
Configuration options for constructing a button within a notification.


  • ButtonOptions




Optional iconUrl

iconUrl: undefined | string

Optional icon URL, if an icon should be placed on the button.

Icons are placed to the left of the button text.

Optional onClick

onClick: ActionDeclaration<never, never>

Defines the data to be passed back to the application when the button is clicked.

The NotificationActionResult specified here will be returned to the application via a notification-action event when the button is clicked.

This field must be specified if the application creating the notification wishes to be informed that the user has clicked this button. If the button represents a "dismiss" or some other side-effect-free action then the field may be omitted without consequence. Even if onClick is omitted, a notification-closed event will still be raised after the button click.

Future versions of the service will allow for greater control over what happens when a button is clicked.


title: string

User-facing button text.

The button caption should be kept short, particularly if there are multiple buttons. Notifications are fixed-width, and all buttons will be displayed on the same row.

Optional type

type: undefined | "button"

Identifies the type of this control. Additional control types will be added in future versions of the service.

This type declaration is optional, as the other control types will be declared in a slightly different way. Whilst this field is optional when specifiying options, it will be added by the service during creation (see create) - meaning it will always be present when receiving a notification-action event from a button.