
Layouts v1 API is deprecated and no longer supported as of OpenFin 16+. Please use Platform API instead.

Stores the state of a single application within a saved workspace.


  • WorkspaceApp




childWindows: WorkspaceWindow[]

State of any child windows belonging to the application.

This will only be populated if the application integrates with the Layouts Service API. See generate for details.

Optional customData

customData: CustomData

Applications can add their own custom data to a workspace, to assist with correctly restoring the application when a saved workspace is loaded.

To set customData, register a 'save' callback using setGenerateHandler. The provided function will be called whenever a workspace is generated, and any value returned by that function will be added to the workspace here. This data will then be available within the restore callback registered via setRestoreHandler.

Optional initialOptions

initialOptions: undefined | object

Stores key information from the Application constructor parameters that were passed when this application was started.

This is only present if the application was started programmatically. For applications started from a manifest, manifestUrl will be present instead.

The type of this matches the options passed to fin.Application.create and those returned by Application.getOptions().


mainWindow: WorkspaceWindow

State of the main window of the application.

Optional manifestUrl

manifestUrl: undefined | string

The URL of the manifest from which this application was started.

This is only present if the application was started from a manifest. For applications started programmatically (using the OpenFin API), initialOptions will be present instead.

Optional parentUuid

parentUuid: undefined | string

The UUID of the application that initially launched this app.

This is only present if the application was started programmatically.


uuid: string

Application identifier