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OpenFin Notification Center - v1.5.1

OpenFin Notification Center


The OpenFin Notification Center provides developers with a uniform way to create, display and organize desktop notifications as well as responding to notification events.

Notifications will be displayed as toasts as well as being listed and organized in a Notification Center. The Notification Center can be accessed by clicking on the Notifications icon in the system tray.

This project consist of 2 parts:

  1. The Notification Center, displaying and managing notifications
  2. The Notification Center Client Library, exposing APIs for applications to create and manage notifications


  • OpenFin version for applications using the Notification Center >=
  • OpenFin version used by the Notifications Provider =
  • RVM >= 4.7


  • Create notifications
  • Clear and dismiss notifications
  • Attach handlers for when notifications are created, closed, and interacted with
  • Persist notifications in the Notification Center


Netlify Status — pass: pizza

Storybook builds of develop branch are automatically deployed to Netlify.

Getting Started

Integrating the Notification Center within an application is done by importing the Client API.

Import the Client API

npm install openfin-notifications

The client library is also available as a resource which can be included via <script> tag:

<script src="https://cdn.openfin.co/services/openfin/notifications/<VERSION>/openfin-notifications.js"></script>

This will expose the global variable notifications with the API methods documented in the link below. Example:

const notes = await notifications.getAll();

The client module exports a set of functions, documented in the API docs.


Documentation is available here.

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