
Configuration options for constructing a Notifications object.


  • NotificationOptions




body: string

Notification body text.

This is the main notification content, displayed below the notification title. The notification will expand to fit the length of this text.

Optional buttons

buttons: ButtonOptions[]

A list of buttons to display below the notification text.

Notifications support up to four buttons. Attempting to add more than four will result in the notification being rejected by the service.


category: string

Describes the context of this notification. Allows users to control different notification types that are raised by an application.

This string is not displayed on the notification itself, but should be user-readable. It will be displayed in the Notification Center preferences section, and any string passed as a category should make sense when displayed in that context.

Event categories should list all the different types of notifications raised by your app. As a general guide, if a user may want to have different preferences for some subset of notifications created by your app, then applications should ensure that those notifications have a distinct category.

For example - given a calendar app, notification categories could be:

  • 'Upcoming Events': Notification that an event is about to start
  • 'Event Start': Notification raised when event starts, expiring at the event end time
  • 'Event Modified': When an event is modified
  • 'Event Cancelled': When an event is cancelled
  • 'Event Response': An attendee has responded to an event invitation that you created
  • 'Daily Agenda': A notification sent each morning with event reminders

NOTE: The user-facing UI that a user would use to manage their preferences is still in progress. This property has been added in advance of this UI being released, to ensure future compatibility.

Optional customData

customData: CustomData

Any custom context data associated with the notification.

Optional date

date: Date

The timestamp shown on the notification. If omitted, the current date/time will be used.

This is presentational only - a future date will not incur a scheduling action.

Optional icon

icon: undefined | string

URL of the icon to be displayed in the notification.

Optional id

id: undefined | string

A unique identifier for the notification.

If not provided at time of creation, one will be generated for you and returned as part of the create method.

Optional onSelect

onSelect: ActionDeclaration<never, never> | null

An action result to be passed back to the application inside the notification-action event fired when the notification is clicked.

This action will only be raised on clicks to the notification body. Interactions with buttons (both application-defined buttons, and the default 'X' close button) will not trigger a select action.

If omitted or null, applications will not receive a notification-action event when the notification is clicked. See Actions for more details on notification actions, and receiving interaction events from notifications.


title: string

Title of the notification.

Displayed as the first line of the notification, in a heading style.