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Openfin.Desktop.Messaging Namespace

OpenFin Inter-Application Bus message, subscription, and monitoring classes.
Public classChannelClient
Provides a message client for channel messaging.
Public classChannelConnectedEventArgs
Provides data for an incoming ChannelClient connection event.
Public classChannelConnectOptions
Options provided on a client connection to a channel.
Public classChannelDisconnectedEventArgs
Provides data for an incoming ChannelClient connection event.
Public classChannelEndpoint
Channel endpoint related information for Channels.
Public classChannelProvider
Provides a message channel provider for channel messaging.
Public classMessageBusMessageEventArgsTMessage
Provides data for an InterApplicationBus message event.
Public classMessageBusSubscriptionEventArgs
Provides data for an InterApplicationBus subscription event.
Public classMessageChannel
Base class implementation for channel-based messaging.
Public interfaceIMessageBusSubscription
Defines the interface for an InterApplicationBus subscription.
Public interfaceIMessageBusSubscriptionTMessage
Defines the interface for an InterApplicationBus subscription with a generic message type.
Public interfaceIMessageBusSubscriptionMonitor
Defines the interface for an InterApplicationBus subscription monitor.