Uses of Interface

Packages that use BusListener 
Package Description
  • Uses of BusListener in com.openfin.desktop

    Methods in com.openfin.desktop with parameters of type BusListener 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void InterApplicationBus.subscribe​(java.lang.String sourceUuid, java.lang.String topic, BusListener listener)
    Subscribes to messages on the specified topic
    void InterApplicationBus.subscribe​(java.lang.String sourceUuid, java.lang.String topic, BusListener listener, AckListener callback)
    Subscribes to messages on the specified topic
    void InterApplicationBus.unsubscribe​(java.lang.String sourceUuid, java.lang.String topic, BusListener listener)
    Unsubscribes to messages on the specified topic
    void InterApplicationBus.unsubscribe​(java.lang.String sourceUuid, java.lang.String topic, BusListener listener, AckListener callback)
    Unsubscribes to messages on the specified topic