Module: Clipboard

Clipboard API allows reading and writing to the clipboard in multiple formats.


(static) availableFormats(typeopt, callbackopt, errorCallbackopt)

Reads available formats for the clipboard type

Name Type Attributes Description
type string <optional>

Clipboard Type.

callback function <optional>

called if the method succeeds. Provides the Array of available formats.

errorCallback function <optional>

called if the method fails. The reason for failure is passed as an argument.


(static) readHtml(typeopt, callbackopt, errorCallbackopt)

Read the content of the clipboard as Html

Name Type Attributes Description
type string <optional>

Clipboard Type.

callback function <optional>

called if the method succeeds. Provides the clipboard contents

errorCallback function <optional>

called if the method fails. The reason for failure is passed as an argument.


(static) readRtf(typeopt, callbackopt, errorCallbackopt)

Read the content of the clipboard as Rtf

Name Type Attributes Description
type string <optional>

Clipboard Type.

callback function <optional>

called if the method succeeds. Provides the clipboard contents

errorCallback function <optional>

called if the method fails. The reason for failure is passed as an argument.


(static) readText(typeopt, callbackopt, errorCallbackopt)

Read the content of the clipboard as plain text

Name Type Attributes Description
type string <optional>

Clipboard Type.

callback function <optional>

called if the method succeeds. Provides the clipboard contents

errorCallback function <optional>

called if the method fails. The reason for failure is passed as an argument.


(static) write(data, typeopt, callbackopt, errorCallbackopt)

Writes data into the clipboard

Name Type Attributes Description
data object

Object containing data to be written.

type string <optional>

Clipboard Type.

callback function <optional>

called if the method succeeds.

errorCallback function <optional>

called if the method fails. The reason for failure is passed as an argument.


(static) writeHtml(data, typeopt, callbackopt, errorCallbackopt)

Writes data into the clipboard as Html

Name Type Attributes Description
data string

Data to be written.

type string <optional>

Clipboard Type.

callback function <optional>

called if the method succeeds.

errorCallback function <optional>

called if the method fails. The reason for failure is passed as an argument.


(static) writeRtf(data, typeopt, callbackopt, errorCallbackopt)

Writes data into the clipboard as Rtf

Name Type Attributes Description
data string

Data to be written.

type string <optional>

Clipboard Type.

callback function <optional>

called if the method succeeds.

errorCallback function <optional>

called if the method fails. The reason for failure is passed as an argument.


(static) writeText(data, typeopt, callbackopt, errorCallbackopt)

Writes data into the clipboard as plain text

Name Type Attributes Description
data string

Data to be written.

type string <optional>

Clipboard Type.

callback function <optional>

called if the method succeeds.

errorCallback function <optional>

called if the method fails. The reason for failure is passed as an argument.
