AboutSupportDeveloper GuideVersion 19.1.23
  • Retrieves the connection status and version semver of the Service Provider in the shape of a ProviderStatus object.

    If the Provider is connected, its' version number will be supplied in the returned object. If not, version will be null.

    import {provider} from 'openfin-notifications';

    const status: ProviderStatus = provider.getStatus();
    console.log(status.connected ? `Conencted to provider (version ${status.version})` : 'Not connected to provider');

    Note: Connection status is only available when the connected provider is verison 0.11.2 or later. For earlier versions, this API will indicate that the provider is disconnected.

    Returns Promise<ProviderStatus>



    Note: Template API version is only available when the connected provider is verison 1.10.2 or later.