Application Events |
The Application type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Closed |
Occurs when the application is closed.
| |
Connected |
Occurs when the application has authenticated and is connected.
| |
Crashed |
Occurs when the application crashes.
| |
Error |
Occurs when the application has an error.
| |
Initialized |
Occurs when the application main window has initialized.
| |
ManifestChanged |
Occurs when a manifest has been changed.
| |
NotResponding |
Occurs when the application is not responding.
| |
OutOfMemory |
Occurs when the application is out of memory.
| |
Responding |
Occurs when the application is responding following a not responding event.
| |
RunRequested |
Occurs when the application has been requested to run.
| |
Started |
Occurs when the application has started.
| |
TrayIconClicked |
Occurs when a try icon has been clicked.
| |
WindowAlertRequested |
Occurs when a window is requesting to show an alert.
| |
WindowAuthenticationRequested |
Occurs when a window has requested authentication credentials.
| |
WindowBlurred |
Occurs when a window loses its focus.
| |
WindowClosed |
Occurs when the application has closed a window.
| |
WindowClosing |
Occurs when a child window has initiated the closing routine.
| |
WindowCrashed |
Occurs when a window has crashed.
| |
WindowCreated |
Occurs when the application has created a window.
| |
WindowEmbedded |
Occurs when the window has been embedded
| |
WindowEndLoaded |
Occurs when a window ended loading.
| |
WindowExternalProcessExited |
Occurs when the external process has exited.
| |
WindowExternalProcessStarted |
Occurs when the external process has started.
| |
WindowFileDownloadCompleted |
Occurs when a file download has completed.
| |
WindowFileDownloadProgress |
Occurs during file download progress.
| |
WindowFileDownloadStarted |
Occurs when a file download has started.
| |
WindowFocused |
Occurs when a window of the application gains focus.
| |
WindowFrameDisabled |
Occurs when a widnows frame becomes disabled.
| |
WindowFrameEnabled |
Occurs when a window frame becomes enabled
| |
WindowGroupChanged |
Occurs when a window joins/leaves a group and/or when the group a window is a member of changes.
| |
WindowHidden |
Occurs when a window has been hidden.
| |
WindowInitialized |
Occurs when a window is initialized.
| |
WindowMaximized |
Occurs when a window is maximized.
| |
WindowMinimized |
Occurs when a window is minimized.
| |
WindowNavigationRejected |
Occurs when the application main window navigation was rejected.
| |
WindowNotResponding |
Occurs when a window is not responding.
| |
WindowOutOfMemory |
Occurs when a process ran out of memory.
| |
WindowPreloadScriptsStateChanged |
Occurs after the execution of all of a window's preload scripts.
Contains information about all window's preload scripts' final states.
| |
WindowPreloadScriptsStateChanging |
Occurs during the execution of a window's preload script.
Contains information about a single window's preload script's state, for which the event has been raised.
| |
WindowReloaded |
Occurs when a window was reloaded.
| |
WindowResponding |
Occurs when a window is responding following a not responding event.
| |
WindowRestored |
Occurs when a window is displayed after having been minimized or when a window leaves the maximize state without minimizing.
| |
WindowShown |
Occurs when a hidden window has been shown.
| |
WindowShowRequested |
Occurs when a window is requesting to be shown.
| |
WindowStartLoad |
Occurs when a window started loading.