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Interface UpdatableNotificationTemplateCustom

Update Payload for Custom Template Notification. This will let you update the template data associated with the existing template composition of the notification template.




Optional buttons

buttons: ButtonOptions[]

A list of buttons to display below the notification text.

Notifications support up to four buttons. Attempting to add more than four will result in the notification being rejected by the service.

Optional customData

customData: CustomData

Application-defined context data that can be attached to buttons on notifications.

When using forms, form data submitted will be written to customData and returned to your app by listening to the submit notification-action with the trigger {@link ActionTrigger.SUBMIT|submit}.


id: string

A unique identifier for the notification.

Mandatory field for Notification updates.

Optional template

template: "custom"

description of update type 'markdown', 'list' or 'custom'

Optional templateData

templateData: CustomTemplateData

Data associated with the custom notification template's presentation fragments.

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