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DesktopSystemlaunchExternalProcess Method

Runs an executable or batch file.

Namespace:  Openfin.Desktop
Assembly:  OpenfinDesktop (in OpenfinDesktop.dll) Version: 17.5.1
public void launchExternalProcess(
	string path,
	string commandLine,
	string uuid = null,
	launchExternalProcessHandler callback = null,
	AckCallback errorCallback = null


Type: SystemString
The path of the file to launch via the command line.
Type: SystemString
The command line arguments to pass.
uuid (Optional)
Type: SystemString
The requested UUID of the external application.
callback (Optional)
Type: Openfin.DesktoplaunchExternalProcessHandler
(Optional) A function that is called if the method succeeds. Receives a LaunchExternalProcessResult containing the UUID mapping to the launched process.
errorCallback (Optional)
Type: Openfin.DesktopAckCallback
(Optional) A function that is called if the method fails. The reason for failure is passed as an argument.
See Also