AboutSupportDeveloper GuideVersion 2.0.0
BloombergConnectionConfig: {
    actions?: BloombergActionsConfig;
    groups?: string[] | null;
    interopDisabled?: boolean;
    onContextChanged?: ((context) => void);
    onError?: ((error) => void);

Configuration options for a Bloomberg Connection.

Type declaration

  • Optional actions?: BloombergActionsConfig

    Provide an actions config to extend or override the default actions used by the API.

  • Optional groups?: string[] | null

    Provide a list of Launchpad group names (e.g. ['Group-A','Group-B']) and an fdc3.instrument context will be broadcast when one of the group’s security changes.

    By default (if no value is provided), the API listens to all Launchpad groups. To stop the API from broadcasting context on group updates, set this to null.

  • Optional interopDisabled?: boolean

    Set to true to disable all interop functionality for the connection.

  • Optional onContextChanged?: ((context) => void)

    Function that will be executed whenever context changes.

    Param: context

    The incoming context object that has triggered execution of the function.

      • (context): void
      • Function that will be executed whenever context changes.


        • context: unknown

          The incoming context object that has triggered execution of the function.

        Returns void

  • Optional onError?: ((error) => void)

    Function that will be executed whenever an API error occurs after the connection has been created.

    Param: error

    Error that was detected.

      • (error): void
      • Function that will be executed whenever an API error occurs after the connection has been created.


        • error: ApiError

          Error that was detected.

        Returns void

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