktopException - if this method fails to send the request to Runtime
      See Also:
      DesktopException, AckListener
    • getEnvironmentVariable

      public void getEnvironmentVariable​(java.lang.String name, AckListener callback) throws DesktopException
      Retrieve name of a environment variable
      name - name of the environment variable
      callback - AckListener for the request
      DesktopException - if this method fails to send the request to Runtime
      See Also:
      AckListener, DesktopException
    • getEnvironmentVariables

      public void getEnvironmentVariables​(java.lang.String[] names, AckListener callback) throws DesktopException
      Retrieve name of environment variables
      names - names of the environment variable
      callback - AckListener for the request
      DesktopException - if this method fails to send the request to Runtime
      See Also:
      DesktopException, AckListener
    • getHostSpecs

      public void getHostSpecs​(AckListener listener) throws DesktopException
      Get system information
      listener - AckListener for the request
      DesktopException - if this method fails to send the request to Runtime
      See Also:
      DesktopException, AckListener
    • launchManifest

      public void launchManifest​(java.lang.String manifestUrl, org.json.JSONObject rvmLaunchOptions, AckListener listener) throws DesktopException
      Request Runtime to launch app from a manifest Shape of rvmLaunchOptions { noUi: boolean; userAppConfigArgs: JSONObject; }
      manifestUrl - URL of a manifest
      rvmLaunchOptions - launch options used by RVM
      listener - AckListner for the request
      DesktopException - if the request fails
    • getAdapterVersion

      public static java.lang.String getAdapterVersion()
      Get version info of java adapter
      version information
    • getAdapterBuildTime

      public static java.lang.String getAdapterBuildTime()
      Get build time of java adapter
      build time
    • getInstallInfo

      public static org.json.JSONObject getInstallInfo()
      Retrieve info about RVM and Runtime already installed on desktop. Data is returned as JSONObject Example: { "rvm": { "path": "C:\\Users\\123\\AppData\\Local\\OpenFin\\OpenFinRVM.exe", "version": "" }, "runtime": [{ "path": "C:\\Users\\123\\AppData\\Local\\OpenFin\\runtime\\", "version": "" }, { "path": "C:\\Users\\123\\AppData\\Local\\OpenFin\\runtime\\", "version": "" }] }