An object that represents an open workbook in Excel.


  • ExcelWorkbook


getName: (() => Promise<string>)

Type declaration

    • (): Promise<string>
    • Gets the workbook name.


      The workbook name.


      AdapterError if an exception is thrown by the adapter process, typically by the Excel PIA.

      Returns Promise<string>


  • Activates the first window associated with the workbook, bringing it in to focus.

    Activating a workbook deactivates the currently activated workbook.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Adds a listener for the specified workbook-level event.


    AdapterError if an exception is thrown by the adapter process, typically by the Excel PIA.


    EventError if specified event is not supported.


    • eventName: string

      Type of the workbook-level event to listen for.

    • listener: ExcelWorkbookEventListener

      Function called when the specified event occurs.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Adds a listener that is called when the workbook is activated.


    AdapterError if an exception is thrown by the adapter process, typically by the Excel PIA.


    • eventName: "activate"

      Name of the event fired when the workbook is activated.

    • listener: WorkbookActivatedEventListener

      Listener function called when the event occurs.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Adds a listener that is called when a worksheet is added to the workbook.


    AdapterError if an exception is thrown by the adapter process, typically by the Excel PIA.


    • eventName: "addWorksheet"

      Name of the event fired when a worksheet is added to the workbook.

    • listener: WorksheetAddedEventListener

      Listener function called when the event occurs.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Adds a listener that is called when the workbook is closed.


    AdapterError if an exception is thrown by the adapter process, typically by the Excel PIA.


    • eventName: "close"

      Name of the event fired when the workbook is closed.

    • listener: WorkbookClosedEventListener

      Listener function called when the event occurs.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Adds a listener that is called when the workbook is deactivated (i.e. another workbook is activated).


    AdapterError if an exception is thrown by the adapter process, typically by the Excel PIA.


    • eventName: "deactivate"

      Name of the event fired when the workbook is deactivated.

    • listener: WorkbookDeactivatedEventListener

      Listener function called when the event occurs.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Adds a listener that is called when a worksheet is deleted from the workbook.


    AdapterError if an exception is thrown by the adapter process, typically by the Excel PIA.


    • eventName: "deleteWorksheet"

      Name of the event fired when a worksheet is deleted from the workbook.

    • listener: WorksheetDeletedEventListener

      Listener function called when the event occurs.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Adds a new worksheet to the workbook.


    The worksheet that was created.


    AdapterError if an exception is thrown by the adapter process, typically by the Excel PIA.

    Returns Promise<ExcelWorksheet>

  • Triggers calculation for the entire workbook.

    Only necessary when automatic calculation is turned off.


    AdapterError if an exception is thrown by the adapter process, typically by the Excel PIA.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Closes the workbook.

    If the workbook has any unsaved changes, Excel displays a "Save" prompt before closing the workbook.

    After calling this function do not attempt to use this workbook or any child worksheet objects. Doing so will likely result in an AdapterError since the underlying object/file is no longer available.


    AdapterError if an exception is thrown by the adapter process, typically by the Excel PIA.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Get the current calculation mode which determines when the workbook is re-calculated.


    The name of the current calculation mode.


    AdapterError if an exception is thrown by the adapter process, typically by the Excel PIA.

    Returns Promise<ExcelCalculationMode>

  • Gets a worksheet with a given name.


    The worksheet matching the provided name, or null if no matching worksheet was found.


    AdapterError if an exception is thrown by the adapter process, typically by the Excel PIA.


    • worksheetName: string

      The name of the worksheet to get.

    Returns Promise<null | ExcelWorksheet>

  • Gets all worksheets belonging to the workbook.


    All worksheets belonging to the workbook.


    AdapterError if an exception is thrown by the adapter process, typically by the Excel PIA.

    Returns Promise<ExcelWorksheet[]>

  • Removes a previously added listener for the specified workbook-level event.


    AdapterError if an exception is thrown by the adapter process, typically by the Excel PIA.


    EventError if provided listener function does not match any added event listener.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Saves the workbook to disk.


    The full path the workbook was saved to.


    AdapterError if an exception is thrown by the adapter process, typically by the Excel PIA.

    Returns Promise<string>

  • Saves the workbook to the file path provided.


    The full path the workbook was saved to.


    AdapterError if an exception is thrown by the adapter process, typically by the Excel PIA.


    • filePath: string

      Full path (including file name) where the workbook should be saved.

    Returns Promise<string>

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