Window Class |
Window objects are available through application.getWindow(). This class can not be instantiated directly.
Namespace: Openfin.Desktop
public sealed class Window : WebContents, IOpenfinEntity, IDisposable
The Window type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Window(Application) | Obsolete.
Window Constructor.
| |
Window(String, String, DesktopConnection) | Obsolete.
Attaches a Window object to an application Window that already exists.
Name | Description | |
Application |
Gets the Application that created the Window.
| |
CanNavigateBack |
Indicates if back navigation is available.
| |
CanNavigateForward |
Indicates if forward navigation is available.
| |
Handle |
Gets the window handle of the OpenFin window
| |
Identity | ||
Name |
Gets the name of the Openfin Window.
| |
Title |
Gets the Title of the Openfin Window.
| |
Url |
Gets the URL of the Openfin Window.
Name | Description | |
addEventListener | Obsolete.
Registers an event listener on the specified event.
| |
adoptWindow |
Reparents the passed HWND with the current AppDesktop window.
| |
animate |
Performs the specified window transitions.
| |
blur |
Removes focus from the window.
| |
BringParentToFront |
Will set the focus on the Parent container, in the case of windows being embeded.
| |
bringToFront |
Brings the window to the front of the window stack.
| |
close |
Closes the window.
| |
disableFrame |
Prevents a user from changing a window's size/position when using the window's frame.
'disabled-frame-bounds-changing' is generated at the start of and during a user move/size operation.
'disabled-frame-bounds-changed' is generated after a user move/size operation.
The events provide the bounds that would have been applied if the frame was enabled.
'frame-enabled' is generated when a disabled frame has becomes enabled.
| |
Dispose |
Disposes the current window reference and unhooks all subscribed events.
| |
embedInto |
Embeds a window in a target hWin
| |
enableFrame |
Re-enables user changes to a window's size/position when using the window's frame.
'disabled-frame-bounds-changing' is generated at the start of and during a user move/size operation.
'disabled-frame-bounds-changed' is generated after a user move/size operation.
The events provide the bounds that would have been applied if the frame was enabled.
'frame-enabled' is generated when a disabled frame has becomes enabled.
| |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
executeJavascript |
Executes JavaScript on the content of the Window
| |
ExecuteJavascriptAsync | (Inherited from WebContents.) | |
FindInPageAsync | (Inherited from WebContents.) | |
flash |
Draws attention to the window by flashing the taskbar and window caption.
This effect continues until explicitly removed by calling stopFlashing | |
focus |
Gives focus to the window.
| |
FocusAsync | (Inherited from WebContents.) | |
getBounds |
Gets the current bounds (top, left, width, height) of the window.
| |
getGroup |
Passes a list of wrapped windows in the same group.
| |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) | |
getName | Obsolete.
Returns the name of the window As registered with the AppDesktop.
| |
getNativeId |
Gets the window's platform specific identifier.
| |
getOptions |
Returns the current options as stored in the desktop.
| |
getParentApplication | Obsolete.
Returns the wrapped application that this window belongs to.
| |
getParentWindow |
Returns the wrapped main window of the application that this window belongs to.
| |
GetPrintersAsync | (Inherited from WebContents.) | |
getSnapshot |
Gets a base64 encoded PNG snapshot of the window.
| |
getState |
Gets the current state ("minimized", "maximized", or "restored") of the window.
| |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
getUuid | Obsolete.
Returns the parent Application's UUID.
| |
GetViewsAsync |
Gets all active platform views for a window.
| |
getZoomLevel |
Gets the current zoom level of the window
| |
GetZoomLevelAsync | (Inherited from WebContents.) | |
hide |
Hides the window.
| |
isShowing |
Determines if the window is currently showing.
| |
joinGroup |
Joins the same window group as the specified window.
| |
leaveGroup |
Leaves the current window group so that the window
can be move independently of those in the group.
| |
maximize |
Maximizes the window.
| |
mergeGroups |
Merges the instance's window group with the same window group as the specified window.
| |
minimize |
Minimizes the window.
| |
moveBy |
Moves the window by a specified amount.
| |
moveTo |
Moves the window to a specified location.
| |
moveToSync |
Moves the window to a specified location. synchronously
| |
navigate |
Navigates the Widnow to the specified address.
| |
NavigateAsync | (Inherited from WebContents.) | |
navigateBack |
Navigates the Widnow to the previous content.
| |
NavigateBackAsync | (Inherited from WebContents.) | |
navigateForward |
Navigates the Widnow to the forward content.
| |
orphanWindow |
Unparents the window identified by HWND and moves it to left, top.
| |
parentWindowMovedCalibration |
In an embedded window scenario, when the parent window moves there is calibration needed.
| |
parentWindowMoveStartCalibration |
In an embedded window scenario, when the parent window starts to move there is calibration needed.
| |
PrintAsync | (Inherited from WebContents.) | |
refresh |
Causes the Window to refresh.
| |
reload |
Reloads the Widnow content.
| |
ReloadAsync | (Inherited from WebContents.) | |
removeEventListener | Obsolete.
Removes a previously registered event listener from the specified event.
The listener is passed an event object containing information related to the event. | |
resizeBy(Int32, Int32, AckCallback, AckCallback) |
Resizes the window by the specified amount with a "top-left" anchor
| |
resizeBy(Int32, Int32, String, AckCallback, AckCallback) |
Resizes the window by the specified amount.
| |
resizeTo(Int32, Int32, AckCallback, AckCallback) |
Resizes the window to the specified dimensions with a "top-left" anchor.
| |
resizeTo(Int32, Int32, String, AckCallback, AckCallback) |
Resizes the window to the specified dimensions.
| |
restore |
Restores the window to its normal state (i.e., unminimized, unmaximized).
| |
setAsForeground |
Set's the window as the foreground window.
The window is activated(focused) and brought to front. | |
setBounds |
Set's the bounds (top, left, width, height) of the window.
| |
setZoomLevel |
Sets the zoom level of the window
| |
show |
Shows the window if it is hidden.
| |
showAt |
Shows the window if it is hidden at the specified location.
If the toggle parameter is set to true, the window will alternate between showing and hiding. | |
showDeveloperTools |
Shows window's developer tools.
| |
ShowDeveloperToolsAsync | (Inherited from WebContents.) | |
StopFindInPageAsync | (Inherited from WebContents.) | |
stopFlashing |
Removes a flashing taskbar/window caption effect if present.
| |
StopNavigationAsync | (Inherited from WebContents.) | |
stopWindowNavigation |
Stops currently loading Widnow content.
| |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
updateOptions |
Changes a window's options that were defined upon creation.
| |
wrap | Obsolete.
Attaches a Window object to an application Window that already exists.
Name | Description | |
AuthenticationRequested |
Occurs when the window has requested authentication credentials.
| |
Blurred |
Occurs when the window loses focus and is no longer active.
| |
Closed |
Occurs when the window has been closed.
| |
CloseRequested |
Occurs when a window is requesting to be closed.
| |
Connected |
Occurs when the window has connected to the OpenFin runtime.
| |
Crashed |
Occurs when the window has creashed.
| |
DOMContentLoaded |
Occurs when the window DOM content has loaded.
| |
Embedded |
Occurs when the window was embedded.
| |
ExternalProcessExited |
Occurs when the external prcess has exited.
| |
ExternalProcessStarted |
Occurs when the external prcess was started.
| |
Focused |
Occurs when the window is activated or received focus.
| |
FrameDisabled |
Occurs when the window frame is disabled.
| |
FrameEnabled |
Occurs when the window frame is enabled.
| |
Hidden |
Occurs when the window is hidden.
| |
Initialized |
Occurs when the window has been initialized.
| |
LoadFailed |
Occurs when the window has failed to load a requested resource.
| |
Maximized |
Occurs when the window is maximized.
| |
Minimized |
Occurs when the window is minimized.
| |
NavigationRejected |
Occurs when navigation was rejected.
| |
NotResponding |
Occurs when the window is not responding.
| |
OutOfMemory |
Occurs when the process ran out of memory.
| |
PlatformLayoutInitialized |
Occurs when the window and all of its layout's views have either finished or failed navigation.
| |
PlatformLayoutReady |
Occurs when the window when the window and all of its layout's views have been created and can receive API calls.
| |
PreloadScriptsEvaluated |
Occurs when the Runtime has attempted to evaluate all preload scripts for the window.
| |
PreloadScriptStateChanged |
Occurs when a preload script has changed state.
| |
Reloaded |
Occurs when the window has been reloaded.
| |
Responding |
Occurs when the window is responding following a not responding event.
| |
ResponseReceived |
Occurs when the window has received an HTTP resource response.
| |
Restored |
Occurs when the window is restored.
| |
Shown |
Occurs when the window is shown.
| |
ShowRequested |
Occurs when a window is requesting to be shown.
| |
ViewAttached |
Occurs when a window has a view attached to it.