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Sample DockProvider definition.

The icon for DockProvider must be in a raster image format. An SVG is not processed.

Import required dependencies.

import { Dock, DockProvider, DockButtonNames } from '@openfin/workspace';
import { CustomDropdownItemActionPayload, init } from "@openfin/workspace-platform";

Create provider object to pass to the static register function of the Dock type.

const provider: DockProvider = {
id: 'provider-id',
title: 'Sample Dock',
icon: 'https://www.openfin.co/favicon-32x32.png',
buttons: [
tooltip: 'Sample Button 1',
iconUrl: 'https://www.openfin.co/favicon-32x32.png',
action: {
id: 'sampleButton1'
type: DockButtonNames.DropdownButton,
tooltip: 'Sample Dropdown Button',
iconUrl: 'https://www.openfin.co/favicon-32x32.png',
options: [
tooltip: 'Dropdown Button 1',
iconUrl: 'https://www.openfin.co/favicon-32x32.png',
action: {
id: 'dropdownButton1',
customData: "dropdownButton1 clicked"
tooltip: 'Dropdown Button 2',
iconUrl: 'https://www.openfin.co/favicon-32x32.png',
action: {
id: 'dropdownButton2',
customData: "dropdownButton2 clicked"

Initialize workspace with customActions to be invoked by dock dropdown.

await init({
browser: {},
customActions: {
"dropdownButton1": async (payload: CustomDropdownItemActionPayload) => {
"dropdownButton2": async (payload: CustomDropdownItemActionPayload) => {

Register dock provider object.

await Dock.register(provider);

Show Dock.

await Dock.show();




buttons?: DockButton[]

Buttons for platform-specific custom actions to display on the Dock.

clientAPIVersion?: string

version of client SDK, set by the API

icon: string

Icon for the provider.

id: string

Unique identifier for the provider.

title: string

A UI friendly title for the provider platform.

workspaceComponents?: WorkspaceComponentButtonOptions

Controls the visibility of buttons for workspace components on the Dock. All components are visible by default, but you can hide any of them.

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