Returns a Channel with an auto-generated identity that is intended for private communication between applications. Primarily used to create channels that will be returned to other applications via an IntentResolution for a raised intent.
fdc3.addIntentListener('ViewChart', async (context) => {
const channel = await fdc3.createPrivateChannel();
const symbol =;
// This gets called when the remote side adds a context listener
const addContextListener = channel.onAddContextListener((contextType) => {
// broadcast price quotes as they come in from our quote feed
feed.onQuote(symbol, (price) => {
channel.broadcast({ type: "price", price});
// This gets called when the remote side calls Listener.unsubscribe()
const unsubscriberListener = channel.onUnsubscribe((contextType) => {
// This gets called if the remote side closes
const disconnectListener = channel.onDisconnect(() => {
return channel;