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GroupChangedPayload Fields

The WindowGroupChangedPayload type exposes the following members.

Public fieldmemberOf
Which group array the window that the event listener was registered on is included in.
Public fieldname
The name of the window
Public fieldreason
The reason this event was triggered.
Public fieldsourceGroup
All the windows in the group the sourceWindow originated from
Public fieldsourceWindowAppUuid
The UUID of the application the sourceWindow belongs to. The source window is the window in which (merge/join/leave)group(s) was called.
Public fieldsourceWindowName
the name of the sourcewindow. The source window is the window in which (merge/join/leave)group(s) was called.
Public fieldtargetGroup
All the windows in the group the targetWindow originated from.
Public fieldtargetWindowAppUuid
The UUID of the application the targetWindow belongs to. The target window is the window that was passed into (merge/join)group(s).
Public fieldtargetWindowName
The name of the targetWindow. The target window is the window that was passed into (merge/join)group(s)
Public fielduuid
The UUID of the application the window belongs to
See Also