
Layouts v1 API is deprecated and no longer supported as of OpenFin 16+. Please use Platform API instead.

Defines a saved workspace, containing the state of any applications that were open at the time the workspace was generated.

See generate for more information about what gets captured when saving a workspace. Previously generated workspace can be restored using restore.


  • Workspace




apps: WorkspaceApp[]

List of all applications within the workspace.


monitorInfo: MonitorInfo

Stores details about any connected monitors.

Note: This data isn't yet used by the service, it is here to allow for future improvements to the workspaces feature.


schemaVersion: string

Used to determine compatibility of generated workspaces when restoring on different versions of the service.

Any workspace JSON produced by the service will contain a schema version number. This is a separate version number from the service itself, and is incremented only on any changes to the JSON format.

The version string follows semver conventions, and any breaking changes to the schema will always coincide with a major version increment.


tabGroups: TabGroup[]

Tracks which windows are tabbed together, and the properties of the associated tabstrip windows.

This data has some overlap with that stored within apps and apps.mainWindow/apps.childWindows. Generally, apps holds the state necessary for restoring individual application windows, and tabGroups ensures the windows are correctly placed into tab groups once they have been created.


type: "workspace"

Identifies this object as being a workspace.