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Interface StorefrontProvider

Describes a Storefront provided by a platform. A platform must provide an object that satisfies this interface in order to register with the Storefront.

Sample StorefrontProvider definition.

Import required dependencies.

import { Storefront, StorefrontProvider } from '@openfin/workspace';

Create provider object to configure Storefront.

const provider: StorefrontProvider = {
id: 'provider-id',
title: 'Sample Storefront',
icon: 'https://www.openfin.co/favicon-32x32.png',
getApps: () => { }, // Get apps to populate the platform's storefront
getNavigation: () => {...}, // Get navigation selections for the left nav bar
getLandingPage: () => {...}, // Get main landing page for platform's storefront
getFooter: () => {...}, // Get footer for the platform's storefront
launchApp: () => {...}, // Launch an app provided by the platform's storefront

Register storefront provider object.

await Storefront.register(provider);




clientAPIVersion?: string

version of client SDK, set by the API

icon: string

Icon for the provider.

id: string

Unique identifier for the provider.

title: string

A UI friendly title for the provider platform.


  • getApps(): Promise<App[]>
  • Get a list of apps to populate the platform's Storefront with.

    const app : App = {
    appId: 'uid'
    title: 'My App'
    manifest: `https://openfin-iex.experolabs.com/openfin/manifests/cash-flow.json`,
    icons: [
    src: '/icon.png'
    contactEmail: contact@email.com,
    supportEmail: support@email.com,
    publisher: 'My Publisher',
    tags: [],
    images: [],
    intents: []

    const getApps = async (): Promise<App[]> => {
    return [app];

    Returns Promise<App[]>

  • Get the footer for the platform's Storefront.

    const footer: StorefrontFooter = {
    logo: { src: './images/image', size: '32' },
    text: 'footer text',
    links: [
    { title:'title', url: 'https://openfin.co' },
    { title: 'title', url: 'https://openfin.co'}

    const getFooter = async (): Promise<StorefrontFooter> => {
    return footer;

    Returns Promise<StorefrontFooter>

  • Get the main landing page for the platform's Storefront.

    const landingPage : StorefrontLandingPage = {
    hero: {
    title: 'My Landing Page',
    description: 'description',
    cta: navigationItems[0],
    image: {
    src: './images/image.png'
    topRow: {
    title: 'Top Row Title',
    items: //array of StorefrontNavigationItem
    middleRow: {
    title: 'Middle Row Title',
    apps: //array of apps
    bottomRow: {
    title: 'Bottom Row Title',
    items: //array of StorefrontNavigationItem

    const getLandingPage = async (): Promise<StorefrontLandingPage> => {
    return landingPage;

    Returns Promise<StorefrontLandingPage>

  • Get the Storefront navigation sections for the left nav bar.

    const navigationSections: [StorefrontNavigationSection, StorefrontNavigationSection] = [
    id: 'first id',
    title: 'title',
    items: //array of navigation items
    id: 'second id'
    title: 'title',
    items: //array of navigation items

    const getNavigation = async (): Promise<[StorefrontNavigationSection, StorefrontNavigationSection]> => {
    return navigationSections;

    Returns Promise<[StorefrontNavigationSection?, StorefrontNavigationSection?, StorefrontNavigationSection?]>

  • launchApp(app: App): Promise<void>
  • Launch an app provided by the platform's Storefront.

    import { getStorefrontProvider } from "./my-provider";

    //Grab your provider
    const myStoreFrontProvider: StorefrontProvider = getStorefrontProvider();

    const app : App = {
    appId: 'uid'
    title: 'My App'
    manifest: `https://openfin-iex.experolabs.com/openfin/manifests/cash-flow.json`,
    icons: [
    src: './image.png'
    contactEmail: contact@email.com,
    supportEmail: support@email.com,
    publisher: 'My Publisher',
    tags: [],
    images: [],
    intents: []

    const launch = async () => {
    await myStorefrontProvider.launchApp(app);


    • app: App

      the app to launch.

    Returns Promise<void>

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