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Interface HomeSearchListenerRequest

Representation of a search request from a specific invocation of a HomeProvider's onUserInput listener function.




context: { isSaved: boolean; isSearchEngines: boolean; isStore: boolean; isSuggestion: boolean; selectedFilters?: CLIFilter[] }

Type declaration

  • isSaved: boolean

    Denotes that this search request should return search results that represent content that a user has saved. (Workspaces, Pages)

  • isSearchEngines: boolean

    Denotes that this search request should return search results that represent other Home search providers. If the user chooses to launch one of these apps, they should register a Home provider.

  • isStore: boolean

    Denotes that this search request should return search results that represents content that is stored in the platform. This should exclude content that the user has saved. (Workspaces, Pages, Views, Apps)

  • isSuggestion: boolean

    Denotes that this Home search request was triggered via the user selecting a suggestion from this provider.

  • Optional selectedFilters?: CLIFilter[]

    any user-selected filters will be populated here e.g [{ title: 'Currency Pairs', type: FilterOptionType.MultiSelect, options: [{ value: 'GBPUSD', isSelected: true}] }]

id: string

The ID of the search request. Can be used to tie related search requests together between providers.

query: string

The search query.

targets?: string[]

A list of search provider names to execute the search request against.

topic: string

The ID of the topic the search request was dispatched on.


  • onClose(listener: (() => void)): void
  • Registers a listener that is called when the search request is closed by the search requester.

    Can be used to cleanup pending queries:

    async function onUserInput(request) {
    const myQuery = makeQuery(request.query);

    request.onClose(() => {

    const results = await myQuery.getResults();
    return { results };


    • listener: (() => void)

      the listener to call when the request is closed.

        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns void

  • removeListener(listener: (() => void)): void
  • Remove a registered listener.

    function myListener(request, listener) {
    // Do something



    • listener: (() => void)

      the listener to remove.

        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns void

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