Click or drag to resize

WindowEventType Enumeration

Specifies the type of action which raised a window event.

Namespace:  Openfin.Desktop
Assembly:  OpenfinDesktop (in OpenfinDesktop.dll) Version: 17.5.1
public enum WindowEventType
  Member nameValueDescription
Created0 The window was created.
Initialized1 The window was created and has been initialized.
Connected2 The window has connected to the OpenFin runtime.
ShowRequested3 The window is requesting to be shown.
Shown4 The window was shown.
CloseRequested5 The window is requesting to be closed.
Closed6 The window was closed.
Hidden7 The window was hidden.
Maximized8 The window was maximized.
Minimized9 The window was minimized.
Restored10 The window was restored.
Focused11 The window was activated.
Blurred12 The window was deactivated.
BoundsChanged13 Generated after changes in a window's size and/or position.
BoundsChanging14 Generated during changes to a window's size and/or position.
DomContentLoaded15 The window DOM content has loaded.
FrameEnabled16 The window frame was enabled.
FrameDisabled17 The window frame was disabled.
AuthenticationRequested18 The window is requesting authentication credentials.
BeginUserBoundsChanging19 Generated at the beginning of a user-driven change to a window's size or position.
EndUserBoundsChanging20 Generated at the end of a user-driven change to a window's size or position.
NotResponding21 The window is not responding.
Responding22 The window has started responding after not responding.
WindowCreated23 A window was created.
WindowClosed24 A window was closed.
WindowAlertRequested25 A window requested to show an alert box.
WindowNavigationRejected26 A window attempted to navigate to a blacklisted URL.
WindowShowRequested27 A window requested to be shown
WindowAuthenticationRequested28 A window is requesting authentication credentials.
WindowNotResponding29 A window is not responding.
WindowResponding30 A window has started responding after not responding.
ResourceResponseReceived31 Resources for web content received
ResourceLoadFailed32 Resources for web content failed to load.
Crashed33 A window has crashed.
Embedded34 A window was embedded.
ExternalProcessStarted35 An external process waas started.
ExternalProcessExited36 An external process has exited.
NavigationRejected37 Navigation was rejected.
OutOfMemory38 Application ran out of memory.
PreloadScriptsEvaluated39 Preload script status has changed.
PreloadScriptStateChanged40 Preload script status is changing.
Reloaded41 A Windows was reloaded.
FrameConnected42 When the fin API is injected into the frame the event bubbles up to the window
WindowCrashed43 A windows has crashed.
WindowEndLoaded44 A windows content was loaded.
WindowOutOfMemory45 A process ran out of memory.
WindowReloaded46 A windows content was reloaded.
WindowStartLoad47 A windows contet has started loading.
WindowBlurred48 Generated when a window of the application loses focus.
WindowBoundsChanged49 Generated after changes in a window's size and/or position.
WindowBoundsChanging50 Generated during changes to a window's size and/or position.
WindowClosing51 Generated when a child window has initiated the closing routine.
WindowDisabledFrameBoundsChanged52 Generated when the frame is disabled after all prevent user changes in window's size and/or position have completed.
WindowDisabledFrameBoundsChanging53 Generated when the frame is disabled during prevented user changes to a window's size and/or position.
WindowEmbedded54 Generated when a window has been embedded.
WindowExternalProcessExited55 Generated when an external process has exited.
WindowExternalProcessStarted56 Generated when an external process has started.
WindowFileDownloadCompleted57 Generated when a file download has completed.
WindowFileDownloadProgress58 Generated during file download progress.
WindowFileDownloadStarted59 Generated when a file download has started.
WindowFocused60 Generated when a window of the application gains focus.
WindowFrameDisabled61 Generated when a window's frame becomes disabled.
WindowFrameEnabled62 Generated when a window's frame becomes enabled.
WindowGroupChanged63 Generated when a window joins/leaves a group and/or when the group a window is a member of changes.
WindowHidden64 Generated when a window has been hidden.
WindowInitialized65 Generated when a window is initialized.
WindowMaximized66 Generated when a window is maximized.
WindowMinimized67 Generated when a window is minimized.
WindowRestored68 Generated when a window is displayed after having been minimized or when a window leaves the maximize state without minimizing.
WindowShown69 Generated when a hidden window has been shown.
WindowPreloadScriptsStateChanged70 Generated after the execution of all of a window's preload scripts. Contains information about all window's preload scripts' final states.
WindowPreloadScriptsStateChanging71 Generated during the execution of a window's preload script. Contains information about a single window's preload script's state, for which the event has been raised.
PlatformViewAttached72 Generated when a window has a view attached to it.
PlatformViewDetached73 Generated when a window has a view detached from it. Will fire when a view is destroyed in which cast target will be null
LayoutInitialized74 Generated when a window and all of its layout's views have either finished or failed navigation
LayoutReady75 Generated when the window and all of its layout's views have been created and can receive API calls
See Also