Tutorial: system.addEventListener


Registers an event listener on the specified event. Supported system event types are:

  • application-closed
  • application-crashed
  • application-created
  • application-started
  • desktop-icon-clicked
  • idle-state-changed
  • monitor-info-changed
  • session-changed


fin.desktop.System.addEventListener('monitor-info-changed', function (evnt) {
    console.log("The monitor information has changed to: ", evnt);
}, function () {
    console.log("The registration was successful");
},function (err) {
    console.log("failure: " + err);

System Events


Generated when an application has closed.

//This response has the following shape:
    topic: "system",
    type: "application-closed",
    uuid: "454C7F31-A915-4EA2-83F2-CFA655453C52" // the UUID of the application


Generated when an application has crashed.

//This response has the following shape:
    topic: "system",
    type: "application-crashed",
    uuid: "454C7F31-A915-4EA2-83F2-CFA655453C52" // the UUID of the application


Generated when an application is created.

//This response has the following shape:
    topic: "system",
    type: "application-created",
    uuid: "454C7F31-A915-4EA2-83F2-CFA655453C52" // the UUID of the application


Generated when an application has started.

//This response has the following shape:
    topic: "system",
    type: "application-started",
    uuid: "454C7F31-A915-4EA2-83F2-CFA655453C52" // the UUID of the application


Generated when an external application has connected

    topic: "system",
    type: "external-application-connected",
    uuid: "454C7F31-A915-4EA2-83F2-CFA655453C52" // the UUID of the external application


Generated when an external application has disconnected

    topic: "system",
    type: "external-application-disconnected",
    uuid: "454C7F31-A915-4EA2-83F2-CFA655453C52" // the UUID of the external application


Generated when the desktop icon is clicked while it's already running.

//This response has the following shape:
    mouse: {
        left: 13, //the left virtual screen coordinate of the mouse
        top: 14  // the top virtual screen coordinate of the mouse
    tickCount: 233000, //the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the system was started,
    topic: "system",
    type: "desktop-icon-clicked"


Generated when a user enters or returns from idle state. This method is continuously generated every minute while the user is in idle. A user enters idle state when the computer is locked or when there has been no keyboard/mouse activity for 1 minute. A user returns from idle state when the computer is unlocked or keyboard/mouse activity has resumed.

//This response has the following shape:
    elapsedTime: 6000, //How long in milliseconds since the user has been idle.
    isIdle: true, //true when the user is idle,false when the user has returned;
    topic: "system",
    type: "idle-state-changed"


Generated on changes of a monitor's size/location. A monitor's size changes when the taskbar is resized or relocated. The available space of a monitor defines a rectangle that is not occupied by the taskbar.

//This response has the following shape:
    nonPrimaryMonitors: [{
        availableRect: {
            bottom: 55, //bottom-most available monitor coordinate,
            left: 55, //left-most available monitor coordinate,
            right: 55, //right-most available monitor coordinate,
            top: 55 //top-most available monitor coordinate
        deviceId: "device", //device id of the display
        displayDeviceActive: true, //true if the display is active
        monitorRect: {
            bottom: 55, //bottom-most monitor coordinate,
            left: 55, //left-most monitor coordinate,
            right: 55, //right-most monitor coordinate,
            top: 55 //top-most monitor coordinate
        name: "display two" //name of the display
    primaryMonitor: {
        availableRect: {
            bottom: 55, //bottom-most available monitor coordinate,
            left: 55, //left-most available monitor coordinate,
            right: 55, //right-most available monitor coordinate,
            top: 55 //top-most available monitor coordinate
        deviceId: "device", //device id of the display
        displayDeviceActive: true, //true if the display is active
        monitorRect: {
            bottom: 55, //bottom-most monitor coordinate,
            left: 55, //left-most monitor coordinate,
            right: 55, //right-most monitor coordinate,
            top: 55 //top-most monitor coordinate
        name: "display one" //name of the display
    reason: "display", //the action that triggered this event. Can be "taskbar", "display" or "unknown"
    taskbar: {
        edge: "top" // which edge of a monitor the taskbar is on,
        rect: {
            bottom: 55, //bottom-most coordinate of the taskbar
            left: 55, //left-most coordinate of the taskbar
            right: 55, //right-most coordinate of the taskbar
            top: 55 //top-most coordinate of the taskbar
    topic: "system",
    type: "monitor-info-changed",
    virtualScreen: {
        bottom: 55, //bottom-most coordinate of the virtual screen,
        left: 55, //left-most coordinate of the virtual screen,
        right: 55, //right-most coordinate of the virtual screen,
        top: 55 //top-most coordinate of the virtual screen


Generated on changes to a user’s local computer session.

//This response has the following shape:
    reason: "lock", //the action that triggered this event:
    topic: "system",
    type: "session-changed"