Click or drag to resize

DesktopSystem Methods

The DesktopSystem type exposes the following members.

Public methodaddEventListener Obsolete.
Registers an event listener on the specified event.
Public methodclearCache
Clears cached data containing window state/positions, application resource files (images, HTML, JavaScript files) cookies, and items stored in the Local Storage.

Requires administrator privileges.

Public methoddeleteCacheOnRestart
Clears all cached data when App Desktop is restarted.

Requires administrator privileges.

Public methodDispose
Disposes this instance of the DesktopSystem and unsubscribes from all events.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodexit
Exits App Desktop.

Requires administrator privileges.

Public methodgetAllApplications
Retrieves an array of data (uuid, running/active state) for all application windows.

Requires administrator privileges.

Public methodGetAllExternalApplications
Retrieves a collection of all running external applications.
Public methodgetAllWindows
Retrieves an array of data (name, ids, bounds) for all application windows.

Requires administrator privileges.

Public methodgetCommandLineArguments
Retrieves the command line argument string that started App Desktop.

Requires administrator privileges.

Public methodgetConfig
Retrieves the App Desktop's configuration.

Requires administrator privileges.

Public methodgetDeviceId Obsolete.
Gets the UUID of the computer on which App Desktop is installed.

Requires administrator privileges.

Public methodGetEntityInfo
Returns a frame info object relating to the entity specified by the uuid and name passed in. The possible types are 'window', 'iframe', 'external connection' or 'unknown'.
Public methodgetEnvironmentVariable(String, AckCallback, AckCallback)
Expands an environment variable.
Public methodgetEnvironmentVariable(String, AckCallback, AckCallback)
Expands the passed environment variables.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetInstalledRuntimes
Gets the version numbers of all installed runtimes. This method should be called after a connection has been established (eg. after Runtime.Connected event has been fired).
Public methodgetLog
Retrieves the contents of the log with the specified filename.

Requires administrator privileges.

Public methodgetLogList
Retrieves an array of data objects for all available logs.

Requires administrator privileges.

Public methodgetMonitorInfo
Retrieves an object that contains data about the about the monitor setup of the computer that App Desktop is running on.

Requires administrator privileges.

Public methodgetMousePosition
Returns the mouse in virtual screen coordinates (left, top).
Public methodgetProcessList
Retrieves an array of all App Desktop processes that are currently running.

Each element in the array is an object containing the uuid and the name of the application to which the process belongs.

Requires administrator privileges.

Public methodgetProxySettings
Retrieves the proxy settings object.
Public methodgetRuntimeInfo
Gets info about the runtime
Public methodGetRuntimeInfoAsync
Gets information about the runtime
Public methodgetRvmInfo
Gets info about the RVM
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodgetVersion
Returns the version of App Desktop.

The version contains the major, minor, build and revision numbers (e.g., "").

Public methodlaunchExternalProcess
Runs an executable or batch file.
Public methodLaunchManifestAsyncT
Launches an application via its manifest.
Public methodlog
Writes a message to the log.
Public methodopenUrlWithBrowser
Opens the passed URL
Public methodreleaseExternalProcess
Removes the process entry for the passed UUID obtained from a previous call to DesktopSystem.launchExternalProcess().
Public methodremoveEventListener Obsolete.
Removes a previously registered event listener from the specified event.

The listener is passed an event object containing information related to the event.

Public methodsetClipboard
Copies text to the clipboard
Public methodsetCookie
Stores a cookie in the runtime.
Public methodshowDeveloperTools
Shows Developer tool
Public methodterminateExternalProcess
Attempts to cleanly close an external process and terminates it if the close has not occured after the elapsed timeout in milliseconds.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodupdateProxySettings
Updates the proxy settings.

Requires administrator privileges.

See Also