Tutorial: application.setTrayIcon


Adds a customizable icon in the system tray and notifies the application when clicked.


var application = fin.desktop.Application.getCurrent();

application.setTrayIcon("https://developer.openf.in/download/openfin.png", function (clickInfo) {
    console.log("The mouse has clicked at (" + clickInfo.x + "," + clickInfo.y + ")");

Click info

//This response has the following shape:
  button: 40, //the mouse button clicked
              //0 - left
              //1 - middle
              //2 - right
  monitorInfo: {}, //Please see fin.desktop.System.getMonitorInfo for more information,
  x: 40, //the left position of the mouse in virtual screen coordinates,
  y: 40, //the top position of the mouse in virtual screen coordinates