Tutorial: fdc3v2.getInfo


Returns metadata relating to the FDC3 object and its provider, including the supported version of the FDC3 specification and the name of the provider of the implementation.

If InteropBroker.fdc3HandleGetInfo is not overridden this will return a default ImplementationData with no appMetadata info:

// {
//     fdc3Version: '2.0',
//     provider: 'OpenFin',
//     providerVersion: 'runtimeVersion',
//     optionalFeatures: {
//        "OriginatingAppMetadata": false,
//        "UserChannelMembershipAPIs": true
//     },
//     appMetadata: {
//         appId: '',
//         instanceId: ''
//     }
// }


const metadataInfo = await fdc3.getInfo();