Gets basic window information.
The response is packaged in a windowInfo object, which looks something like this:
url: '...', // properly formatted Uniform Resource Locator
title: '...', // page title appearing in title bar of window
canNavigateForward: false, // indicates if window history can navigate forward one page
canNavigateBack: false, // indicates if window history can navigate back one page
preloadState: [{ // preload scripts' final states
url: '...', // preload script's URL
state: 'load-failed'| // failed to load the script file
'load-succeeded'| // preload script's content is loaded and ready to be eval'ed
'failed'| // preload script failed to eval
'succeeded' // preload script eval'ed successfully
var finWindow = fin.desktop.Window.getCurrent();
finWindow.getInfo(info => {
console.log('Window URL: ', info.url);
console.log('Window title: ', info.title);