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DesktopSystem Events

The DesktopSystem type exposes the following members.

Public eventApplicationClosed
Occurs when an application is closed.
Public eventApplicationConnected
Occurs when an application has authenticated and is connected.
Public eventApplicationCrashed
Occurs when an application crashes.
Public eventApplicationCreated
Occurs when a new application has been created.
Public eventApplicationInitialized
Occurs when an application has initialized.
Public eventApplicationManifestChanged
Occurs when the RVM notifies an application that the manifest has changed.
Public eventApplicationNotResponding
Occurs when an application is not responding.
Public eventApplicationResponding
Occurs when an application is not responding.
Public eventApplicationRunRequested
Occurs when is called for an already running application.
Public eventApplicationStarted
Occurs when an application has been started.
Public eventApplicationTrayIconClicked
Occurs when the tray icon is clicked.
Public eventExternalApplicationConnected
Occurs when an external application has connected.
Public eventExternalApplicationDisconnected
Occurs when an external application has disconnected.
Public eventIdleStateChanged
Occurs when a user enters or returns from a system idle state.
Public eventWindowAlertRequested
Occurs when a window is requesting to show an alert.
Public eventWindowAuthenticationRequested
Occurs when a window has requested authentication credentials.
Public eventWindowBlurred
Occurs when a window loses its focus.
Public eventWindowClosed
Occurs when the application has closed a window.
Public eventWindowClosing
Occurs when a child window has initiated the closing routine.
Public eventWindowCrashed
Occurs when a window has crashed.
Public eventWindowCreated
Occurs when the application has created a window.
Public eventWindowEmbedded
Occurs when the window has been embedded
Public eventWindowEndLoaded
Occurs when a window ended loading.
Public eventWindowExternalProcessExited
Occurs when the external process has exited.
Public eventWindowExternalProcessStarted
Occurs when the external process has started.
Public eventWindowFileDownloadCompleted
Occurs when a file download has completed.
Public eventWindowFileDownloadProgress
Occurs during file download progress.
Public eventWindowFileDownloadStarted
Occurs when a file download has started.
Public eventWindowFocused
Occurs when a window of the application gains focus.
Public eventWindowFrameDisabled
Occurs when a widnows frame becomes disabled.
Public eventWindowFrameEnabled
Occurs when a window frame becomes enabled
Public eventWindowGroupChanged
Occurs when a window joins/leaves a group and/or when the group a window is a member of changes.
Public eventWindowHidden
Occurs when a window has been hidden.
Public eventWindowInitialized
Occurs when a window is initialized.
Public eventWindowMaximized
Occurs when a window is maximized.
Public eventWindowMinimized
Occurs when a window is minimized.
Public eventWindowNavigationRejected
Occurs when the application main window navigation was rejected.
Public eventWindowNotResponding
Occurs when a window is not responding.
Public eventWindowPreloadScriptsStateChanged
Occurs after the execution of all of a window's preload scripts. Contains information about all window's preload scripts' final states.
Public eventWindowPreloadScriptsStateChanging
Occurs during the execution of a window's preload script. Contains information about a single window's preload script's state, for which the event has been raised.
Public eventWindowReloaded
Occurs when a window was reloaded.
Public eventWindowResponding
Occurs when a window is responding following a not responding event.
Public eventWindowRestored
Occurs when a window is displayed after having been minimized or when a window leaves the maximize state without minimizing.
Public eventWindowShown
Occurs when a hidden window has been shown.
Public eventWindowShowRequested
Occurs when a window is requesting to be shown.
Public eventWindowStartLoad
Occurs when a window started loading.
See Also