Tutorial: layoutStyles


Useful Layout CSS Classes

When using a custom CSS file to modify a Layout's appearance, one can extend and/or overwrite the internal CSS classes used by the Layout to achieve a customized Layout look & feel.

The following is a quick rundown of the main CSS classes used by the Layout components:

The top-level container of all other containers.

Represents a row of layout containers.

Represents a column of layout containers.

Represents a pile of tabs stacked on top of each other. Contains .lm_header and .lm_items

Represents the navigation portion of the stack. Contains lm_tabs, lm_controls and lm_tabdropdown_list.

A parent element containing all non-dropdown .lm_tab elements in the current stack.

Contains the tab title and buttons.

.lm_controls - Currently unused.

A parent element containing all dropdown .lm_tab elements in the current stack.

A parent element containing all .lm_item_container elements in the stack.

A placeholder div on top of which Views (apps) are drawn. Will show an error message if a View fails to render.