RuntimeOptions Properties |
The RuntimeOptions type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AnalyticsOptions |
Advanced settings for application analytics
| |
ApplicationAssets |
Application co-deployed assets
| |
Arguments |
Arguments to be passed to the Runtime
| |
AssetsPath |
Absolute path, relative path, or URL of the root directory containing Runtime assets.
| |
AssetsUrl |
Absolute URL of the root directory containing Runtime assets
| |
ConfigBasePath |
Base path for all the writtable configuration files, rvm.json, null.json
| |
EnableRemoteDevTools |
Enables the chrome remote dev tools
| |
Host |
Requested Runtime defaults to
| |
InstallDialogOptions |
Enables the customization of the install dialog
| |
LicenseKey |
The per-customer or per-contract licensing identifier for the RVM
| |
LocalRVMLocation | Obsolete.
Location of the RVM on this current machine, defaults to embedded RVM, if not found will download.
| |
LrsUrl |
Root URL for the License Relay Server (LRS).
| |
OfflineAccess |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether Offline Applications are supported
| |
Port |
Requested Runtime port number, only used when PortDiscovery is disabled.
| |
PortDiscoveryMode |
Determines Port discovery methods to be used. Defaults to all available.
| |
RemoteDevToolsPort |
Specifies a port for the remote dev tools
| |
RuntimeAssets | Obsolete.
Runtime co-deployed assets
| |
RuntimeConnectOptions |
Advanced settings to configure how the adapter manages and connects to a runtime instance.
| |
RuntimeConnectTimeout |
Duration of time, in milliseconds, to wait for a successful connection to the runtime. Default is 10 seconds.
| |
RvmCacheMode |
Application attributes used to identify the applicaction to the RVM for runtime reference counting
| |
RVMConfigPath | Obsolete.
Relative Path or URL to the RVMConfig, will be ignored if a RVMOptions object is passed.
| |
RVMOptions |
The RVM Options to be used.
| |
SecurityRealm |
Security Realm
| |
Shortcut |
Gets or sets the Shortcut definition to install on the local machine
| |
SplashScreenImagePath |
Gets or sets the absolute path, relative path, or URL of the splash screen image to show during application load.
| |
SplashScreenImageUrl |
Gets the absolute URL of the splash screen image to show during application load as defined by SplashScreenImagePath.
| |
StartupApplicationOptions |
Gets or sets the application options for the application which is created and run when calling ConnectAndRun(Action).
| |
SupportInformation |
Gets or sets the SupportInformation definition to display to users when the RVM experiences errors.
| |
Connection UUID.
| |
Version |
Requested Runtime Version to connect to, defaults to "9.*"