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AnalyticsOptionsAnalyticsServices Enumeration

Specifies the services which will be reported by the Openfin analytics

Namespace:  Openfin.Desktop
Assembly:  OpenfinDesktop (in OpenfinDesktop.dll) Version: 17.6.0
public enum AnalyticsServices
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 No configurable events will be reported to Openfin analytics.
ApplicationEvent1 Application start, close, and crash events will be reported to Openfin analytics.
InstallApplication2 Application installation events will be reported to Openfin analytics.
InstallRuntime4 Runtime installation events will be reported to Openfin analytics.
InstallRvm8 RVM installation events will be reported to Openfin analytics.
LaunchApplication16 Application launch events will be reported to Openfin analytics.
UninstallApplication32 Application uninstall events will be reported to Openfin analytics.
UninstallRuntime64 Runtime uninstall events will be reported to Openfin analytics.
All127 All configuratble events will be reported to Openfin analytics.
See Also