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closeButton?: { disabled?: boolean; hidden?: boolean }

Used to manipulate behaviour of a close button on a page tab. If undefined, then close button is visible and actionable. If either property true, this page tab's context menu will disable its 'Close Page' option.

Type declaration

  • Optional disabled?: boolean
  • Optional hidden?: boolean
description?: string

An optional UI friendly description of the page.

iconUrl?: string

Icon that appears on a page tab if there are no unsaved changes. If 'undefined', default icon will appear.

isLocked?: boolean

True if the page is locked.

isReadOnly?: boolean

True if the page is read only. In this state, the page is locked and cannot be unlocked.

layout: PageLayout

The layout of the page.

pageId: string

The unique ID of the page.

panels?: PanelConfig[]

Used to configure fixed views on the edges of the browser window. Only one panel per side is supported.

title: string

A UI friendly title for the page.

tooltip?: string

A optional UI friendly tooltip for the page.

unsavedIconUrl?: string

Icon that appears on a page tab if there are unsaved changes (dirty state). If 'undefined', default icon will appear.

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