AboutSupportDeveloper GuideVersion 0.5.0

Interface ServerOptions

Options for starting the Snap Server


  • ServerOptions


blurEffectPerformanceThreshold?: number

This is respected only if the disableBlurDropPreview option is not set. This threshold (in milliseconds) relates to the time taken to render a blur effect. Snap will do a check at start up to measure this performance and automatically disable the blur effect if this threshold time is exceeded. If not provided, the performance check will use a default threshold.

disableBlurDropPreview?: boolean

If true, the drop preview will not be blurred. This can be useful if performance issues are encountered when displaying a drop target and preview. This can occur on lower spec machines.

disableGPUAcceleratedDragging?: boolean

If true, reverts to a slower method of dragging groups of windows

disableUserUnstick?: boolean

If true, prevents the user from unsticking windows (e.g. using SHIFT key)

executablePath?: string

The path to the Snap executable to launch if not using a manifest asset

keyToStick?: boolean

If true, windows will only stick if CTRL key is held while dragging

showDebug?: boolean

True if the Snap debug console should be shown

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