Click or drag to resize

DefaultWindowOptions Class

Experimental : This class defines the default window options.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Openfin.Desktop.PlatformAPI
Assembly:  OpenfinDesktop (in OpenfinDesktop.dll) Version: 17.5.1
public class DefaultWindowOptions : WindowOptions

The DefaultWindowOptions type exposes the following members.

Public methodDefaultWindowOptions
Initializes a new instance of the DefaultWindowOptions class
Public propertyAcceleratorKeys
Gets or sets the options for accelerator keys on the current window
(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyAlwaysOnTop
The AlwaysOnTop property represents a flag to always position the window at the top of the window stack.

Default: false

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyAutoShow
The AutoShow property represents a flag to automatically show the Window when it is created.

Default: false

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyBackgroundColor
Gets or sets the backfill color of the current window. The default is black.
(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyContentNavigationRules
Navigation rules used by this window.

Default: No application rules, Window will be allowed to navigate to any URL.

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyContextMenu
The ContextMenu property represents a flag to show the context menu when right-clicking on a window.

Gives access to the Developer Console for the Window.

Default: false

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyCornerRoundingHeight
The CornerRoundingHeight property represents the rounded corners height to apply.

Default: 0

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyCornerRoundingWidth
The CornerRoundingWidth property represents the rounded corners width to apply.

Default: 0

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyCustomData
Gets or sets custom data for the given Window instance.
(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyCustomRequestHeaders
Defines list of custom request headers for requests sent by the window.
(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyDefaultCentered
The DefaultCentered property specifies that the window will be positioned in the center of the primary monitor when loaded for the first time on a machine.

Default: false

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyDefaultHeight
The DefaultHeight property represents the window's default height in pixels.

Default: 500

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyDefaultLeft
The DefaultLeft property represents the window's default left position.

Default: 100

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyDefaultTop
The DefaultTop property represents the window's default top position.

Default: 100

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyDefaultWidth
The DefaultWidth property represents the window's default width in pixels.

Default: 800

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyFrame
The Frame property represents a flag to show the frame.

Default: true

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyHideOnClose Obsolete.
(Obsolete) The HideOnClose property represents a flag to allow a window to be hidden when the close button is clicked.

Default: false

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyIconPath
Absolute path, relative path, or URL of the icon file to be shown in the window title bar and taskbar. When ommitted, inherits from the parent application.
(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyIconUrl
Absolute URL of the icon file to be shown on the windoe title bar and taskbar, as defined in IconPath
(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyLayout (Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyMaxHeight
The MaxHeight property represents the maximum height of a window.

Will default to the OS defined value if set to -1.

Default: -1

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyMaximizable
The Maximizable property represents a flag that lets the window be maximized.

Default: true

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyMaxWidth
The MaxWidth property represents the maximum width of a window.

Will default to the OS defined value if set to -1.

Default: -1

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyMinHeight
The MinHeight property represents the minimum height of a window.

Default: 0

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyMinimizable
The Minimizable property represents a flag that lets the window be minimized.

Default: true

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyMinWidth
The MinWidth property represents the minimum width of a window.

Default: 0

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyName
The Name property represents the name for the window which must be unique within the context of the invoking Application.

Default: An empty string

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyOpacity
The Opacity property represents a flag that specifies how transparent the window will be.

Default: 1.0

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyPreloadScript Obsolete.
(Deprecated) The preload Javascript file to load automatically after each page navigation.
(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyPreloadScripts
Gets or sets the collection of preload scripts to load automatically after each page navigation.
(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyResizable
The Resizable property represents a flag which allows the user to resize the window.

This property will be deprecated in a future release.

Default: true

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyResizeRegionBottomRightCorner
The ResizeRegionBottomRightCorner property defines an additional square region located at the bottom right corner of a frameless window.

Default: 4

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyResizeRegionSize
The ResizeRegionSize property defines a region in pixels that will respond to user mouse interaction for resizing a frameless window

Default: 2

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertySaveWindowState
The SaveWindowState property defines whether or not a window should maintain a persistent cache of its position/size.

Default: true

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyShadow
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show a shadow on a frameless Window.
(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyShowTaskbarIcon
The ShowTaskbarIcon property represents a flag to show the Window's icon in the taskbar.

Default: false

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertySmallWindow
Determines if window can be smaller than 41x46 px.
(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyState
The State property represents a string that sets the window to be "minimized", "maximized", or "normal" on creation.

Default: "normal"

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyStylesheetUrl
The URL to the stylesheet to style the window.
Public propertyTaskbarIcon Obsolete.
(Obsolete) The TaskbarIcon property represents the URL of an icon to be shown on the desktop.

Support formats: Portable Network Graphic (PNG); Size: 256 x 256

Default: An empty string

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyTaskbarIconGroup
Gets or sets the taskbar group for the window.
(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyURL
The URL property represents the URL of the window.

Default: "about:blank"

(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public propertyWaitForPageLoadToRender
Determines if OpenFin will wait for DomContent Loaded to display the window.
(Inherited from WindowOptions.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodgetJsonCopy
Gets all settings in JObject format.
(Inherited from OptionsEx.)
Public methodGetProperty
Gets the value of specified property by it's name or JSON name. This methond is intended to get experimental, undocumented or unsupported properties. However, using this method with existing public property name or JSON name will also get the value of that property.
(Inherited from OptionsEx.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSetProperty
Sets the value of specified property by it's name or JSON name. This methond is intended to set experimental, undocumented or unsupported properties. However, using this method with existing public property name or JSON name will also set the value of that property.
(Inherited from OptionsEx.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also