Uses of Class

  • Uses of DesktopException in com.openfin.desktop

    Methods in com.openfin.desktop that throw DesktopException 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void Application.addEventListener​(java.lang.String type, EventListener listener, AckListener callback)
    Registers an event listener on the specified event.
    void OpenFinRuntime.addEventListener​(java.lang.String type, EventListener listener, AckListener callback)
    Registers an event listener on the specified event
    protected void OpenFinRuntime.addEventListener​(org.json.JSONObject subscriptionObject, EventListener listener, AckListener callback)
    Registers an event listener on the specified event
    void Window.blur()
    Removes focus to the window
    void Window.bringToFront()
    Brings the window to the front of the window stack
    void OpenFinRuntime.clearCache​(boolean cache, boolean cookies, boolean localStorage, boolean appcache, boolean userData)
    Clears cached data containing window state/positions, application resource files (images, HTML, JavaScript files) cookies, and items stored in the Local Storage.
    void OpenFinRuntime.clearCache​(boolean cache, boolean cookies, boolean localStorage, boolean appcache, boolean userData, AckListener listener)
    Clears cached data containing window state/positions, application resource files (images, HTML, JavaScript files) cookies, and items stored in the Local Storage.
    void Application.close()
    Closes the application and any child windows created by the application
    void Application.close​(java.lang.Boolean force, AckListener listener)
    Closes the application with a listener that gets called if the method succeeds
    void Window.close()
    Closes the window
    void Application.createChildWindow​(WindowOptions windowOptions, AckListener callback)
    Create a child window of this application
    static void Application.createFromManifest​(java.lang.String manifestUrl, AsyncCallback<Application> callback, AckListener listener, DesktopConnection connection)
    Retrieves application's manifest and returns a wrapped application.
    void OpenFinRuntime.deleteCacheOnRestart()
    Clears all cached data when Runtime is restarted
    void DesktopConnection.disconnect()
    Disconnects from Runtime
    protected void DesktopConnection.disconnect​(java.lang.String reason)  
    void DesktopConnection.exit()
    Notify Runtime to exit
    void OpenFinRuntime.exit()
    Exit Runtime
    void Window.focus()
    Gives focus to the window
    void OpenFinRuntime.getConfig​(java.lang.String section, AckListener callback)
    Retrieves the Runtime's configuration
    void OpenFinRuntime.getEnvironmentVariable​(java.lang.String name, AckListener callback)
    Retrieve name of a environment variable
    void OpenFinRuntime.getEnvironmentVariables​(java.lang.String[] names, AckListener callback)
    Retrieve name of environment variables
    void OpenFinRuntime.getHostSpecs​(AckListener listener)
    Get system information
    void OpenFinRuntime.getRuntimeInfo​(AckListener callback)
    Returns the version of the runtime
    void OpenFinRuntime.getRvmInfo​(AckListener callback)
    Returns information about the running RVM
    void Window.hide()
    Hides the window if it is shown
    void Window.joinGroup​(Window window)
    Joins the same window group as the specified window When windows are joined, if the user moves one of the windows, all other windows in the same group move too.
    void OpenFinRuntime.launchExternalProcess​(java.lang.String path, java.lang.String commandLine, AsyncCallback<LaunchExternalProcessResult> callback, AckListener listener)
    Runs an executable or batch file.
    void OpenFinRuntime.launchExternalProcess​(org.json.JSONObject launchConfig, AsyncCallback<LaunchExternalProcessResult> callback, AckListener listener)
    Runs an executable or batch file.
    void OpenFinRuntime.launchManifest​(java.lang.String manifestUrl, org.json.JSONObject rvmLaunchOptions, AckListener listener)
    Request Runtime to launch app from a manifest Shape of rvmLaunchOptions { noUi: boolean; userAppConfigArgs: JSONObject; }
    void Window.leaveGroup()
    Leaves the current window group so that the window can be move independently of those in the group.
    void OpenFinRuntime.log​(java.lang.String level, java.lang.String message)
    Writes a message to the log
    void OpenFinRuntime.log​(java.lang.String level, java.lang.String message, AckListener listener)
    Writes a message to the log
    void Window.maximize()
    Maximizes the window
    void Window.mergeGroups​(Window window)
    Merges the instance's window group with the same window group as the specified window.
    void Window.minimize()
    Minimizes the window
    void Window.moveBy​(int deltaLeft, int deltaTop)
    Moves the window by a specified amount
    void Window.moveBy​(int deltaLeft, int deltaTop, AckListener listener)
    Moves the window by a specified amount
    void Window.moveTo​(int left, int top)
    Moves the window to a specified location
    void Window.moveTo​(int left, int top, AckListener listener)
    Moves the window to a specified location
    void OpenFinRuntime.openUrlWithBrowser()
    Opens the passed URL
    void InterApplicationBus.publish​(java.lang.String topic, java.lang.Object message)
    Publishes a message to a topic
    void InterApplicationBus.publish​(java.lang.String topic, java.lang.Object message, AckListener callback)
    Publishes a message to a topic
    void OpenFinRuntime.releaseExternalProcess​(java.lang.String processUuid, AckListener callback)
    Removes the process entry for the passed UUID obtained from a previous call to DesktopSystem.launchExternalProcess().
    void Application.removeEventListener​(java.lang.String type, EventListener listener, AckListener callback)
    Removes a previously registered event listener from the specified event
    void OpenFinRuntime.removeEventListener​(java.lang.String type, EventListener listener, AckListener callback)
    Removes a previously registered event listener from the specified event
    void Application.removeTrayIcon​(AckListener callback)
    Removes the application’s icon from the tray.
    void Window.resizeBy​(int deltaWidth, int deltaHeight, java.lang.String anchor)
    Resizes the window by the specified amount
    void Window.resizeBy​(int deltaWidth, int deltaHeight, java.lang.String anchor, AckListener listener)
    Resizes the window by the specified amount
    void Window.resizeTo​(int width, int height, AckListener listener)
    Resizes the window to the specified dimensions
    void Window.resizeTo​(int width, int height, java.lang.String anchor)
    Resizes the window to the specified dimensions
    void Window.resizeTo​(int width, int height, java.lang.String anchor, AckListener listener)
    Resizes the window to the specified dimensions
    void Application.restart()
    Restarts the application
    void Window.restore()
    Restores the window
    Runs the application
    void InterApplicationBus.send​(java.lang.String destinationUuid, java.lang.String topic, java.lang.Object message)
    Sends a message to an application
    void InterApplicationBus.send​(java.lang.String destinationUuid, java.lang.String topic, java.lang.Object message, AckListener listener)
    Sends a message to an application
    void DesktopConnection.sendAction​(java.lang.String action, org.json.JSONObject payload)
    Sends a message to Runtime
    void OpenFinRuntime.setClipboard​(java.lang.String text, AckListener callback)
    Copies text to the clipboard
    void OpenFinRuntime.setCookie​(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, long ttl, boolean secure, boolean httpOnly, AckListener callback)
    Stores a cookie in the runtime
    void OpenFinRuntime.setCookie​(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, java.lang.String domain, java.lang.String path, long ttl, boolean secure, boolean httpOnly, AckListener callback)
    Stores a cookie in the runtime
    void Application.setTrayIcon​(java.lang.String iconUrl, EventListener listener, AckListener callback)
    Adds a customizable icon in the system tray and notifies the application when clicked
    Shows the window if it is hidden
    void Window.showAt​(int left, int top, boolean toggle)
    Shows the window if it is hidden at the specified location
    void Window.showAt​(int left, int top, boolean toggle, AckListener listener)
    Shows the window if it is hidden at the specified location
    void OpenFinRuntime.showDeveloperTools​(java.lang.String applicationUUID, java.lang.String windowName, AckListener callback)
    Shows Developer tool
    void InterApplicationBus.subscribe​(java.lang.String sourceUuid, java.lang.String topic, BusListener listener)
    Subscribes to messages on the specified topic
    void InterApplicationBus.subscribe​(java.lang.String sourceUuid, java.lang.String topic, BusListener listener, AckListener callback)
    Subscribes to messages on the specified topic
    void Application.terminate()
    Closes the application by terminating its process.
    void OpenFinRuntime.terminateExternalProcess​(java.lang.String processUuid, int timeout, boolean killTree, AsyncCallback<TerminateExternalProcessResult> callback, AckListener listener)
    Attempts to cleanly close an external process and terminates it if the close has not occured after the elapsed timeout in milliseconds.
    void InterApplicationBus.unsubscribe​(java.lang.String sourceUuid, java.lang.String topic, BusListener listener)
    Unsubscribes to messages on the specified topic
    void InterApplicationBus.unsubscribe​(java.lang.String sourceUuid, java.lang.String topic, BusListener listener, AckListener callback)
    Unsubscribes to messages on the specified topic
    void Window.updateOptions​(org.json.JSONObject options)
    Changes a window's options that were defined upon creation
    void OpenFinRuntime.updateProxySettings​(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String proxyAddress, int proxyPort, AckListener listener)
    Updates the proxy settings The passed type can be either "system" or "named".
    void Application.waitFor()
    Waits for a hanging application.
    Constructors in com.openfin.desktop that throw DesktopException 
    Constructor Description
    DesktopConnection​(java.lang.String uuid)
    Creates a new connection to Runtime.
    DesktopConnection​(java.lang.String uuid, java.lang.String host, java.lang.Integer port)
  • Uses of DesktopException in

    Methods in that throw DesktopException 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void Channel.addEventListener​(java.lang.String type, EventListener listener, AckListener callback)
    Registers an event listener on the specified event
    protected void Channel.addEventListener​(org.json.JSONObject subscriptionObject, EventListener listener, AckListener callback)
    Registers an event listener on the specified event
    java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<Ack> Channel.raiseEvent​(java.lang.String type, org.json.JSONObject eventObject)
    Raise a channel event to Runtime
    void Channel.removeEventListener​(java.lang.String type, EventListener listener, AckListener callback)
    Removes a previously registered event listener from the specified event
  • Uses of DesktopException in com.openfin.desktop.win32

    Methods in com.openfin.desktop.win32 that throw DesktopException 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void ExternalWindowObserver.dispose()
    Ensures this window is deregistered on disposal
    Constructors in com.openfin.desktop.win32 that throw DesktopException 
    Constructor Description
    ExternalWindowObserver​(int port, java.lang.String parentAppUuid, java.lang.String name, java.awt.Window window, AckListener listener)
    Establishes a connection and registers the window identified by hWnd with the Runtime.