{ "setFileDownloadLocation": "Set file location for auto-download", "downloadAsset":"Download remote files ", "launchExternalProcess":"Launch external processes", "readRegistryValue":"Read from the registry", "terminateExternalProcess":"End external processes", "getAllExternalWindows":"Get information about other apps' windows", "wrap":"Get information about another app's window", "audio":"Access system audio", "clipboard-read":"Read the clipboard", "clipboard-write":"Write to the clipboard", "clipboard-sanitized-write":"Write to the clipboard", "video":"Play videos", "geolocation":"Access location data", "notifications":"Send system notifications", "midiSysex":"Use hardware-specific audio functions", "pointerLock":"Modify how the mouse works", "fullscreen":"Run in full screen mode", "openExternal":"Open links in external applications", "enableNativeWindowIntegrationProvider": "Save and restore external application windows", "openUrlWithBrowser":"Open the default web browser", "getFileDownloadLocation": "Get file location for auto-download", "setDomainSettings": "Set file download permissions", "getOSInfo": "Get information about the OS and the currently logged in user" }