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Type Aliases



Renames and re-exports dock
Renames and re-exports home
Renames and re-exports legacy
Renames and re-exports store

Type Aliases

Action: { hotkey?: string; name: string }

Each action is defined by its title and a hotkey

Type declaration

  • Optional hotkey?: string
  • name: string
BaseCustomDropdownItems: BaseCustomDropdownItem[] | (() => Promise<BaseCustomDropdownItem[]>)
ButtonTemplateFragment: ContainerTemplateFragment<"Button"> & FragmentAction & { buttonStyle?: ButtonStyle }
CLIDispatchedSearchResult: DispatchedSearchResult

A rendered search result that has been actioned by a user.

CLISearchListenerRequest: SearchListenerRequest
CLISearchListenerResponse: SearchListenerResponse
CLISearchResult<A>: SearchResult<A>

A search result that can be rendered by a Workspace component.

Type Parameters

CustomTemplateData: Record<string, string | ListPairs>
DispatchedAction: Action & { trigger: ActionTrigger }

The triggered action that should be performed by the search provider.

Dock button types

HomeAction: CLISuggestion | Action

Union type that includes Home's built in search result actions.

HomeDispatchedSearchResult: HomeSearchResult & DispatchedSearchResult

A rendered Home search result that has been actioned by a user.

HomeSearchListenerResponse: Omit<CLISearchListenerResponse, "respond"> & { respond: any }

Representation of a search response from a specific invocation of a HomeProvider's onUserInput listener function. Can optionally be used to push search results to the Home UI.

function onUserInput(req: HomeSearchListenerRequest, res: HomeSearchListenerResponse) {

const myLongRunningQuery = makeMyLongRunningQuery(searchListenerRequest.query);
myLongRunningQuery.onNewResults(myNewResults => {

searchListenerRequest.onClose(() => {

A search result that can be rendered by Home UI.

ImageTemplateFragment: PresentationTemplateFragment<"Image"> & FragmentAction & { alternativeText: string }
LayoutComponentExtended: Omit<OpenFin.LayoutComponent, "componentState"> & { componentState: LayoutComponentStateExtended }
LayoutComponentStateExtended: OpenFin.LayoutComponent["componentState"] & { name: string; uuid: string }
LayoutContentExtended: LayoutContentItemExtended[]
LayoutContentItemExtended: OpenFin.LayoutRow | OpenFin.LayoutColumn | LayoutComponentExtended | LayoutStack
LayoutExtended: { content: LayoutContentExtended; settings?: LayoutSettingsExtended }

Type declaration

LayoutSettingsExtended: OpenFin.LayoutOptions["settings"] & { reorderEnabled?: boolean }
LayoutStack: { content: OpenFin.LayoutContent; type: "stack" }

Type declaration

  • content: OpenFin.LayoutContent
  • type: "stack"
ListPairs: [string, string][]
ListTemplateFragment: PresentationTemplateFragment<"List">
PageLayout: LayoutExtended & { layoutDetails?: PageLayoutDetails }
PlainContainerTemplateFragment: ContainerTemplateFragment<"Container">
ResultDispatchListener: ((result: DispatchedSearchResult) => void)

Type declaration

    • A listener called when a search result generated by this provider is dispatched.

      searchTopic.dispatch("My Provider Name", searchResult, "My Action");


      Returns void

ScoreOrder: "ascending" | "descending"

The order to sort scored search results in.

StorefrontDetailedNavigationItem: StorefrontNavigationItem & StorefrontNavigationItemDetails

Render an item in the navigation bar of Storefront with a description and image.

Render an item in the navigation bar of Storefront.

The options to build your custom template composition layout.

TextTemplateFragment: PresentationTemplateFragment<"Text"> & FragmentAction
UserInputListener: ((request: SearchListenerRequest, response: SearchListenerResponse) => Promise<SearchResponse>)

Type declaration


ContainerTemplateFragmentNames: { Button: "Button"; Container: "Container" } = ...

Type declaration

  • Button: "Button"
  • Container: "Container"
PresentationTemplateFragmentNames: { Image: "Image"; List: "List"; Text: "Text" } = ...

Type declaration

  • Image: "Image"
  • List: "List"
  • Text: "Text"
TemplateFragmentTypes: { Button: "Button"; Container: "Container"; Image: "Image"; List: "List"; Text: "Text" } = ...

Type declaration

  • Button: "Button"
  • Container: "Container"
  • Image: "Image"
  • List: "List"
  • Text: "Text"

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