
Configuration options for constructing a Notifications object.


  • NotificationOptions




body: string

Main Notification content.

Optional buttons

buttons: OptionButton[]

Text and icons for up to two Notification action buttons.

Optional customData

customData: CustomData

Any custom context data associated with the Notification.

Optional date

date: Date

The timestamp shown on the Notification. This is presentational only - a future date will not incur a scheduling action.

Optional icon

icon: undefined | string

URL of the icon to be displayed in the Notification.

Optional id

id: undefined | string

A unique identifier for the Notification.

If not provided at time of creation, one will be generated for you and returned as part of the create method.

Optional subtitle

subtitle: undefined | string

Subtitle of the Notification.


title: string

Title of the Notification (e.g. sender name for email).