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DesktopSystemgetMonitorInfo Method

Retrieves an object that contains data about the about the monitor setup of the computer that App Desktop is running on.

Requires administrator privileges.

Namespace:  Openfin.Desktop
Assembly:  OpenfinDesktop (in OpenfinDesktop.dll) Version: 17.5.1
public void getMonitorInfo(
	AckCallback callback,
	AckCallback errorCallback = null


Type: Openfin.DesktopAckCallback
A function that is called and passed an object containing monitor information
errorCallback (Optional)
Type: Openfin.DesktopAckCallback
(Optional) A function that is called if the method fails. The reason for failure is passed as an argument.
The returned object takes the form: { nonPrimaryMonitors: [{ availableRect: { bottom: (integer) bottom-most available monitor coordinate, left: (integer) left-most available monitor coordinate, right: (integer) right-most available monitor coordinate, top: (integer) top-most available monitor coordinate }, deviceId: (string) device id of the display, displayDeviceActive: (boolean) true if the display is active, monitorRect: { bottom: (integer) bottom-most monitor coordinate, left: (integer) left-most monitor coordinate, right: (integer) right-most monitor coordinate, top: (integer) top-most monitor coordinate }, name: (string) name of the display }, ... ], primaryMonitor: { availableRect: { bottom: (integer) bottom-most available monitor coordinate, left: (integer) left-most available monitor coordinate, right: (integer) right-most available monitor coordinate, top: (integer) top-most available monitor coordinate }, deviceId: (string) device id of the display, displayDeviceActive: (boolean) true if the display is active, monitorRect: { bottom: (integer) bottom-most monitor coordinate, left: (integer) left-most monitor coordinate, right: (integer) right-most monitor coordinate, top: (integer) top-most monitor coordinate }, name: (string) name of the display }, reason: (string) always "api-query", taskbar: { edge: {string} which edge of a monitor the taskbar is on, rect: { bottom: ({integer} bottom-most coordinate of the taskbar), left: ({integer} left-most coordinate of the taskbar), right: ({integer} right-most coordinate of the taskbar), top: ({integer} top-most coordinate of the taskbar) } }, virtualScreen: { bottom: (integer) bottom-most coordinate of the virtual screen, left: (integer) left-most coordinate of the virtual screen, right: (integer) right-most coordinate of the virtual screen, top: (integer) top-most coordinate of the virtual screen } }
See Also