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Type Aliases



Renames and re-exports dock
Renames and re-exports home
Renames and re-exports legacy
Renames and re-exports store

Type Aliases

Action: { hotkey?: string; name: string }

Each action is defined by its title and a hotkey

Type declaration

  • Optional hotkey?: string
  • name: string
BaseCustomDropdownItems: BaseCustomDropdownItem[] | (() => Promise<BaseCustomDropdownItem[]>)
ButtonTemplateFragment: ContainerTemplateFragment<"Button"> & FragmentAction & { buttonStyle?: ButtonStyle }
CLIDispatchedSearchResult: DispatchedSearchResult

A rendered search result that has been actioned by a user.

CLISearchListenerRequest: SearchListenerRequest
CLISearchListenerResponse: SearchListenerResponse
CLISearchResult<A>: SearchResult<A>

A search result that can be rendered by a Workspace component.

Type Parameters

CustomTemplateData: Record<string, string | ListPairs>
DispatchedAction: Action & { trigger: ActionTrigger }

The triggered action that should be performed by the search provider.

DockButton: { id?: string } & (DockButtonConfig | DockDropdownConfig)

Dock button types

HomeAction: CLISuggestion | Action

Union type that includes Home's built in search result actions.

HomeDispatchedSearchResult: HomeSearchResult & DispatchedSearchResult

A rendered Home search result that has been actioned by a user.

HomeSearchListenerResponse: Omit<CLISearchListenerResponse, "respond"> & { respond: any }

Representation of a search response from a specific invocation of a HomeProvider's onUserInput listener function. Can optionally be used to push search results to the Home UI.

function onUserInput(req: HomeSearchListenerRequest, res: HomeSearchListenerResponse) {

const myLongRunningQuery = makeMyLongRunningQuery(searchListenerRequest.query);
myLongRunningQuery.onNewResults(myNewResults => {

searchListenerRequest.onClose(() => {

A search result that can be rendered by Home UI.

ImageTemplateFragment: PresentationTemplateFragment<"Image"> & FragmentAction & { alternativeText: string }
ListPairs: [string, string][]
ListTemplateFragment: PresentationTemplateFragment<"List">
PageLayout: OpenFin.LayoutOptions & { layoutDetails?: PageLayoutDetails }
PanelConfig: (PanelConfigHorizontal | PanelConfigVertical) & { viewOptions: Omit<OpenFin.PlatformViewCreationOptions, "bounds" | "target"> }

Configuration of an individual fixed view panel


position: PanelPosition.Left,
width: '140px',
viewOptions: { url: 'https://example.com'}
PlainContainerTemplateFragment: ContainerTemplateFragment<"Container">
RegisterMetaInfoInternal: Pick<RegistrationMetaInfo, "workspaceVersion">
ResultDispatchListener: ((result: DispatchedSearchResult) => void)

Type declaration

    • A listener called when a search result generated by this provider is dispatched.

      searchTopic.dispatch("My Provider Name", searchResult, "My Action");


      Returns void

ScoreOrder: "ascending" | "descending"

The order to sort scored search results in.

StorefrontDetailedNavigationItem: StorefrontNavigationItem & StorefrontNavigationItemDetails

Render an item in the navigation bar of Storefront with a description and image.

StorefrontLandingPageItem: StorefrontDetailedNavigationItem | App

Represents the existing StorefrontDetailedNavigationItem and existing App interfaces Used by StorefrontLandingPage to represent items in the bottom, middle and top rows.

Render an item in the navigation bar of Storefront.

The options to build your custom template composition layout.

TextTemplateFragment: PresentationTemplateFragment<"Text"> & FragmentAction
UserInputListener: ((request: SearchListenerRequest, response: SearchListenerResponse) => Promise<SearchResponse>)

Type declaration

WorkspaceButton: "switchWorkspace" | "home" | "notifications" | "store"

The names of the buttons for the workspace components on the Dock.

WorkspaceButtonsConfig: WorkspaceButton[]

Controls the visibility as well as the order of buttons for workspace components on the Dock.

To hide a button, remove it from the array.

The array should not contain duplicate values.

  • Hide the Home button and move the Notifications button to the first position.
const workspaceButtonsConfig: WorkspaceButtonsConfig = [
  • Hide all of the workspace buttons.
const workspaceButtonsConfig: WorkspaceButtonsConfig = [];


ContainerTemplateFragmentNames: { Button: "Button"; Container: "Container" } = ...

Type declaration

  • Button: "Button"
  • Container: "Container"
PresentationTemplateFragmentNames: { Image: "Image"; List: "List"; Text: "Text" } = ...

Type declaration

  • Image: "Image"
  • List: "List"
  • Text: "Text"
TemplateFragmentTypes: { Button: "Button"; Container: "Container"; Image: "Image"; List: "List"; Text: "Text" } = ...

Type declaration

  • Button: "Button"
  • Container: "Container"
  • Image: "Image"
  • List: "List"
  • Text: "Text"

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