Namespace: InterApplicationBus



(static) addSubscribeListener(listener)

Adds a listener that gets called when applications subscribe to the current application's messages.

Name Type Description
listener function

A function that is called whenever an application subscribes to its messages. The UUID of the subscribing application and the topic of the message are passed.


(static) addUnsubscribeListener(listener)

Adds a listener that gets called when applications unsubscribe to the current application's messages.

Name Type Description
listener function

A function that is called whenever an application subscribes to its messages. The UUID of the subscribing application and the topic of the message are passed.


(static) publish(topic, message, callbackopt, errorCallbackopt)

Publishes a message to all applications running on OpenFin Runtime that are subscribed to the specified topic.

Name Type Attributes Description
topic string

The topic on which the message is sent.

message *

The message to be published. Can be either a primitive data type (string, number, or boolean) or composite data type (object, array) that is composed of other primitive or composite data types.

callback function <optional>

called if the method succeeds.

errorCallback function <optional>

called if the method fails. The reason for failure is passed as an argument.


(static) removeSubscribeListener(listener)

Removes a previously registered subscribe listener.

Name Type Description
listener function

A function that is called whenever an application subscribes to its messages. The UUID of the subscribing application and the topic of the message are passed.


(static) removeUnsubscribeListener(listener)

Removes a previously registered unsubscribe listener.

Name Type Description
listener function

A function that is called whenever an application unsubscribes to its messages. The UUID of the unsubscribing application and the topic of the message are passed.


(static) send(destinationUuid, nameopt, topic, message, callbackopt, errorCallbackopt)

Sends a message to a specific application on a specific topic.

Name Type Attributes Description
destinationUuid string

The uuid of the application to which the message is sent.

name string <optional>

The name of the application window to which the message is sent.

topic string

The topic on which the message is sent.

message *

The message to be sent. Can be either a primitive data type (string, number, or boolean) or composite data type (object, array) that is composed of other primitive or composite data types.

callback function <optional>

called if the method succeeds.

errorCallback function <optional>

called if the method fails. The reason for failure is passed as an argument.


(static) subscribe(senderUuid, nameopt, topic, listener, callbackopt, errorCallbackopt)

Subscribes to messages from the specified application on the specified topic. If the subscription is for a uuid, [name], topic combination that has already been published to upon subscription you will receive the last 20 missed messages in the order they were published.

Name Type Attributes Description
senderUuid string

The UUID of the application to which to subscribe. The wildcard "*" can be used to receive messages from all applications.

name string <optional>

The name of the application window to which the message is sent.

topic string

The topic on which the message is sent.

listener function

A function that is called when a message has been received. It is passed the message, uuid and name of the sending application. The message can be either a primitive data type (string, number, or boolean) or composite data type (object, array) that is composed of other primitive or composite data types.

callback function <optional>

called if the method succeeds.

errorCallback function <optional>

called if the method fails. The reason for failure is passed as an argument.


(static) unsubscribe(senderUuid, nameopt, topic, listener, callbackopt, errorCallbackopt)

Unsubscribes to messages from the specified application on the specified topic.

Name Type Attributes Description
senderUuid string

The UUID of the application to which to unsubscribe.

name string <optional>

The name of the application window to which the message is sent.

topic string

The topic on which the message is sent.

listener function

A callback previously registered with subscribe().

callback function <optional>

called if the method succeeds.

errorCallback function <optional>

called if the method fails. The reason for failure is passed as an argument.
