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Extends an AppIdentifier, describing an application or instance of an application, with additional descriptive metadata that is usually provided by an FDC3 App Directory that the desktop agent connects to.

The additional information from an app directory can aid in rendering UI elements, such as a launcher menu or resolver UI. This includes a title, description, tooltip and icon and screenshot URLs.

Note that as AppMetadata instances are also AppIdentifiers they may be passed to the app argument of fdc3.open, fdc3.raiseIntent etc.

interface AppMetadata {
    appId: string;
    description?: string;
    icons?: Icon[];
    instanceId?: string;
    instanceMetadata?: Record<string, any>;
    name?: string;
    resultType?: null | string;
    screenshots?: Image[];
    title?: string;
    tooltip?: string;
    version?: string;

Hierarchy (view full)


appId: string

The unique application identifier located within a specific application directory instance. An example of an appId might be 'app@sub.root'

description?: string

A longer, multi-paragraph description for the application that could include markup

icons?: Icon[]

A list of icon URLs for the application that can be used to render UI elements

instanceId?: string

An optional instance identifier, indicating that this object represents a specific instance of the application described.

instanceMetadata?: Record<string, any>

An optional set of, implementation specific, metadata fields that can be used to disambiguate instances, such as a window title or screen position. Must only be set if instanceId is set.

name?: string

The 'friendly' app name. This field was used with the open and raiseIntent calls in FDC3 <2.0, which now require an AppIdentifier wth appId set. Note that for display purposes the title field should be used, if set, in preference to this field.

resultType?: null | string

The type of output returned for any intent specified during resolution. May express a particular context type (e.g. "fdc3.instrument"), channel (e.g. "channel") or a channel that will receive a specified type (e.g. "channel<fdc3.instrument>").

screenshots?: Image[]

Images representing the app in common usage scenarios that can be used to render UI elements

title?: string

A more user-friendly application title that can be used to render UI elements

tooltip?: string

A tooltip for the application that can be used to render UI elements

version?: string

The Version of the application.